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Topic: Aliens
no photo
Tue 12/25/07 07:04 PM
do any of you believe in aliens

quarrrylife's photo
Tue 12/25/07 07:05 PM
yes, my ex was one !

coco56's photo
Tue 12/25/07 07:06 PM

yes, my ex was one !

laugh laugh laugh laugh

azrae1l's photo
Tue 12/25/07 07:08 PM
not sure i believe in aliens who visit earth, but just looking at the laws of probability then it's easy to see how life on other planets exists. i doubt any would be here, if i was an alien i'd be off at some intergalactic whore house/bar or something partying.....

anthsm22's photo
Tue 12/25/07 07:09 PM
that was too ex always said she would volunteer to be abducted for sexual experimentsnoway who knows...maybe thats who she cheated on me with???!!!!laugh laugh laugh

lulu24's photo
Tue 12/25/07 07:10 PM
i think it would be sheer hubris to believe that out of alllll the planets and galaxies...we're the only one with intelligent life.

no photo
Tue 12/25/07 07:11 PM
Yes,My daughter is one!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

anthsm22's photo
Tue 12/25/07 07:11 PM
yeah.....we are the "intelligent" lifegrumble

ErosJr's photo
Tue 12/25/07 07:14 PM

You have to me more specific. If you mean green guys with ray guns, or alien vs predator...No.
If you mean thing outside out understanding or experience, sure. There are millions of insects unclassified...Sub-atomic particles, plants...
There's lots of stuff still undiscovered.

So far, though we haven't found any traces of extra-terestral life, or at least none that uses electro-magnetic based technology, like radio or T.V. We can detect a 20 watt lightbulb a half a million light years away, but, as of yet, no intelligent signals.
That's pretty hard evidence that we're alone.

But, who knows?

anthsm22's photo
Tue 12/25/07 07:17 PM
No offense eros, but your watching toooo much discovery chanel. You have to watch CSPAN to get the truth of the gov. cover up...laugh laugh laugh

anthsm22's photo
Tue 12/25/07 07:18 PM
"Its a conspiracy I tell ya.....a conspiracy"

ErosJr's photo
Fri 01/04/08 01:58 PM
Well...The FIRST rule of the military, or government is:

But, as for the men in black, or Roswell...
You probably don't want to know.

Then you'd disappear too.

EveningKiss's photo
Fri 01/04/08 02:01 PM
If you ever dicected my RL Name you would see i AM an alien!

trueokie2's photo
Fri 01/04/08 02:04 PM
Yes, I do believe in Aliens cuz they live next door... laugh laugh :wink:

EveningKiss's photo
Fri 01/04/08 02:09 PM

Yes, I do believe in Aliens cuz they live next door... laugh laugh :wink:

I didnt know i was your neighbor

uk1971's photo
Fri 01/04/08 02:14 PM
My ex came from the planet 'Cheat' and went boldly where no other non alien would normally go.

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 02:18 PM
consideing the fact that they have discovered more galaxies i would have to contend that there is a strong probability that there are other life forms beyond our galaxy whether they are as we depict them remains to be seen ..i just hope that they're more intelligent

musclehd's photo
Fri 01/04/08 02:28 PM
Yo, sometimes the road to the truth is, so elusive it's confusin
And reality becomes illusion
If I showed the masses where we was at or where we was goin
I'd shatter the social balance of the world as we know it
I'm talkin bout the grand deception, of 1947
When our souls were sold to the heavens
for technologically advanced weapons
Crystal enhanced, brain implants, and mind control methods
MJ-12 is not majestic
And the focal point of our problems on this planet are not domestic
You can accept it or be stupid and be a skeptic
and fail to recognize the secret society's deathwish
Ninety-seven percent of our Presidents were Masons
Responsible for launderin trillions of dollars from the nation
for the construction of underground military installations
Abductions and cattle mutilations
Experiments on human patients
can take place in several subterranean bases
A hundred and fifty stories below a basement
With knowledge of genetic information, you need to fear science not Satan
Cause through the manipulation of certain biological agents
they create strange creations
Top secret special operations
Low frequency sounds and lasers, people like Carl Sagan
that didn't believe in the Drake equation
were tryin to keep Western civilization on the need-to-know basis
Well you need to know that this is a game
and we're bein betrayed and played in the worst way

Yo, the holy script from Genesis 1-26
says, "Let us make man in our image under our likeness"
First of all who's THEY? You see if God
was truly a single entity that's not what he would say
We as the Elohim, Gods and Goddesses
posess a marvelously monsterous subconscious
Lifeforms that speak, in very high pitched sounds and squeaks
Short staccato clicks and beeps
A highly advanced form of speech
Even though to us it seems like they only chatterin they teeth
They used to swim deep in the oceans beneath
Til they fins transformed into limbs and they started to creep
Then they evolved into mammals with feet
And walked right from the shorelines onto the beach
They used gravity, cause it's actually the only force around
that could slow time and the speed of light down
The energy grid network, opened the gateway from Earth
to any point in the universe
Livin organisms and various, geomagnetic gravitational, anomaly areas
Space expedition teams in the lunar regions
reported seein, decapyramids and tetrahedrons
Liquid filled shoes, is what they used
to walk across the moon without leavin a clue
of where they been for the past twenty-three billion years
Before life on the surface even appeared
I hope you become aware what I'm spittin in your ear
was intended to stimulate your left-brain's hemisphere
I know it sounds weird, all these mother****in answers
and questions to the grand deception

laugh laugh laugh laugh

drummerjosh's photo
Fri 01/04/08 02:43 PM
take me to your leader laugh

DebbieJT's photo
Fri 01/04/08 02:46 PM
nah and even if there was they wouldnt come here

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