Topic: I have a really tought question i need help with
Donnar's photo
Sat 12/22/07 10:56 PM
Edited by Donnar on Sat 12/22/07 11:00 PM
I would back track with social services and say she was confused and the father is not her half brother, but was adopted by her father. Then stick to that. Never tell social services anything unless they ask and then think about it! They don't need to know everything!! Does she want child support or trouble with the law? Tough one!!
Oh! If she's still pregnant, she should say she doesn't know who the father is. Hope the baby is healthy and well.

no photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:00 PM
If the child hasn't been born then why is the issue of the father even being brought up ?
A father doesn't have to be listed on the birth certificate .
As far as I can tell since she is an unmarried mother the child would have to be legitimized w/a paternity test to even put a father down .
So she should say she doesn't know ??

State enforced child support would be out the window I guess but that would be the price she will have to pay for her mistake .

azrae1l's photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:04 PM
ok i have 1 last input on this one since i'm going threw the fatherhood thing anyway.

even if she writes a father in on the birth certificate it means nothing unless their married or it's petitioned in court. there is no law that says the person listed as the father is actually the father nor is there any thing that says he has to be named.

Katie1986's photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:06 PM
well wouldnt they find it odd if she changes the answer of who the father is? And the baby is completely healthy. she is having any and all tests done to find out everything.

azrae1l's photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:08 PM
incest doesn't lead to birth defects for a few generations of it.

Donnar's photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:10 PM
she should just say she was confused and he is NOT her half brother after all or go with the "not sure who the father is".
Who cares if they think its odd? Raging hormones and all that!!

Katie1986's photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:17 PM
well, I tell her but she told them she was living with him prier to the back up and conceiced the baby during that time but if i tell her to say yes she was living with him but ended up remebering that she was sleeping with someone else and not him at that time then that should be ok but what if when they are getting her fathers death certificate they look and see that they are related and mess that all up?

Donnar's photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:23 PM
offspring are not listed on the death certificate.

Katie1986's photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:28 PM
alright, thanks
she is just so scared of losing the baby and i just dont know what to tell her. She new she could loss the baby in some states and go to jail she just didnt know what states and thought she screwed everything up.

Desi1's photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:32 PM

well wouldnt they find it odd if she changes the answer of who the father is? And the baby is completely healthy. she is having any and all tests done to find out everything.
for 1 thing wen she found out she was carrying his baby she should have had an abortion, not to be rude or uncaring but i am a nurse her baby could be born with birth defacts an lots of them thats to much blood there unlike if it was a cousin 1st or second the blood is thin but same father i wouldnt want to bring a child into the world like that, thats not caring to much for the child, an by alot of you telling him to tell her to say the father is this and that wen she have that said child what if the child is very ill and need some blood or something more serious but the mother isnt a match, she done said that the brother isnt related isnt the babies father, she going to have to tell the truth in order to save her child so she just better deal with her mistake head on thats best for the child that she wanted to keep, thats the price she must pay alot of bad thing happens to people that dont mean that you jump into bed with some1 you dont really know, her bad choice now done cause her a life time......Desi

no photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:34 PM
Hmmmmmmmmm ewwwwwwwww ewwwwwwwwwww RH factor even worse ewwwwwww.....the kid turns into one of those retarded siamese cats with 2 different coloured eyes.....noway noway noway noway

Sat 12/22/07 11:36 PM
Hang on I need to tune my banjo before I can answer this.

Jtevans's photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:40 PM

Hmmmmmmmmm ewwwwwwwww ewwwwwwwwwww RH factor even worse ewwwwwww.....the kid turns into one of those retarded siamese cats with 2 different coloured eyes.....noway noway noway noway

i'm sorry people but....

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:42 PM
hahaaaaaaaaaaaaa you caught that one eh??laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Sat 12/22/07 11:43 PM

Jtevans's photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:45 PM

hahaaaaaaaaaaaaa you caught that one eh??laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

i've just got a sick sense of humor :tongue: laugh laugh laugh

Katie1986's photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:47 PM
well the mother and father have the same blood type. but she couldnt get the abortion. she thought about it but could not bring her self to walk down and get it. she dont beleive in them and believes every baby is born for a reason. she is keeping a close on on the baby to find out if there is any problems with it but so far the baby is completly healthy and normal( as in no birth defects)

Desi1's photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:49 PM

alright, thanks
she is just so scared of losing the baby and i just dont know what to tell her. She new she could loss the baby in some states and go to jail she just didnt know what states and thought she screwed everything up.
i dont feel sorry for her i feel for that child, the babies life is ****'d up and its not even her yet man i dont even know her n dont like her i dont believe in abortion but in that case i yes an if it was rape i say yes to that to how far along is she,....katie?

Donnar's photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:53 PM
I'm a nurse too. I am not happy to meet another nurse with an attitude like yours. We were taught not to judge. God knows what He is doing. Let it be!

Katie1986's photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:55 PM
she is 18 weeks and a good person she just made a mistake