Topic: THE DAM GAME......... - part 6 | |
Well DAmn ,, there has been a change of plans ,, I will not be driving up to see Laci this friday ,,, I'll already be there thursday!
dammmmm it's good to be home.
Well DAmn ,, there has been a change of plans ,, I will not be driving up to see Laci this friday ,,, I'll already be there thursday! Yea!! |
Grey ? Cindy ? Rose ? Laci ?
Hello ... hello ,, H E L L O O O O OOO DAmn ,, Alone again |
Hi, Damn I'm beat.
Why are you so damn beat Yankee??
All right , WHO Left the window open ,,, that damn bird done flew in here holding a delflated blow up !
SEE...Just when you thought things couldn't get any damn I am..
damn work!
damn I have 90 post.
damn work gat ya beat down yankee ?
DAmn bird ,,, pooped in the floor again and the cat stepped in it ,,,, DAMN ,, OC wipe your feet ! |
damn I have 90 post. nope ,, 91 damn post ! |
When ya gotta go...ya gotta go...Tommy
Yankee, what kind of damn work do you do that gets you so beat?? |
DAMN Clancy ,, did you see this ? :::::::
Well DAmn ,, there has been a change of plans ,, I will not be driving up to see Laci this friday ,,, I'll already be there thursday! |
OC's tracking that damn stuff everywhere!!!
I'm a cook, damn it! Damn breakfast and .....damn lunch all in one damn day.
DAMN Bird , DAmn Cat ,, damn poop ! ,,,, DAMN !