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Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 69
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Mon 09/30/19 12:32 PM
Thinking it's time to go face the music and let them know I'm leaving on Thursday.

Thinking also... please send me positive energy everyone! flowerforyou

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 09/30/19 12:32 PM
Best of luck!

Sir Dino One Love ā˜ļøšŸ’š's photo
Mon 09/30/19 12:35 PM
Positive vibes River..flowerforyou

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Mon 09/30/19 01:15 PM
flowerforyou good luck river bigsmile

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 09/30/19 01:42 PM
How good those burritos tasted!

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Mon 09/30/19 02:34 PM
Thanks everyone, you're positive energy helped smooched

Thinking though that I'm way too much of a softy... My boss was almost in tears, she loves me bigsmile Said everyone there likes me and I do a great job, even the members are liking me... I agreed to stay until the 9th, one of the receptionists is done on Wednesday and it gives her a week to train the new person. Who she hired to be a receptionist slaphead

Thinking it was a great move to end my employment here. The HR Director was understanding but let me know that had I stayed, she would have moved me into the co-ed house off property mid October. There was no way to juggle things around enough to give me an all women's townhouse, or my own room.

Even with expressing the issues I had a problem with, I will still be leaving in good status.

Thinking okay, an extra week to play and take advantage of the spa and scenery... things I wasn't doing because I was fretting to much laugh

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 09/30/19 02:47 PM
George Michael and sorry that he passed so young. He was very talented!

Sir Dino One Love ā˜ļøšŸ’š's photo
Mon 09/30/19 03:29 PM
Morpheus smokin asleep

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Mon 09/30/19 03:30 PM
Thinking about the camp counselor position working with special needs kids in Paradise, Texas. Hmmm! bigsmile

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Mon 09/30/19 03:32 PM
i'm thinking someone else can drive you theretongue2

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 09/30/19 03:32 PM

i'm thinking someone else can drive you theretongue2

rofl rofl

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Mon 09/30/19 03:37 PM

i'm thinking someone else can drive you theretongue2



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Mon 09/30/19 03:41 PM
i'm thinking rock would be a better texas chauffeur

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 09/30/19 03:43 PM

i'm thinking rock would be a better texas chauffeur

How about Mikey??laugh

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Mon 09/30/19 03:44 PM

i'm thinking rock would be a better texas chauffeur

Well he does live in Texas bigsmile

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 09/30/19 03:49 PM
Moving to Montana soon going to be a dental floss tycoon.

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Mon 09/30/19 03:57 PM

Thinking Iā€™m sending positive vibes and best wishes to River flowers
You gotta do what makes you happy :blush:

And good luck vibes to Cutie on your move to Montana....btw, they have a few feet of SNOW there right now! :flushed::scream:

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Mon 09/30/19 03:58 PM
Thinking Montana sounds nice... lots of dude ranches out there.

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Mon 09/30/19 03:58 PM
i'm thinking by the time she gets there the snow will be over her head

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Mon 09/30/19 04:14 PM

Thinking Iā€™m sending positive vibes and best wishes to River flowers
You gotta do what makes you happy :blush:

And good luck vibes to Cutie on your move to Montana....btw, they have a few feet of SNOW there right now! :flushed::scream:

Thanks Dee flowers

Good luck vibes to you too Cutie flowerforyou

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