Topic: Rate me please
Clyde's photo
Mon 11/16/20 05:51 AM
I am a very good listener and I love you if you love me, so I give back what you give to me back...I love you, yes you

Poetrywriter's photo
Mon 11/16/20 07:20 AM
Your profile needs work. You need to fill in your interests and write a more informative write up. A photo with an attempt of a smile would help also.

no photo
Mon 11/16/20 10:21 AM
How can you love someone you have never met or knew existed??

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 11/16/20 01:57 PM

How can you love someone you have never met or knew existed??

Yes, also sounds very conditional: I'll love you IF you love me. I'll give you what you give me.
Not the kind of thing I'm looking for. I'm looking for love, and not conditional.

Wishing the OP good luck nonetheless.

Clyde's photo
Wed 11/18/20 05:23 PM
Thanks all I think I will work on all that has been mentioned here and hey @Crystal is not conditional, was only trying to send a message to someone. Thank you all once again

Clyde's photo
Wed 11/18/20 05:24 PM
Yes you can @Terry

How can you love someone you have never met or knew existed??

Clyde's photo
Wed 11/18/20 05:25 PM
Thank you so much, I will do something about it now, I really appreciate

Your profile needs work. You need to fill in your interests and write a more informative write up. A photo with an attempt of a smile would help also.