Topic: Pantheism
Brian's photo
Sun 09/12/21 09:58 PM
I was a Pantheist long before I even knew it was a concept. Because I thought I stumbled upon a revolutionary type of faith, I ended up embarrassing myself when someone showed me a Youtube video of a guy who went through the same thing I was in regard to this type of spirituality.

To be quite clear, even though I do believe in God, I do not believe in the supernatural. Instead of God being a creator, I believe God is existence itself. Richard Dawson, a well renowned Atheist calls Pantheists "Sexed up Atheists". It's a fair statement to make considering I threw away the bells and whistles of conventional religions, such as Heaven, Hell, supernatural miracles, etc.

However, I do believe in a spirit of some sort, as well as reincarnation. I also believe in the multiverse system. I put all of these things together in order to formulate a faith that makes sense to me.