Topic: save america
Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sat 12/22/07 09:17 AM
I don't think you'll find any made by white Americans might have to look at the Asians who tend to build better family businesseslaugh :wink:

no photo
Sat 12/22/07 09:18 AM
what about the idea of a rally? any takers?

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sat 12/22/07 09:23 AM

I don't think you'll find any made by white Americans might have to look at the Asians who tend to build better family businesseslaugh :wink:

But white people are the only ones who take factory jobs!! Funny, still no mention of the ones actualy effected by the issue. Wonder how long before we here "but our kids won't have jobs" again;^]

no photo
Sat 12/22/07 09:40 AM
waiting for workers . no hecklers needed.

no photo
Sat 12/22/07 09:41 AM
its a lot easier to sit in your moms basement on the computer than get up and solve the problem.... waiting for bodies for the movement.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sat 12/22/07 09:45 AM

waiting for workers . no hecklers needed.

If you can't stand the heat then get your head out of the oven. Posting a subject open for debate and refusing to debate the facts put in front of you. But thanks to your last few posts I understand why you want children to work stressful factory jobs, because accountants and lawyers are all dirty zionist jews;^]laugh laugh laugh laugh

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sat 12/22/07 09:47 AM
Edited by Turtlepoet78 on Sat 12/22/07 09:50 AM
laugh laugh laugh

its a lot easier to sit in your moms basement on the computer than get up and solve the problem.... waiting for bodies for the movement.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Again somebody who doesn't understand the issue and using false arguements expecting people to get behind him. Guess I'll go drive 30 miles to my parents house so I can get out of their basementlaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 12/22/07 09:52 AM

laugh laugh laugh

its a lot easier to sit in your moms basement on the computer than get up and solve the problem.... waiting for bodies for the movement.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Again somebody who doesn't understand the issue and using false arguements expecting people to get behind him. Guess I'll go drive 30 miles to my parents house so I can get out of their basementlaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 12/22/07 09:54 AM
i understand the problem just fine. ever been to Flint Mich? theres a divit about 5 miles long where the Buick factory used to be before outsourcing. I CAN BUY NICE HOUSES THERE FOR 15,000 as no one has the money to buy them there. WE need SOLUTIONS.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sat 12/22/07 09:59 AM

i understand the problem just fine. ever been to Flint Mich? theres a divit about 5 miles long where the Buick factory used to be before outsourcing. I CAN BUY NICE HOUSES THERE FOR 15,000 as no one has the money to buy them there. WE need SOLUTIONS.

So why all this BS about the children and retail stores closing while defending walmart? Just keep it real is what I'm saying for the most part, that and stop acting like it's only a white person issue, plenty of black folk debate this issue as well. Also, I will fight this notion of "export good import bad" to the death, many foreign nations need the jobs alot more than us;^]

no photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:58 AM
We are in a global economy. We, for the most part always have been. We've just been pretty fortunate thus far. Our manipulations overseas have played out well for us. Now? Not so much... The dollar was the leading currency. Pretending it still is, not reacting to the real economic not, will not improve things for us.

Practicing isolationism.. ceasing world trade... Buying USA...when there are no USA made products to be had.. All are lofty, unattainable and will only dig the hole deeper and faster...

Somehow.. we need to get off our ivory tower and figure out our new place in this changing economic climate.

As much as I appreciate your enthusiasm and zeal. I have a hard time taking you all that serious.. because your chosen mode of communication is on a foreign made machine... Unless you paid $35,000 for it.. That's approximately what it costs to purchase a foreign free product.. Because they don't exist. I know this, because I am a designer. Even the stuff I make for specialized, purpose driven applications is anywhere from $5,000 to $12,000.... with foreign products integrated.

Also, you are using a global communication system.. that is supported by practically every country world wide!

Your computer is not necessary to your life, is it? Or.. in the least.. your using this website isn't..

So.. I challenge you to put your money where your mouth is! Go American! Stop using everything you own that is not completely manufactured in the USA. That is a statement that will get my respect!

I see people picketing our Federal Building every week here..wearing Nike Shoes, using Middle Eastern gas to get there.. driving Japanese cars..
Holding signs made of trees... In other words.. Whatever is the protest of the day is counterbalanced by their lifestyle... and all they really are is a spectacle that slows traffic, burns more fuel and causes more emissions... Telling us of a lifestyle we need to be beholding to..which they clearly do not.

They'd be better off holding signs saying 'Hypocrisy Now'

So.. if you mean what you say, and want to stand apart from the demostrators I just described..? We will expect you to go dark sometime today...

no photo
Sat 12/22/07 12:04 PM
Is Communism the new black or should I say Red?huh

no photo
Sat 12/22/07 01:58 PM
i give up. theres no reason for me to try to help anymore as you wont help yourselves. you would rather bicker, just like i said before. thanks for proving my point.... yet again.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sat 12/22/07 02:56 PM
Help us with what? YOUR vision of a better america? My vision of a better america is, as jistme stated, one that is not isolated all by itself. If you wanna talk about the economy and jobs, I've gotta pretty radical but effective way of creating jobs everywhere, and that is the end of personal choice prohibitions. But I love the french, I love the brittish, I love the africans, I love the mexicans, I love the irish, I love the haitians, do you see where I'm going with this? When tsarist russia secluded from the world and refused to keep up with the times, they lost their wars, they lost their peoples support, they lost their financial state, and though alexander the 2nd tried to change that his succesors reversed it and ultimatly, they fell to lenins version of communism. Let's be part of the world, not distant from it;^]

no photo
Sat 12/22/07 04:19 PM

i give up. theres no reason for me to try to help anymore as you wont help yourselves. you would rather bicker, just like i said before. thanks for proving my point.... yet again.

Your good intentioned as it is. Has us slamming the barn doors shut after all the horses are down the road.

Come up with a response ~ with a solution... that actualy addresses reality? I'll give ya the time of day.

no photo
Sat 12/22/07 04:42 PM
we already have on on the table here. America week.

no photo
Sat 12/22/07 05:05 PM

we already have on on the table here. America week.
Ok.. then you show me where I can buy USA designed and manufactured processors.. video graphics processors, the various integrated circuits.. random access memory and other semi conductors, power supplies, resistors, capacitors... a computer system requires.. in a volume that I can bring to mass manufacturing.. and I'll go to my drawing table.. Yes my actual made in America Drawing table. Because I should not use the foreign designed software and hardware I normally use to design circuits...

I should have a turn key system ready for you based on today's technology..about 3 years from now. You'll need to be patient.

I know a place here in Oregon that will mass produce anything I design... only it does cost 8 to 12 times more to have it done there then doing it overseas.

Then you and all your like minded friends will buy one...for $10.000, even though it will be outdated by 2 and a half years.

Cool! I think I found the as yet untapped market I was lookin for! Step aside Bill Gates!

Either that or I'm having a conversation with a big rabbit wearing a bow tie and always complaining about being late.....

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sat 12/22/07 08:58 PM
Close the windows and lock the doors, Isolate yourself from the rest of the world. What will happen to you in your cosy little house? Stagnation. Competition in the market place creates higher technology, safer and better quality goods. If not for the space race with the soviets we would not have half the technology we have today. The Japanese brought good, reliable cars to us in the late70s early 80s when US auto makers were only worried about how many cars they could get off the assembly line instead of how well built they forced American car companies to build better, more reliable cars for all of us to stay competative.Think what it would be like if you could only buy American, companies would cut corners because they know you have no'd be stuck with poor quality merchadise. I believe we have the resources and people to compete fairly with anyone.

Yes you can buy some pretty cheap chinese things...but the quality is terrible and most people do not buy these goods except for disposable things or childrens toys etc. A good example of this is tools, I can get a 100 peice socket set made in china for about $15.00laugh but you can't even use it...go to any dealership, tire outlet etc and you will see nothing but Snap-on, Matco or at the very least Craftsman tools because the investment is worth the quality.

There is room for everything and everyone in this stick your head in the sand and isolate yourself from competition is irresponsible and dangerous.

no photo
Sun 12/23/07 07:42 AM
not isolationism... supporting local/ in country business plus a level playing field for imports. ITS MATH THATS WORKED SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME, Whats changed? ans. people being brainwashed in our liberal/commie colleges. THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN AND WILL ALWAYS BE TRADE BETWEEN NATIONS. Until now, these countries have always charged a tarriff. now we are trying to compete against companies which have no EPA, OSHA, ECT to deal with. A level playing field is apparantly not an option anymore, so i say buy from a company who employes americans. why is that so hard to understand?
As for the electronics guy, why do we NEED any electronics abnyway? We survived just fine for millineia without them, and i know i can survive without a tv, ect. Can you or are you so dependant on technology you are helpless without it? wHAT WE WANT AND WHAT WE NEED ARE TWO DIFFERENT ANIMALS. Buy american or do without is my new policy. do you have the stones to follow suit?

HangedMan's photo
Sun 12/23/07 08:26 AM
The "bottom line" is ALL the companies care about, they give no consideration of who or what it hurts.

Because a company is there to make a profit for whomever owns it.
They are not there to be a jobs program.