Topic: Is this guy a jerk or what?
Drew07_2's photo
Sat 12/22/07 06:20 PM
He yelled at you for 20 minutes and then hung up? Someone yelling at me would have gotten about ten seconds and then heard a click. Yes, he's a world-class moron, but don't let people dictate how long they are going to yell at you.......teach them how to treat you better, and good luck.


Enya's photo
Sat 12/22/07 07:54 PM
Edited by Enya on Sat 12/22/07 08:18 PM

CI1180's photo
Sat 12/22/07 07:56 PM
Big jerk! You should never call somebody that. In time, you will find someone who is not like that.

seahawks's photo
Sat 12/22/07 07:58 PM

I have been talking to a guy online and phone for close to 3 months. We were supposed to meet Saturday before New Years and spend New Years together. As of today he called me mentally retarded because the other night on the phone I wasn't really talking just kinda doing uhhhh. I was at work all week with no day off and tired. I am hard of hearing and don't do well on the phone, and when I am tired my hearing is even worse.
So when he said something I didn't understand I said uhhhhh trying to figure it out. For close to 20 minutes he kept calling me retarded and screaming in my ear. When I said all he does is mumble when he has been drinking he said "Don't try and turn the tables on me because you are retarded and I don't do that when I drink." Then he hung up on me.
So is this his way of saying I don't want to meet you or is he really just a 100% jerk.
well he's a ass and rnt ya glad ya found out now.!!! whatta idiot.!!!

MicheleNC's photo
Sat 12/22/07 09:55 PM
This man is beyond jerk. He is many expletives that I cannot write as to not bother the moderators.

As said earlier, you dodged a bullet with ths one. Better to find out now and hang with real friends on New Year's Eve than with him.

After all this time of talkig and emailing, I'm sure he knew that you are hearing impaired and work long hours. If there is no understanding, heck with him.

And to call you retarded? And ask for Mom's number to ask her. That is beyond the line. Whatever excuses he comes up with, end all contact with this ____ (insert your own expletive here).

Hang in there. You deserve so much better. Hugs, M

Nickinolosers's photo
Sat 12/22/07 10:09 PM

he's a jerk

Mimx's photo
Sun 12/23/07 12:36 AM
Jerk doesn't quite cover this one. Im gonna go for the psycho label.

no photo
Sun 12/23/07 01:53 AM
Ok this is a no brainer!!! Anyone who calls you retarded doesnt deserve a date, much less be involved with anyone.......tell him to go tell his drink its retarded for awhile......maybe it will kick him in the azzzzzzzzzz!!!grumble explode :angry: mad

no photo
Sun 12/23/07 06:19 AM
wow...he actually said/did all that? that's quite a shock.

he aint a jerk

he's just got some deep...deep...deeeeeep issues

he's a mental case and you would not be happy with this guy unless you're into that kinky masochism kinda stuff

so yeah... cut off communication with him altogether.

babieblues15's photo
Sun 12/23/07 07:29 AM
I agree with everyone else. I would not have allowed him to call me any names. I have went through that before, that just shows his mentallity for being 2 years old and having to call people names.

I usually stay home on New Years. I know sometimes it is a drag but in my area they are cracking down on drinking and having road blocks setup it just isn't worth it anymore.

IHateThisPart's photo
Sun 12/23/07 08:08 AM

** he called me mentally retarded **

For close to 20 minutes
** he kept calling me retarded and screaming in my ear.**

** he has been drinking**
he said "Don't try and turn the tables on me because you are retarded and I don't do that when I drink." Then he
**hung up on me.**

So is this his way of saying I don't want to meet you
**or is he really just **
a 100% jerk.

The signs are all there. He is an abuser and the best way to handle him is to never talk to him again. Don't give him an in, walk away, you are better off.
The question I have for you to ask yourself is "Why did you feel that you had to tolerate that?" and "Why do you question yourself about his behavior towards you?" Sometimes being alone is a hell of a lot better then being with someone.
Take this time to analyze yourself and your self worth. Learn to be more assertive and set boundries.
Good luck to you.

no photo
Sun 12/23/07 09:12 AM
Edited by knoxman on Sun 12/23/07 09:13 AM
Pixiestyxflowerforyou ;

Consider this a great thing.

Why? Simple.

It's wonderful that you found out about this classless ass before things went any farther.

From reading your posts, and viewing your profile, I can tell you're a very nice, attractive, caring lady who can--and will--do FAR better than that piece of drunken gutter slime.

Best of luck to you, Pixieflowerforyou . You deserve it.:smile:

P.S.: like I said, I've read several of your posts. He's an idiot--you're a VERY intellegent ladyflowerforyou :heart: .

stevex86's photo
Sun 12/23/07 09:20 AM
What an ass! explode

creationsfire's photo
Sun 12/23/07 09:28 AM
Been there done that Hon. Ditch him , and fast. I once talked with a guy, and was already to go meet him(he lived in Colorado) adn then we started talking for extended lenths of time. He drank towards the end of most of the convo's and would change right away. Yelling, calling me a man hater, etc....dropped him like he was a hot coal.! I suggest you do the same. Alcoholics can be some of the sweetest people and if they are getting help, fine, but obviously this guy wasn't and the guy I was talking to wasn't either. NO WAY! Ditch him!

buttons's photo
Sun 12/23/07 09:34 AM
why would u care? i know i would not want to meet anyone like that!flowerforyou u deserve much much more!

buttons's photo
Sun 12/23/07 09:35 AM

** he called me mentally retarded **

For close to 20 minutes
** he kept calling me retarded and screaming in my ear.**

** he has been drinking**
he said "Don't try and turn the tables on me because you are retarded and I don't do that when I drink." Then he
**hung up on me.**

So is this his way of saying I don't want to meet you
**or is he really just **
a 100% jerk.

The signs are all there. He is an abuser and the best way to handle him is to never talk to him again. Don't give him an in, walk away, you are better off.
The question I have for you to ask yourself is "Why did you feel that you had to tolerate that?" and "Why do you question yourself about his behavior towards you?" Sometimes being alone is a hell of a lot better then being with someone.
Take this time to analyze yourself and your self worth. Learn to be more assertive and set boundries.
Good luck to you.

i totally agree with this statement!

no photo
Sun 12/23/07 09:40 AM
Edited by Sweetheart760 on Sun 12/23/07 09:41 AM
that is a warning sign right there if I ever saw one....find someone who knows how to talk to a person with respect. A real man wouldnt put you down in such a way...dont worry had my share of jerks in my life....just move on...Good Luck:smile:

fortsmithman's photo
Sun 12/23/07 03:17 PM
Guy's a jerk.

FisitMan's photo
Sun 12/23/07 08:26 PM
Yup. Jerk. Guys like him really tick me off. Gives the entire male gender a black eye. He needs a 2X4 upside the head on a daily basis until he sees the error of his ways.

Autumn_queen's photo
Sun 12/23/07 08:35 PM
I'm really sorry to hear that happen, at least he showed his true colors before you met him. This happened to me a lot really anf I HATE that feeling.
You seem like a pretty nice woman and I am sure you will have a good new years without him and you seem so nice so i am sure you will have a great time and you will draw some wonderful men to you.