Topic: for my friends in iraq.
Unsane's photo
Fri 12/21/07 10:03 AM
i wonder what its like to be proud.

well, mostly, i just wonder
what would i think:
hard white-hot sights trained upon a crowd of people(are they?) writhing and spitting and completely and utterly full of hate for the flag on my shoulder.
they dont want to know me.
they dont want to meet my little daughter, allie, or
my dog who loves to lick her toes
im so hot.
im so tired.

blink - just once, slow sluggish

wish i could sleep.
god how i wish-

a short brown man shudders his left hand beneath his jacket, pushing through the crowd with the other.

god im so tired.

he reveals a large hunk of steel, plastic, lead and brass. starts to raise his sights to me.

is it time?

at this point, i dont think. i cant- not after what ive seen, what my hands, the hands that my little daughter held so tightly-

screams. running. chaos.

i wonder what the weather is like at home. it is much to hot here.

before explosions of smoke and blood are over, there are four motionless on the ground.

almost motionless. a dusty haired woman reaches toward the sky.

i drop my gun- it is much too heavy now.

god, its so hot.

something sinister lies within us.

tvs and newspapers shred reality into bite size bits of bravery.

the cocoon of control is warm, isnt it?

not that i blame you. not that i think its us to blame.
but the facts remain the same.


they divide us in much more fatal ways than geography.

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 12/21/07 10:07 AM
WOW Awesome :cry: Brought tears to my eyes:cry: What an insight you do have.flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

:heart: :heart: :heart: BLESS OUR TROOPS:heart: :heart: :heart:

LAMom's photo
Fri 12/21/07 10:10 AM
:cry: :heart: :cry:

Your soul has moved me within these words,,, Ohhhhhhhhhh ,,,

God Bless our troops and may they all come home safe into the loving arms of family and friends,,,,

Merry Christmas,,,, :heart:

Unsane's photo
Fri 12/21/07 10:43 AM
Edited by Unsane on Fri 12/21/07 10:44 AM
thanks much.

many reasons this piece is important to me. i have many vested interests in the occupation in iraq: one, as a friend. many many things wrong with what is going on there. people that are in power arent sending their sons to die; they are sending OUR friends and family. second, as a citizen and political activist.

a life is a life; no more or less precious than any other. the 800,000 innocent iraqis(which, by the way, is a fairly conservative estimate; many european publications place the number over a million) and the 4,203 coalition casualties(including 3,896 americans).

i dont know if you would call nearly a million dead a genocide, but i would.

this piece tries to explain the hopelessness and the treachery of the SITUATION; there are no evil people(though id say politicians come pretty darn close). it illustrates the narrator of the piece, the soldier, viewing iraqis as animals(and misunderstanding them) though still self-defense comes into play, and innocent people die, and he is overridden by guilt.

the soldier isnt to blame.

as huxley wrote in "brave new world revisited":
"...the aim of rulers is first, of course, to exercise power for its own delightful sake and, second, TO KEEP THEIR SUBJECTS IN THAT STATE OF CONSTANT TENSION WHICH A STATE OF CONSTANT WAR DEMANDS OF THOSE WHO WAGE IT.."

a scared country is an obedient one.

funny thing, huxley was talking about hitler in this passage. but thats not who i think of now.

keep penning and stay proud. <3