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Topic: WTF should i do
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Wed 12/26/07 08:19 AM

my mum & dad run a local pagen group, it seems that the leader of the local S&M club is wanting to join it, if this happens I'm sure that the bullying I'm getting will get worse if this happens, what can i do?

You know, there's like a butt-load of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with a bow staff.

lilith401's photo
Wed 12/26/07 08:44 AM
If you want your parents to listen to you than talk like an adult. Act like an adult. Then you can ask for your parents to respect your wishes. Take care of your health, resolve your issues/concerns with the people harrassing you, and move out.
You say none of these things are possible. If you do not want this person around, you'd leave.

If, however, it meant that much to you.
There are places you can stay until you are financially ready. Do you have any family outside of Wales? Is there a house with a room to rent?

Let's face it, GIGM.. you've got options and you're asking people to show you what they are but you've got your mind all made up and set in this "uh-uh nope" way.

Stop talking about all that goes wrong in your life and asking for help and advice, "A-D-V-I-C-E", that your desperately in need of but have NO INTENTIONS of taking.

These people are sincerely trying to help you and you're running around replying with posts related to how can what they say or suggest be wrong.

gigm's photo
Wed 12/26/07 08:51 AM

you seem to be the only person here not wanting to just flame so what would your advise be?
Your not helping your point gigm.. You say I'm flaming you.. you say I'm part of a hate group. Which leads me to believe those people trying to run you down were just driving.. The people throwing rocks were just walking.. etc. No one is hacking your computer... nobody wants you dead.

Your life goes by the same rules we all do. You are your own worst enemy! You re just taking it to the extreme.

You are not the center of anyone's attention. Nobody cares that much about you... to try to hurt you.
That alone is your problem.

I've seen people go to psychologists and psychiatrists who have very similar symptoms to yours. Where they know more then the doctors do. Where everyone and anyone who does not agree with them is an enemy. Yup...you guessed it... they didn't get help either.

The fact is.. changing your perception, and outlook can be some pretty hard work. It does not happen overnight. There is no magic jellybean you can take to make it all better. Cognitive behavioral therapy (For instance) can only be effective if the patient is willing to do whatever it takes. You sound as if you are no where near willing.

In order to get help, you have to be able to receive help. You probably won't til it is forced on you. At that point, the only help they may be able to offer is incarceration and medication. I've seen people in that situation. It's a pretty sad existence. Doing the demented Thorazine shuffle til they die.

The other option they limit themselves to is suicide. Which, generally speaking they can't bring themselves to actually do. So.. They get someone else to do it for them. We call that suicide by Cop, here. In order to pull that off.. you have to put others at risk.

No.. personally, I'm not convinced you won't try to hurt somebody else. After all.. from where you stand, the majority of the 6 billion people on earth are your enemy! Actively trying to hurt you! Not to mention all the aliens, people that live under your house, the talking dogs, the pigeons on the walk out front waiting to jump you...whatever else you might believe...

You could work yourself into a frenzy and hurt people thinking you are defending yourself!

It looks like maybe you found a comrade in arms. Good for you! Unfortunately.. that will work out one of two ways. Either he is as delusional as you are and the two of you will feed the self destructive nature in each of you, or he will grow tired of you and become the enemy...

no i`m not saying that your part of the hate group, I'm saying that in this particular case you are flaming me & taking it off subject, for all of those whom can`t rember what the subject originaly was the question i want help with is, 'how can i tell my paren ts that i don`t want there S&M friend9 whom i sead was the leader of a local club, i assumed that but it turns out she's the west wales leader of all the registered S&M pepole) away from my family & me?

if no one is hacking me why did my MSN all on it's own when i was the other part of the room getting my insulin type to all my friends saying that i was gay? BTW i'm not but it's one of the rummers styler(chris ritchards) & the rest of the hate group are claming about me, & ofcourse they don`t want me dead, because if i was dead they couldn't make my life hell.

if it were an internal thing i'd deal with it in a art beat, but as you don't seem to belive it's not.

i would never commit suicide or arsk for assisted suicide.

the aliens was a wakeing dream, i don`t belive in them. as for the 6 blion it's nowadays up to 7 bilion, but 30/7,000,000,000,000 isn`t the mijority go back to collage & learn maths. & i don` belive in any `people that live under your house, the talking dogs, the pigeons on the walk out front waiting to jump you...whatever else you might believe...` althoguth i do not like pigins since one shat on me.
just because he didn`t flame me doesn`t mean he is a comarad,
this is still fkn all wierd stuff and you should drop the pagan devil worshipping stuff and get a life and you guys should stop feeding this guys overblown head and get a life too!
you are very ignorent about what pagenisity is about, i am also ignorent because it's my parents whom are pagens ,not me! whitch is why i used the words ginetic when i sead that it might be why the christians have a problem with me, rather than religios.

gigm's photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:37 AM
Edited by gigm on Wed 12/26/07 09:38 AM
yay, dad found out bout what i have been saying here & has told me that if i truely feel so strongly about what i've been talking about he won`t let her join so yay, problem sloved pleas close.

smeone pleas report this to the admin with the words 'pleas close as sloved' as message.

no photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:44 AM

yay, dad found out bout what i have been saying here & has told me that if i truely feel so strongly about what i've been talking about he won`t let her join so yay, problem sloved pleas close.

smeone pleas report this to the admin with the words 'pleas close as sloved' as message.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

WOW,,,THAT didn't take long!!!!

Great news on HER NOT JOINING!!!

So NOW your OK!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

And ,,,,,,HELLO,,,,PLEASE CLOSE.....WTF????
YOU BROUGHT IT BACK!!!!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

Sorry, I have been here to long I guess and im losing my mind, please forgive my expressive form of self inflicting smiles.

Sometimes LIFE is just so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:wink: STRANGE!indifferent

buttons's photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:57 AM
noway noway just dont know what to say.......though i do know what to thinklaugh laugh

buttons's photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:58 AM
hummm im hungrylaugh laugh laugh gonna make a sandwich... although popcorn sounds good toolaugh laugh

no photo
Wed 12/26/07 10:06 AM

no photo
Wed 12/26/07 10:19 AM
That was better than the x files.

no photo
Wed 12/26/07 06:13 PM
excuse, me, yes, i know what pagan crap is and it is just that, cultistic garbage! It's your parents that are really wierd, maybe you should get away from them!

no photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:45 PM

That was better than the x files.

laugh laugh laugh laugh
this one flew over the cuckoo's nest
laugh laugh laugh laugh

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 10:03 PM
In my opinion, Gig, I honestly think you may be exhibiting some signs of schizophrenia. Have you been to a medical professional and discussed these issues with them? I think that would be a positive step for you. There is nothing wrong with having a mental illness; what's wrong is not getting treatment. You can have a happier more normal life with the proper treatment.

no photo
Fri 12/28/07 03:48 AM
"quick fix"

"immediate gratification"

wont help ya out in the long run, buddy pal.

OrangeCat's photo
Sun 12/30/07 03:42 AM
glasses glasses

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