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Topic: Evidence.
creativesoul's photo
Sun 12/16/07 04:37 PM
Everyone in this world has something in common... it applies to ALL... undeniably so...

Exposure shapes the individual.

We are all TAUGHT the how to 'be' during the formative years of one's youth. Throughout one's life he/she is exposed to their own individual 'teachers' who are comprised, at first, from those who one seeks acceptance from, and later from those one 'chooses' to learn from, depending on our own unique criteria.

As a direct result of not having a choice of 'teachers' while still early in life, we are taught through others' acceptances.
It is only later in life and through a critical and humbly open-minded self-examination that we can seek to understand WHY we are who we are.

Know one thing my friend, as long as one looks out into the world through the very fingerprint that it placed on one, the picture will be incorruptable.

One will only see the world differently if one can look at it differently. The first direction to look is inward.

It is easy to find one's self living through another's existence, as a result of another's teaching(s), which may or may not 'fit' the student, it is only when one finds their own identity that growth truly begins to shed the 'teachings' that simply do not 'fit'. This cannot be realized however if one always looks outward.

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 12/16/07 04:45 PM
Society. What if all the world is, is "Self"? Arnt all our experiences comparable to 'self' and influence 'Self'? Im talking about the utmost extreem, lack of our senses would be a unpleasant way to live. However if it was, what would it be like, relying on faith that is. Purly on faith, imagine such a lifestyle where your world is how you imagine it =), ahh yes interesting isnt it? We obtain information based on our senses, and molds our lifestyle your whole post is accurate, i cannot disagree with that Creativesoul. Im posting the utmost extreme and wondered how people would think they 'think' in a world where 'society' has not influence on your mind =)

creativesoul's photo
Sun 12/16/07 05:03 PM
Ahhh Kalamazoo, do you realize how accurate I believe part of that post actually IS....

you said:

...imagine such a lifestyle where your world is how you imagine it =), ahh yes interesting isnt it?...

Reality is what one makes it.

Do not just 'imagine' in an unattached sense my friend...

Imagine that which you always dreamed of, which would bring you the most joy you could ever know within...

Think about it often and every day... believe it will happen... and it will.

Spend your time and emotion thinking about that which brings good, and be cautious of thinking too much of that which does not.

Realize this...That which time is spent on gives birth equally to that which time has been spent.

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Mon 12/17/07 04:12 AM
Yes, creative my dreams come true on a daily basis, you must believe me. I would love to do wonders for the world but we must start small, im starting with JSH.

You make sence, and are rather spiritual i believe for someone With no answer under their religion? What would you classify your-self as?

" cautious of thinking too much of that which does not." Very true, i have things that need work as well, lifelong journey it seems.

'That which time is spent on gives birth equally to that which time has been spent. ' thats deep. ill give that some thought, actually gave this topic some more thought at work.

creativesoul's photo
Mon 12/17/07 01:54 PM
Edited by creativesoul on Mon 12/17/07 02:04 PM
Kalamazoo stated:

You make sence, and are rather spiritual i believe for someone With no answer under their religion? What would you classify your-self as?

<<<<<<< I am not sure what is meant by 'with someone with no answer under their religion'... I am guessing that you mean in my profile?...

My friend, there has yet to be a label for 'an eclectic group of one'... :wink:

I do not fall under any specific 'brand' of religion...

My understanding of 'God' has evolved through my years lived. I am comfortable with the notion of 'God' being all that was, is, and ever will be... living within each and every one of us... experiencing through us... I do not believe that such a wonderful 'being' would be confined completely into one 'book'... As a result of this, I do not believe that the only way to 'find' God is through Christianity, or any other religion.

As a matter of fact, I am convinced that much of the writings contained in the Bible are very inaccurate descriptions of 'what' God is... the entire text, when taken at face value, completely displays a 'personification of God', applying physiological principles and conditions which require a physical existence... an explanation of what lived within the man who wrote the words.






requiring sacrifices?...


'God's will'?...

'free will'?...

Unchanging yet...

Always changing?...



Punishing future generations for 'sins' of past generations?...




Creator of all things?...

Every one of these notions can be found to be scripturally backed, with little effort.

None of which, when viewed in this context, which is unattached...purposefully unattached... can even begin to stand up to what IS known. One cannot be all of these things... Unless... :wink:

This world and it's teaching(s) can and often do place many things between one and what I believe God to be... not just through religion... there are individually great things that do happen as a result of one's maintaining faith regarding many religions... and SOMETHING ties it ALL together... It is my belief that there are truthes in each one... or at least the extended capability to find peace within.

Many, I believe, have been taught this notion of God being a separate entity from us... creating an infinite amount of ideas that we must aspire to for acceptance from 'Him' that, I truly believe, is so so far from being true.

My teachers have been many, my teachers have been few, and I make every attempt I can at stepping outside of a 'comfort zone' in order to gain further understanding... sometimes that can be harsh on one, providing there exists a strong emotional attachment to that which must be left behind as a result of not 'fitting' any longer... even if it fit perfectly at one time. Each successful step leads one to the next, and I measured by the completeness of peace within.

I believe that if one can recognize that which has been learned throughout life that steals one from themself... the teachings that lead to and perpetuate the belief of God being separate from one... it is the beginning of the path to enlightenment.
The only direction to look in order to assess what one has accepted as being true is within. All of one's beliefs are held within, along with the 'justification' of having held onto any given one. It can be a complex matter indeed, and one must be willing to face who they actually are... which may be far away from who they think they are.

It is my belief, that when one is truly at peace within... with no inner struggles about themself and who they actually are, that inner peace cannot help but to be displayed, and shows the world the love of God that is within all of us, should we be willing and able to 'find' it.

It is within us... each and every one of us misplace it during life, and may find it again later through a variety of means...

It is God's peace... complete and total... it is the true evidence of 'salvation' from the worldy fingerprint which robs one from self.


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