Topic: how important is
willy_cents's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:01 PM
While you are searching for friends/mates on JSH, how important of a factor are the other persons religious beliefs in your determination whether to proceed with the relationship or not to? Very important? Kinda? Not very? or no consideration at all?

How about their personal moral standards, ie, honesty, kind-heartedness, responsibility, sexual morals, hard-working, dedication to others. All that kind of stuff?

jvc534's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:02 PM

While you are searching for friends/mates on JSH, how important of a factor are the other persons religious beliefs in your determination whether to proceed with the relationship or not to? Very important? Kinda? Not very? or no consideration at all?

How about their personal moral standards, ie, honesty, kind-heartedness, responsibility, sexual morals, hard-working, dedication to others. All that kind of stuff?

I only judge my moral standards, they can have any belief they want. I believe in the freedom to choose your own faith.

justasimplegirl's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:05 PM
I try not to judge others on their religions, if anything I like to learn about what they believe in and see how their faith may be different from mine. I love learning about different religions and beliefs.

azrae1l's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:06 PM
i don;t care about their beliefs as long as they don't try to convert me to it and i only base people off what i consider to be a decent person which i'm pretty easy about. they don't have to be perfect but i do require something more then a broken ass crack whore too.

no photo
Fri 12/14/07 09:42 PM

While you are searching for friends/mates on JSH, how important of a factor are the other persons religious beliefs in your determination whether to proceed with the relationship or not to? Very important? Kinda? Not very? or no consideration at all?

How about their personal moral standards, ie, honesty, kind-heartedness, responsibility, sexual morals, hard-working, dedication to others. All that kind of stuff?

As to the religion thing, it mainly depends on if they're overzealous and overpreachy about it. I'm an atheist, but I can get along with just about anyone, provided they're not trying to convert me to whatever fairy tale belief system they may adhere to. I will admit that when I see a profile of someone who goes on and on about how important their religion is to them, I pretty much assume that's a dead end and there's no point in pursuing the issue.

The other stuff, honesty, etc., is a whole lot more important to me. But I also place an extremely high value on intelligence, creativity, communications skills, and individuality.

GinaMarie1975's photo
Sat 12/15/07 03:32 PM

i don;t care about their beliefs as long as they don't try to convert me to it and i only base people off what i consider to be a decent person which i'm pretty easy about. they don't have to be perfect but i do require something more then a broken ass crack whore too.

I totally agree with you. I am really not a religious person but I do not base off of religion. All I ask is to please do not rub my face into religion. It is more important that someone is honest and faithful. I am beginning to think that there are not very many faithful people left because I have not found one yet.

Sat 12/15/07 03:46 PM
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?