Topic: when it's cold....
bbwlav's photo
Wed 09/25/19 06:24 PM
A guy and a girl get a flat tire one blizzardy night. The guy goes out to change the tire, but he has no gloves, and after a while, his hands start to get blue, so he comes back into the car. 'Put your hands between my thighs and that'll warm them up,' invites the girl. He does, and pretty soon his hands recover, and he goes back outside. After a while longer, his hands get cold again, and once again, she suggests that he warm them between her thighs. He does so and returns to finish putting on the spare. When he comes back into the car triumphant, she looks at him and asks, 'Aren't your ears cold?'

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 09/25/19 07:47 PM
Heard of a very famous actress who was invited to dinner with some people who happened to be Jewish and served mazo ball soup. They asked her how she liked it and she said it was delicious. The next time she was over for dinner the people served mazo ball soup again. Again when asked she said it was very good. This happened for several dinners. Finally when served mazo ball soup for like the sixth time in a row, the actress asked her hosts, "isn't there any other part of the mazo that's eatable?".