Topic: Arizona Ladies
Desertfox1962's photo
Sun 12/23/07 11:40 AM
Come out Ladies! Where are all the AZ Ladies?

Desertfox1962's photo
Thu 12/27/07 11:42 PM
I guess there aren't any

Calypso's photo
Wed 01/02/08 01:09 PM
Well, I know for sure there's women in Arizona. I have seen them when out shopping. LOL As for women on this site, yeah they're there too.
But often the guys complain that women dont initiate contact or dont have the decency to reply to contact from them..whether interested or not. Don't know why exactly.

But I might be able to make an educated guess. Those who have been hurt before will be too on guard and cautious and therefore never take a risk..even to chat on line cus that means to them, they are putting themselves in a vulnerable spot.

Or, it could be that a gal doesnt feel she can rely on her ability to sense a sincere, trustworthy guy or be able to tell if he would be the best match for her. And when unsure of ability to read another person well...that can be the biggest obstacle any person...guy or gal needs to get past.

I for one am pretty sure of my ability to read other people. Most cannot keep up a fake front for too takes too much energy. Body language, and speech (too much negative talk)are a few signs I look for. Its amazing what some guys write in their profiles too. I feel more optimistic about chatting with a guy who has a well written profile that provides enough info for me to get a slight glimpse of his personality. So when a guy writes me, before I answer, I check his profile. IF he starts off with two or three really negative sentences about his situation...thats a killer. I still politely answer but say not interested.

So you see, there can be many factors as to why women dont write to men. Maybe what I have shared will give you some hope.
Since I know what I am looking for and will not settle for less...if there isnt enough info..I try to get a guy to talk and share a bit more to see if he has the qualities I am looking for. My profile is very in depth and I make a point of saying what things are very important to me. So despite that fact that they are not what I am looking for according to what I write on the few sites i belong to...they still write because what I wrote and how I present myself seems to stand out far beyond whatever else they see on these sites. Not that there arent other good possibilities..perhaps they dont have impressive profiles or havent put their best photos in.
