Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 11 | |
stocking of silk fall down very easy
Easy dinner will be served tonight due to the cook being exhausted.
exhausted cook can relax, neanderthal is capable of burning clams and tatertots
Tatertots and clams won't be burnt, the neanderthal knows how to cook.
cook is on his way now
Now I will curl up on the couch and await my dinner
dinner will be served AFTER you wake from your nap
Nap will just be a short cap nap or else I won't sleep later.
Later is better than no dinner at all.
All works and no play makes Jack a dull boy
Boy oh boy, when growing up is hard to do |
Do you like Italian food?
Food that is Italian is my favorite |
Favorite of mine is also Italian food.
Food!? Did I just hear my favorite word?
Word food seems to get everyone's attention.
Word food seems to get everyone's attention.
Attention span is something I do not have when I am in a hurry.
Hurry, do this, do that, is how it is every day at work.
Work can often be fast paced.