Topic: cheating
LAMom's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:13 AM
Communicate your feelings to him,,, tell him what your feeling,,, cheating is not the answer,,, a quick fix to a problem only brings on deeper problems,,, If you love him then step up to the plate and open his eyes to what you want him to see, feel and hear,,,,

Good luck to you

no photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:15 AM
Cheating is low-self asteem babe...........Think again before you do it...........:wink:

iceprincess's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:16 AM
you've already made your decision your gonna do it.........why ask anyone elses opinion...are you looking for validation?.You say you two fight all hte time and never have any do realize a relationship is a two way street and it is never 50/50 sometimes it's 100/0 the object is that in the end you both have spent and equal amount of time giving as this your first child together mayby he's still getting used to being a daddy and the fact that he now has to share you with this little bundle of humanity that he helped do not carry the child so their bonding and adjustment is done after the child is born and this child is only six months old.........i know you don't want hatred and i don't hate you but i will say that i think you are fuc*ed up that you would think of cheating on your mate and YOUR CHILD because you do realize that time you take for this liason does take away from your child. When you have kids you never just cheat on your partner you also cheat on them because you tkae time from them also in order to fulfill your own pleasures......grow up and be a woman if your that damn unhappy end the relationship get on even keel in your new life nad then move on quite whining that your lonely.

Flirtyvirgo's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:16 AM
i have 2 kids, my oldest is 4 and i know all about doing things for their best interests, but having an unhappy mommy isnt healthy for them to be around. and its a long story about why not to end it with him.

Flirtyvirgo's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:18 AM
also let me add that i have talked to my bf so many times about everything and he just doesnt get it, ive tried my hardest to be happy and to make him happy as well, it is a 2 way street ive done mine and he isnt doesnt his.

chuck366's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:18 AM
Hows this for an idea, if you feel like cheating, break it off....move on ..........and do it without living a life of lies.....but it is courageous to admit it though.

no photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:19 AM
Why is it some people think of cheating just to satisfy their needs, but don't even give a thought of the consequenses afterwards? diseases, court battles, unstable enviroment, etc.........

Mossop's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:20 AM
No one on here or any other place will ever respect someone who cheats on their will in time not even respect yourself ! your problem seems to be that you want the security of a family type union and someone to get there leg over just for fun.....You cannot have both END IT OR FIX IT!

Flirtyvirgo's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:20 AM
ok so it would be better to break up with my bf move out and deal with bigger issues involving our child, theres more to this than i have said but i still get that its not fair to do. i havent even done anything yes ive had thoughts of it but thinking of another person is illegal to do??

nu2topcat's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:21 AM
you have made up your mind to screw around on him. i wont validate it with anything more but to say the pain you will receive you justly desreve. i hope and pray that there are not a lot more women out there like you.

mrsoonerrich78's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:21 AM
you need to think about it before you do that because that not right but the best thing do is tell him how you feel and see what he feel about that if both party are not happy just break up and move on

jennicunningham's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:21 AM
I have been there done that after 14 years of marriage and 3 kids. Get out of the relationship before you do anything. Or you will regret it for the rest of your life. And you will never be able to go back and change it. If you seriously wanna talk, i am here. Jenni

heatherrae's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:22 AM
you clearly do not need to be on the internet talkin this out. you need to go see a therapist. why are you wasting your time. your not gonna take any of the advice we give you. your just hoping someone on here will say "its ok huney you deserve it, go ahead and meet your needs." but its not gonna happen. you need professional relationship counseling. so get off the internet and go take care of business.

its called tough love
and best of luck to you.
i can even make a reccomendation. ms. christine coppege. she is a licensed phsycologist and family and marriage counselor. she is a loving brilliant woman and she did a world of good for my husband and me in tough times. she works out of seattle wa. so if that is far for you just contact her and she will point you to a collegue that can help you. if you want contact info for her please just let me know.

buttons's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:22 AM
Edited by buttons on Thu 12/20/07 08:24 AM
well what would be better for your child?... a broken up family or... a broken up family where daddy cant stand mommy for more reasons.<if he caught ya>. that will cause much more tension if u do cheat and he catches u or your guilt decides to tell him.. or having a mom living with guilt too

chuck366's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:23 AM

ok so it would be better to break up with my bf move out and deal with bigger issues involving our child, theres more to this than i have said but i still get that its not fair to do. i havent even done anything yes ive had thoughts of it but thinking of another person is illegal to do??

Yup. those bigger issues will be bigger after the cheating mess starts

Flirtyvirgo's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:24 AM
ok so ive stated that ive never cheated and only had thoughts this one time, but yet im being downgraded as a bad person which i kind of expected, i did want to hear responses on it thats why i posted this. never said that i was def going to do this. guess i should have kept my mouth shut, ive been a very loyal and loving gf and have done so much to keep our happiness alive, im the only one trying so most of you are right i should end it and i should have a long time ago, so maybe i will be a better person if i end it, move out then do what makes me happy

no photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:24 AM

ok so it would be better to break up with my bf move out and deal with bigger issues involving our child, theres more to this than i have said but i still get that its not fair to do. i havent even done anything yes ive had thoughts of it but thinking of another person is illegal to do??

thinking and doing is two different you are only thinking? you need profeesional advice babe......and profeesional help also it sounds like.........stop thinking of you and think of your child, you will find you made the right choice.........:smile:

iceprincess's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:25 AM
your trying to say that having a mommy ridden with guilt and when you do finally let him know .......and you will............because you'll feel so guilty that you can't keep up the pretense anymore.......that the fight and tension form this is better for your kids............stop trying to validate your decision.......end the relationship or figure out how to make it work........stop being so damn selfish...because that is what you are you want your cake and you want to eat it too......welcome to the real world darling it doesn't work that way.........before you think i'm just jumping all over you......i've been there my son was two......i lived with it for 2 years.......everything he had ever done didn't make any marriage was over long before this and he had already cheated numerous times but it still didn't make my decison any better all it did was create a second level of i've already said you've made your decision but you better bear in mind your not the only one that pays in the end adn you better make damn sure the fuc* is worth the price tag

Flirtyvirgo's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:25 AM

you clearly do not need to be on the internet talkin this out. you need to go see a therapist. why are you wasting your time. your not gonna take any of the advice we give you. your just hoping someone on here will say "its ok huney you deserve it, go ahead and meet your needs." but its not gonna happen. you need professional relationship counseling. so get off the internet and go take care of business.

its called tough love
and best of luck to you.
i can even make a reccomendation. ms. christine coppege. she is a licensed phsycologist and family and marriage counselor. she is a loving brilliant woman and she did a world of good for my husband and me in tough times. she works out of seattle wa. so if that is far for you just contact her and she will point you to a collegue that can help you. if you want contact info for her please just let me know.

not true at all sorry never crossed my mind that anyone would say go and do such a thing, and many people have unhappy relationships doesnt mean they need a therapist!!1

Flirtyvirgo's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:26 AM
thanks for everyones responses hope you all have a nice dayhappy