Topic: How to find someone serious
Joanne's photo
Tue 01/28/20 05:46 PM
I have been here before but so far I have only attracted scammers. It was dis enchanting to say the least. This forum is free so I still fiddle around with the hope of finding someone serious. What am I doing wrong

no photo
Tue 01/28/20 05:54 PM
Google Images is your friend to check of the pics they use are already spread over the Internet.

Trust but verify - apparently a Russian proverb.

Joanne's photo
Tue 01/28/20 06:00 PM
thank you Roger. I appreciate the quick feedback. It makes the site a little friendlier and I will take your advice

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 01/28/20 06:09 PM
Trust your gut feeling... if it's to good to be true it's probably is.... tread carefully... and good luck...

no photo
Thu 01/30/20 12:03 AM
let's let's chat because I had the same situation with a bunch of scammers hopefully we we can chat I move forward away from scammers

no photo
Thu 01/30/20 07:36 AM
Hi joann I'm new hear but I get what your sayin people are just after money. I found that the real ones will video chat hangout or kik. An even then you have to be careful. There's gotta be some real an honest people out there. My experience with another site. I'd say out of 100 people I contacted I got 4 to 10 real people to chat with me. All so far away that it does no good. Dont give up I'm not all the best

NotPay4Play's photo
Thu 01/30/20 08:14 AM
Just have to have patience. Yes much of the site is free.

As stated before trust your instincts and the forums here have quite a few real people looking for different things.

Good luck to you.

maybwecan's photo
Thu 01/30/20 08:25 AM

I have been here before but so far I have only attracted scammers. It was dis enchanting to say the least. This forum is free so I still fiddle around with the hope of finding someone serious. What am I doing wrong

Welcome to Mingle ......

I don't see that you have been proactive and used the Mingle search feature to find potential matches...

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 01/30/20 08:30 AM

I have been here before but so far I have only attracted scammers. It was dis enchanting to say the least. This forum is free so I still fiddle around with the hope of finding someone serious. What am I doing wrong

Perhaps you need to realize what you are experiencing is the nature of the beast. You have to wade around in the muck to use this tool. You may not be doing anything...wrong. Except perhaps having high expectations of the tool you are using.

Reading the forums is a good way to get an idea of the ins & outs of M2.
Pay attention to even what is not written. Sometimes, what is implied is just as enlightening.

Welcome to the M2 community forums...Don't forget to have some fun!

manu carter's photo
Thu 01/30/20 07:55 PM
nothing u doing wrong give me a chance n il make u believe there are gentlemen n lovers out here