no photo
Thu 11/23/06 12:42 AM
bleh go ahead my full name LOL allllll of my name....Jennifer Louise
Walks With Wind

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 11/23/06 12:46 AM
ok just let me finish my coffee.lmao

no photo
Thu 11/23/06 12:48 AM
pokes u

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 11/23/06 12:49 AM
its funny but i was really just mking a comment on how the discussion
was turning into a pissing contest and it just got to be funny lol

no photo
Thu 11/23/06 12:51 AM
but peeing is fun...and feels SO good, especially when u get that chill
up your spine when you pee outside on a cold winter day.

no photo
Thu 11/23/06 12:53 AM
heh I don't pee outside thats gross

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 11/23/06 12:54 AM
ever pee on an electric fence it quite shocking.

no photo
Thu 11/23/06 12:58 AM
I'm sure it is

no photo
Thu 11/23/06 01:07 AM
<<lions>>, u are truly a wordsmith

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 11/23/06 01:09 AM
is that sarchaism i hear? i sure hope so.

no photo
Thu 11/23/06 01:10 AM
<<lions>> i take it back, u r a very bad i believe u
meant to say sarcasm....and no it was a TRUE compliment.

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 11/23/06 01:17 AM
yeah i am a bad speller ..thanks for the compliment tho.usaully i just
type what ever crap comes into my head at any givin time so dont pay to
much attention to it.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 11/23/06 08:09 AM
here's another word for's called STEREOTYPING.
Lunatic, you are basing your generalizations strictly by what YOU have
experienced. The less you experience, the more limited your
generalizations are.
Let's use a hypothetical example. Let's say that all the latinos I've
met in person were loud, foul-mouthed and bred like rabbits. Would it be
fair for me to assume ALL latinos are like that? No, of course not.
What you said about women in "general" would be considered rascist if
you had said the same thing about a particular race.

escapedlunatic's photo
Thu 11/23/06 08:19 AM
Wow still bashing my friends?
C'mon man be nice....... it's thanksgiving.

TheShadow's photo
Thu 11/23/06 08:23 AM
Sorry Latinl, what you are telling me is that you have no experience.
You seem to want to put you self out above everyone else. And the fact
is you know different then anyone on this site RIGHT NOW. You can read
all you want. But until you have gone through any of what you are
talking about. Then what you are say righ now is that you are talking
out the side of your neck. So you just keep reading and IL live life.

no photo
Thu 11/23/06 08:30 AM
I bow to you PA, very good analogy..hear.hear!

I am trully a nice guy, 'period'!

And I have always made that work!!

Do I feel that being nice has cost me ladies, not really.

My nice has made more, than I could ever lose..

And texs, I really appreciate your nice and heart-felt post!

You are a lady who trully needs to 'have' a nice man!!!!

and, god will help you find him, or he finds you!!!

michael1313's photo
Thu 11/23/06 08:30 AM
feels to me that Ms. TXSGAL was looking into my lonely soul on this
Thank You...TXSGAL....Thank You....M.

escapedlunatic's photo
Thu 11/23/06 08:33 AM
If me being a "nice guy" turns you away then I'm glad because your
probably the kind that would take advantage of it. I am nice...but never
mistake that for weakness...thats one thing I'm not. I dont treat other
poeple badly...and I don't allow other poeple to treat me that way

no photo
Thu 11/23/06 10:16 AM

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 11/23/06 11:59 AM
I know what you guys mean, I'm a nice guy and certainly didn't suffer a
shortage of female companionship lol
The problem with a lot of men is, they don't realize it's the little
every day things you do for yer lady that shows how much you love 'em.
How many married women are out there that may not have a job but yet
never seem to have a day off, while the husband enjoys HIS time off on
the weekends?
Ladies? are the holidays REALLY a holiday for you? Or is it just a time
of even MORE work than the rest of the year?
I remember Christmases at my house. My old man would enjoy his holidays
while my mom worked harder than the rest of the year. He wouldn't even
go shopping. He'd just hand my mom the money and tell her to do it for
him. Oh wait, he did ONE thing, he made the gravy for the turkey.
I've seen and heard of too many households where this is the case. Too
many men figuring that running and maintaining a household isn't work!!!
Too many men that figure once the weekend rolls around, their work is
done til Monday, not for the women tho. Not all of us are guilty of that
mind you, but too many are.