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Topic: Question about the topic of this board.
whispertoascream's photo
Sun 11/19/06 07:04 AM
If we knew how to keep a relationship would any of use really even be
here in the first place to give relationship advice? I mean if we all
knew how to keep a relationship then we would not need to be on a dating
site would we? I mean correct me if I am wrong. Cause I usualy But I just thought I would ask anyways.:P

TheShadow's photo
Sun 11/19/06 07:16 AM
We'll whisper, The way I look at this Is when anyone gets In a
relationship you never know how someone really is until you move In with
them. I don't think It Is wether you can keep a relationship or not, It
Is how well In some situation Is the person willing to work and
communicate for the relationship to grow.

Nervesgone's photo
Sun 11/19/06 07:22 AM
Good one shadow! Myself, I'm not looking for a relationship. Well not
really, friends are best. Besides, you have to be friends first. You
will never have a relationship with out friendship first. I have made a
bunch of friends here and had a lot of fun (DRAMA) (LMFAO)!! My friends
page may not be full, but I have more friends here than I do where I
live. Good friends are hard to find and friends here certinaly can't
hurt you! Unless you are looking to get hurt. I was in a 18 year
relationship, so I think I can keep one. But you can't control other
people and their actions which lead to where I am now!

no photo
Sun 11/19/06 07:30 AM
you are right shadow! you dont really know how the person is or how they
live until you are living with them!... been there and done that!

Tneal's photo
Sun 11/19/06 07:33 AM
soooo Shadow... can I move in then? lmclao

TheShadow's photo
Sun 11/19/06 07:39 AM
Tneal, I got just enough room for you. :) Moooorninnnnnnnng

whispertoascream's photo
Sun 11/19/06 07:42 AM
Well see I told you I was usualy But that is a good wat
to look at it thanks.

Tneal's photo
Sun 11/19/06 07:45 AM
Morning Shadow... My hair was longer than yours about two weeks ago. I
cut it and donated it to Locks of Love. My head feels lighter... lol

Hope ya don't mine all the stuff I will bring.... *S*

Nervesgone's photo
Sun 11/19/06 07:46 AM
What are you here for whispertoascream?

TheShadow's photo
Sun 11/19/06 07:55 AM
Tneal..Your a woman I knda expect a lot of stuff. Wait a min! That
usually means I'm not going to have any room for my stuff LMAO

Tneal's photo
Sun 11/19/06 08:00 AM
lmclao I have tons of stuff.... most of it is from when my mother passed
away last year... have yet to go through it all. She was a pack rat.

Not to worry, I will get a storage shed.... *S*

michael1313's photo
Sun 11/19/06 08:52 AM

TheShadow's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:01 AM
Thats funny Tneal, my mom is the same way LOL.

Truthoflife's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:18 AM
I agree

whispertoascream's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:42 AM
I meet ALOT of nice men. Onse that I would really like to get to know.
But it always ends up they are in a diffrent state. I am beguining to
wonder if there is somthing wrong with Canadian

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 11/19/06 11:13 AM
Hummm you are so right on with this one Shadow for you don't know the
person till you live with them heck tried that once after my divorce
found out I did not like that person at all. Sad they change like that
and want to rule your world I mean a person can only give so much in a
realanitionship when the other thinks that they should not give at all
lol has me amazed lol

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 11/19/06 11:20 AM
Yup living together really brings out the real person. I like my alone
time, yet I would rarely get it. Funny how that can bring on jealousy.

michael1313's photo
Sun 11/19/06 11:31 AM
try to find th true you,true,
before you let them live with th you true!

millsdd's photo
Sun 11/19/06 11:47 AM
Whisper, in answer to your question I think, at least on my part that
the reason we're here looking at an "advice" forum is I haven't managed
to figure things out myself and always thought 2 (or more) heads are
better than one. None of us may have the answers but working together we
might manage to find them where sitting out here alone and trying to
figure things out by ourselves would take much longer if not forever.
The people here are facing and have been through the same things we all
have and maybe, just maybe if we get enough of us together on the same
questions each person will have 1 tiny piece of experience that might
bring together an answer for some of us!

no photo
Sun 11/19/06 12:02 PM
I came here to meet people and see what was going on in Indianapolis,
IN. as I have found my-self being here awhile and not knowing anyone?
But if I was attached to someone I would not be here, as to THAT would
be silly and fk-up to be looking to meet SINGLES,
when I was NOT a SINGLE PERSON!!!!!!
There are alot of other sites that are for reg. couples and
general friendships?
If you want to have a lasting relationship with a dude and
you and him would probably not be on this site very long after you got
But have fun and meet some bro's and be real with them and exspect the
same back!!!!! And ALWAYS---SMILE. :) :) :)

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