Topic: Poems contest for 2008 | |
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Mon 12/17/07 11:31 PM
I Made You Come To Life
We come in from the night After a brisk moonlit walk, Arm in arm together There's no need to talk. I see the lust in your eyes Words need not be said, As I gently take your hand To the living room, I led. As I held you in my arms I made you come to life, The wanton in your eyes Makes me glad you are my wife. I stoke the embers of the fire As you take off your clothes, The beauty that I see in you As the fireplace glows. I approach you slowly shedding Clothing one piece at a time, Our lips will tightly meet As our bodies do entwine. We land upon the throw pillows That lay upon the floor, I made you come to life As you come back for more. Our bodies bead with sweat As the heat intensifies, The lust is relentless From what I see in your eyes. Both our lips were swollen From kissing without abandon, But we keep coming back for more Time and time again. Love was unfolded this night Until the wee hours of the morn, A love that will last forever A love that was reborn. The sun rose and spewed its beam The light shone upon our skin, From whence we wake upon the pillows The passion rises again. This scene will be repeated As though it were deja vu, A ghostly re-occurence That I enjoy with you. The fires rage from within As I made you come to life, I will love you forever my dear Always my love, always my wife. Author Wolfeyes58 |
Lions Pride
Long ago, a far away place, Animals stirred, within a small place. Males did growl, all who could hear, Biting, growling, intentions and fear. Snapping a way, each others mane, Grabbing a paw, they did refrain. Two would battle, death do they part, Fiercely engaged, battle did start. Fur flying, throughout the den, Wishing, stopping, wondering when. Blood drippng, each others hide, Fighting fiercly, one will have died. Blood now dripping, one who was small, Dripping within, true was his maul. Went for the throat, others stood by, Ripped it in two, Blood it did fly. Small his size, lions did roar, Blood dripping wet, fell to the floor. Two lions met, alone on the thatch, As one died, Lions were matched. Pride was his, to protect, to explore, Finding places, guidance and more. Seeking mates, standing beside, Friendship made, love is a guide. These two lions, two can relate, Passions flying, seeking a mate. Prides formed, from high above, Guided by wisdom, guided by love. Telling this story, a lions pride, Wondering myself, is guidance inside. Wisdom found, high up above, Words of life, filled with my love. Ponder simply, two living things, Searching life, one who can sing. Once found, souls side by side, Together forever, love will not hide. Knowing now, stories been told, Together denned, pride of gold. Finding dens, warm in the night. Smiles roaring, forever the light. Written by Gryphyn |
A Kiss
Eyes like amber fires dancing Glow, beneath the soft sunset of her hair To drink from the fountain of her lips Greedily, I draw her to me Lost in these eyes I see my heaven Lustfully, I beg her, "Take me!" Drawn into these fires of passion I burn I beg no mercy! Desire consumes me, my flesh burns Hungrily, she fuels my flame Lost in her kiss, moist, like hot lava I melt, to the beat of her hearts pounding drum Pagan in our desires we begin our dance Forming creation with every move Setting fire to all of reality To scatter as ashes in our molten pleasure As music fades to breathless whisper Life is a kiss Author: no_psychos_please |
The day your child hurts themselves seriously at school You sit in the waiting room running over how many times you missed saying that "I love you",and/or "I am so glad you are here". Clarity The day your doctor tells you it is serious. You sit and run over all that you did not do, those who you did not show love, due to time contraints which now suddenly seem invalid. Clarity The day your son or daughter is born. You sit and look at them and think of all that could be, should be, hopes and dreams, worries and concerns. Clarity The day the love of your life has chosen a different road that does not include you. You sit and cry and wonder what is wrong with you, how did you fail, mad because of the pain, intentional or not. When the cloud of pain, misunderstanding, dejection and grief clears, you realize you have no control over other's choices and what is best for them. Clarity The day dawns and you look in wonder at the life, beauty, struggle, sorrow, miracles, death, the continuing circle that whirls around you. You think of your participation in it, or lack of, realizing that looking in at yourself all the time with the everyday mundane struggle, you may have missed so much. Clarity bc 10/29/07 Author: dragoness |
“Lone Wolf”
As I look over the valley below. I think about this plateau. When I first got here I was alone. I had crossed the prairies into the unknown. I was hunger looking for food and place to sleep. I approached a pack of wolves feasting on sheep. They offered to share with me there food and den. Each time a Lone Wolf came along again. Each was taken in with food and a soft howl. Only if one got out of line would they hear a growl. The prairies we would roam till the morning light. And sit and howl at the moon each night. But slowly the pack started to thin. They had found a mate within. And slowly they pulled away. And went there own way. And found there den to call home. No longer alone would they roam. I sat and gave my howl of approval to each. Always I gave my best wishes speech. As I roamed these prairies soon I begin to realize. Being the Lone Wolf I should come customize. That it was meant for me to roam alone. Even though it seems within this pack I found a home. My destiny was to greet the lonely and to guide. Remind them to strive forward with pride. Always be there to lend an ear, and a shoulder. Teach them to howl at the moon and learn to serenade. For you see within this heart. It is filled with pride to watch each make a new start. K.L.M 10/21/2007 Author : TxsGal |
The Path of the Visitor
Do you remember how it felt? Do you remember how they smelt? The feeling you had riding on that cloud, The feeling you gave her, strong and proud. According to others, their reactions aren’t your’s. Does that make them less, No more than hors de’vour’s? So when you leave, as you’ve done before, Do you no longer return? Do you close that door? Is that the meaning to your life? Growing and learning, Spreading the light? Allowing all others, Only a glimpse, Of a man on a mission, Then total eclipse…………. The lesson you’ve taught me I admit was much needed, Leaving others in love In a Garden well seeded. For this, I’ve done, a time or two. Never knew how it felt to be left, …………………………‘til you! So, now that I know, Lord, please grant them my blindness. So those left behind, Remember no more -- than the love and the kindness. Author: Differentkindofwench |
I cried today – Lost what I never had; The image, a shadow, A memory, a note – Not even pieces of a whole, But pieces of pieces. Should I be angry? “You tore out my heart And stomped all over it” -- Another cliche; Oversimplified and vague – So much more behind it. So I forgive you, As I always forgive you And always will – You jumped in too fast Without testing the water: Yes, we all make mistakes. I am no judge – No definer of rules, Of the things you “should” do Or the things that you’ve done. Become who you are, And that’s all I can ask. I cried today – For all you’ve been through; I will help if I can, Regardless of the rest. Because that’s who I am, And it’s all I can do. Author: LexFonteyne |
Beautiful gray skies hypnotizes and conjures daydreams Drawn to the window while , what seems like, millions of frozen petals, float gracefully The hardened earth invites readily as its slowly blanketed by mystical serenity The wind guides and cradles its children The beautiful gray smiles down as it shares itself to all who will admire Childlike happiness grows inside with each passing minute Even the bitter cold of winter has its alluring traits More quickly the travelers fall now In an attempt to conceal the last of the fallen heroes left by autumn Still hypnotized unable to free myself from the portal I share my soul, if even for a few moments, with the beauty of the gray cold Obscurelight I write to free my mind not to be compared Although I wish the rest of you luck Thanks |
I don't wish to damper this contest in any way, I simply do not wish to be honored in a rivalry of hearts.
Everyones hearts speak in a different language as does mine . If you wish to favor something that I have written please do so by giving me some sort of constructive critisism in the thread in which I have poured my heart out. I do, however, wish all of you the best of luck , there are many wonderful and talented writers on this sight, I myself just don't wish to be listed among them in a contest. I write only to clear my mind, to free my soul, and to inspire. Thank you for understanding Chris |
Nickolas I will always love you and always be there for you. He entered my life at six months old with no one to be his father. As occurs all too much in this world, someone just didn't bother. My love for his mother, grew and grew. Something else happened, I fell in love with him too. Nine years went by too fast Remembering- The times I ran when he fell. Listening to the stories he`d tell. Watching the world through his eyes. Hurting every time he cries. He is a wonderful child, with a brilliant mind. Compassionate, funny, exceedingly kind. It cannot be measured all I learned from him. I was supposed to be the teacher. Nine years went by too fast. For his birthday this year, he asked. Could we be a family again? Now, that's heart wrenching stuff, from a child of ten. Last night I cried, when we ended our call. No, it wasn't for the, I love you. You will see. The tears were a mixture, of pride and sad. For the word he chose, to call me was... Dad Author kc0003 this may be the most heart felt thing i have ever read |
I agree Pride is an awesome write!
There are too many here that I call favorites. All have touched me in some way or another. All I can do at this point is say, thank you all in this forum for allowing me to see and feel you.
You are mine I am yours Take me as I am as I have taken you I have found you and you have found me Laurie Manuel Copyright ©2007 Laurie Manuel |
Heart, Body & Soul (Lil Star) Twinkle Twinkle lil star Oh my love, I wonder where you are I'd give you my heart cuz thats where we start I'd give you my body we may want to be naughty I'd give you soul and there is no toll It'd be all for you, free for all eternity I wrote this while writin someone, just came out Cooly |
The deep black pools of your eyes....
Drowns me. Burns me. Takes me. Owns me. The soft warmth of your mouth.... Shows me. Teases me. Wants me. Caresses me. The silent elegance of your hands.... Reassures me. Holds me. Challenges me. Asks me. The calm mastery of your observance.... Sees me. Knows me. Gives me. Eases me. Spinning thoughts, awe and wonder, Present in the dreamtime, Heightened, pure, claimed, Fighting, fearful, Of giving in, succumbing, Allowing all of me. Unable to hold back, Teeth clenched, Perspiration dampening hair, Internal struggles. With softest sigh, Slightest of groans, I relinquish. Accept, submit, To you. Written by Jess642 |
I fully admit to bias on this one. It is however too long to copy paste.
'Gray Wolf / Walk With Wind' Written by CCP and myself. |
Edited by
Fri 12/21/07 02:00 PM
ak0 - 'i remember'
"the way you looked at me your humility with me your directness you watch me in that moment you watch me across the glare you watch me when i'm hiding and it's painful and it kills me only to know it's not because you possess me you admire me without even saying so" |
jimz - 'gjdgjj'
"dawns deep beginnings born before the glass of the sun born before time's evening shadows but I awake anew am I really reborn wasn't god a creation of (himself) really the only clue to a new beginning is the pain goes away when the tears dry when there is light light" |
BonnyMiss Red Japonica
You stood by my garden gate A silent witness to my fate I pleaded with you words untold My fears my woes to you I wanted to transpire You knew me well, you did not require Words to communicate You understood your thoughts were higher The gentle breezes fanned your flames My thoughts,my memories and future you claimed and stood by me thru 'er sun and rain Ever vigilant,ever watchful, as I knew you would I took refuge in your ever spreading arms safe and sound from all harm To me you were a vision of beauty Strong, silent, dependable Offering shelter as if it were your duty Rain nor sun did not faze you Your love you gave because you were true We grew together side by side You took me in your arms, allowed me to hide Not a day went by without you watching over me I knew one day your love would set me free Flame on my love, flame on I thank the day that you were born and lived to see each new morn Such wonders you have held for me My love My beautiful red Japonica tree. Bonny ![]() |