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Topic: THE DAM GAME......... - part 6
flyankee07's photo
Sun 12/30/07 04:59 PM
Damn it's 8 o'clock already!sad

lacileo1's photo
Sun 12/30/07 04:59 PM
Hey cuppy doin damn good now eatin some peanutbutter-chocolate cheese cake leftover from Xmas.

Have a damn drink will make ya feel betterdrinker

cuppy59's photo
Sun 12/30/07 04:59 PM
Damn Tommy and Lacey sittin in a damn garden, I hope.

cuppy59's photo
Sun 12/30/07 05:00 PM
Damn I am way ahead of you. Seagrams in front of me and damn it makes me feel gooooooodddd.

flyankee07's photo
Sun 12/30/07 05:00 PM
where do u get those damn pictures from?

cuppy59's photo
Sun 12/30/07 05:01 PM

Hey cuppy doin damn good now eatin some peanutbutter-chocolate cheese cake leftover from Xmas.

Have a damn drink will make ya feel betterdrinker
It's gonna be a damn good night new years eve. Alone or not damn it.

cuppy59's photo
Sun 12/30/07 05:02 PM

where do u get those damn pictures from?
who you takin to yankee, damn it, we all have damn pictures. Probably that damn laci. She shops around and has time on her damn hands.

Lôôking4U's photo
Sun 12/30/07 05:03 PM
DAmn cuppy ,, Laci and I will be right here to bring in the new year drinker

lacileo1's photo
Sun 12/30/07 05:03 PM

where do u get those damn pictures from?

Which damn pics ya talkin about.....I got a million of em

lacileo1's photo
Sun 12/30/07 05:04 PM

Hey cuppy doin damn good now eatin some peanutbutter-chocolate cheese cake leftover from Xmas.

Have a damn drink will make ya feel betterdrinker
It's gonna be a damn good night new years eve. Alone or not damn it.

Join us here damn....we aren't meeting til after New Years so we will keep ya company

Lôôking4U's photo
Sun 12/30/07 05:04 PM
I make my own damn pics ,,,

lacileo1's photo
Sun 12/30/07 05:05 PM

I make my own damn pics ,,,

yes he does and makes some of mine too DAMN

Lôôking4U's photo
Sun 12/30/07 05:05 PM
Edited by Lôôking4U on Sun 12/30/07 05:06 PM
(ppsssst,,, Laci is eating pie and not sharing)

DAMN ,, wish I had some pie !

cuppy59's photo
Sun 12/30/07 05:06 PM
Damn Tommy, my new year starts way before yours, damn it, I'll be prowlin by that damn time. Or should I say, crawlin damn it.

cuppy59's photo
Sun 12/30/07 05:07 PM
I love those damn Peanut butter on anything. Damn I wouldn't share. I fall asleep with that damn sh-t on my clothes at night.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Lôôking4U's photo
Sun 12/30/07 05:08 PM

Damn Tommy, my new year starts way before yours, damn it, I'll be prowlin by that damn time. Or should I say, crawlin damn it.

Damn ,, just hold on to the floor till it's midnight here cuppy !

Lôôking4U's photo
Sun 12/30/07 05:10 PM
ok damn it ,, gonna go take a shower,, no flushing ,,,

lacileo1's photo
Sun 12/30/07 05:11 PM

I love those damn Peanut butter on anything. Damn I wouldn't share. I fall asleep with that damn sh-t on my clothes at night.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Tommy loves damn peanutbutter too.....think I'll take some for our meeting.....oooops did I say that out loud....DAMNblushing blushing blushing blushing blushing

Lôôking4U's photo
Sun 12/30/07 05:14 PM
Don't worry bout the damn peanut butter thing baby ,, I've already packed it

lacileo1's photo
Sun 12/30/07 05:16 PM

Don't worry bout the damn peanut butter thing baby ,, I've already packed it

Damn babe you think of everything....guess that's why I love ya:heart:

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