Topic: Where to post
Thu 12/13/07 06:14 PM
Mike, I was told to ask you if you think I should be posting my stories some other place other than the general section. (Peko Mine thread) Catch me if You Can thinks they might be better placed in the Poems section. What do you think? I like the exposure of the general section. My stories get no responses, but I do get emails from people who have read them. That after all is more what I am looking for. A relationship rather than a shouting match.
What do you think? I said I would ask you. Any other readers have any input?

wmyers4u's photo
Thu 12/13/07 06:18 PM
well, if your posts are poems..then perhaps. I personally don't see it as that big of a deal either way.

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 06:22 PM
I have posted a short story, and a chapter of a book I wrote, in the Poems section, mainly because it seemed like the most thematically appropriate place to put them, being more "literary" in nature. Never got any negative feedback on that, so I would assume it's OK.

General gives better exposure but the topic turnover rate is much quicker and you'll be off the first page before you know it. So it's kind of a tradeoff. Still, I personally wouldn't post a short story in General -- I just don't see that as its intended function.

Maybe Mike can give us some clarification on this....

Thu 12/13/07 06:30 PM
Thanks Lex. I just came back from creeping into your profile.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:37 PM
Actually I'm with Lex I think you would most likely get more feed back in the poetry section. But since they really are not poems but a short story can't say that General would not be fine as well. Have read a couple of them myself and even sent someone else to find one of them. Just all depends how much feed back you want myself would try the poetry section and see what happens then decide.bigsmile