Topic: (Captivating Subject Title)
Clown Shoes McGee 's photo
Sat 08/31/19 05:29 PM
I'm new here, so I'd like to know something. If the Moon were made of cheese, what kind would it be? Swiss cheese is a lazy answer. Let's go deeper. Kesong puti, which is a Filipino cheese with a soft texture and white color. It's similar to cottage cheese. Now, riddle me this. What if the aforementioned cheese was balled up, given crater-like holes, and was blasted off into space? The Moon landing was staged, people. Wake up and smell the cheese.

ivegotthegirth's photo
Sat 08/31/19 06:45 PM
Well son, I had to check and see if you were the same clown shoes McGee I used to know, you're not. Your story doesn't make sense and the moon landing wasn't staged. I'll bet your cheese does stink however.

Welcome to Mingle2 I hope you find some other youngsters as weird as you are.

Don't worry, weird doesn't have to be bad..............

Clown Shoes McGee 's photo
Sat 08/31/19 07:20 PM
This is only the beginning.