Topic: Evidence.
no photo
Thu 12/13/07 10:25 AM

assume though Sumthing that you have no senses. No vision touch hearing ect. This removes all physical evidence, by definition. What would evidence then be to you?

If we had no "senses", then we would be nothing. That would mean also the loss of "thought". You then become like an inanimate a rock.

Then such things as "evidence" or even words, or thought or feeling never even come into play, because then you are nothing more than an inanimate things.

So you can't have "evidence" without "thought". An inanimate object needs no "evidence" because its not even capable of "thought","feeling" etc. So "eveindence" is a very "relative" term. happy

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Thu 12/13/07 10:28 AM
interesting however, i do believe you can still function without the 5 sences, to assume being nothing? I think this would depend on the mind of the individual. Helen Keller was a close to achieve the lack of 5 senses.

Stockdog6's photo
Thu 12/13/07 10:30 AM are causing me to ponder and to have to think..It is Thurs. and I don't want tot hink this close to the any beer?

Differentkindofwench's photo
Thu 12/13/07 10:33 AM
My requirement of evidence of a God? I do not have a need for other's to prove to me what they believe in nor why they do. When other's request proof of the God I know to exist? This I find amusing. Would they have me hand over my life to them so they can experience what I have? Would it come across the same way, for I would also have to hand them my level of understanding at the time of each individual experience. Would I want to jump into another's life, emotions, feelings, and beliefs to better understand where they are coming from. I can feel enough from where I stand outside of them, so no I would not like to be able to do a virtual reality, even if momentary, trade.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Thu 12/13/07 10:35 AM
laugh laugh Easy, Stockdog, just don't click on the thread. It's all good!

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 10:40 AM

interesting however, i do believe you can still function without the 5 sences, to assume being nothing? I think this would depend on the mind of the individual. Helen Keller was a close to achieve the lack of 5 senses.

Lack of 5 senses??? I thought she was just deaf and blind???? I'm not an authority on her, just remember reading some things when I was much younger (I think they were written on stone tablets). But hinestly i thought she was only deaf and blind??? From what I remember (which may be worng) she was able to "sugn" meaning she could feel. I would think she could taste and she certainly was able to "learn" therefore think.

So to cut off "all senses" would be to become "inanimate" I would think.

Again, I am not an authority here..or even close to being half-ass smart in this arena. bigsmile

Differentkindofwench's photo
Thu 12/13/07 10:47 AM
Edited by Differentkindofwench on Thu 12/13/07 10:50 AM
Take it further away from Helen Keller. Take it from a comatose person who's come out of the coma and discussed what that was like. Off to google to see what I can find in that arena.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 12/13/07 10:51 AM
You are looking for the gut feeling, or sixth sense. It is the minds eye. Some have it, some do not. Or maybe I should say all have it, some do not use it. I have it, the sixth sense, but when it comes to god, I have never felt it. Most religious people I know go on the fact that they feel god and that is their proof. I cannot feel it in that way. I have tried to open that part of me to it but I have never felt it. Even in the sanctity of a church, I cannot feel the reverence. I feel the reverence of other people for their god but not the force that is god. JMO

Differentkindofwench's photo
Thu 12/13/07 11:01 AM
Many paths. Many ------- "purposes" (yes, I'm floundering for an appropriate word here). The why for, how comes of people don't hold as much sway for me as they did when I was younger. The IS of a person means much to me though. Your IS is pretty cool and resonates well with my IS the way I sense it, Dragoness.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 12/13/07 11:06 AM
For me, rather than trying to prove the impossible, I choose do think the other way around.

I’ll look at something like the doctrine that proclaims these things. If this doctrine is full of inconsistencies and contradictions then it has sufficiently proven itself to be false. No need to go any further.

It’s much easier to see why something can’t be true, than to try to prove the intangible. bigsmile

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Thu 12/13/07 11:19 AM
hmm interesting posts. Kinda off the subjects a little however, i have noticed in previous topics the "faith".. I guess im getting at without be reliant on "Physical" evidence would we then become more reliant on faith? Wouldnt we have to? Dont we as society take these Gifts for granted?

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 11:30 AM
Imagine if God sat on a giant throne in Israel. Imagine what that would do to the world. We wouldn't worship God because we wanted to, we would worship God out of fear of punishment. God's plan is that those who seek him will find him and those who find him will love him. We will eventually have absolute proof that God exists, but by that time, the world will be so rebellious that many will hate God out of spite. Until then, "For those who believe, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not believe, no explanation will suffice".

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Thu 12/13/07 11:34 AM
=) i believe that 100% but im wondering if people ever considered evidence to be beyond the 5 senses that we are able to live without.

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 11:41 AM
Edited by Spidercmb on Thu 12/13/07 12:09 PM
Some really good evidence is the assumptions that all people are born with.

1) The world should be just / fair
2) The world is orderly and makes sense
3) It's wrong to lie, murder and steal
4) Paradise exists or can exist
5) There is one or more gods or god-like beings

I guess #3 would make some sense in Evolution, but the others don't make sense in the lense of evolution.

Let me elaborate a little.

#1 - Justice. Is there Justice in the animal world? Not really. It's kill or be killed. A lion might kill 1000+ Zebras in it's life, all the Zebras care about is that they aren't the next meal. The same goes in ape society, they are usually organized around the most powerful male and the weakest males are treated with utter contempt and are often subjected to violence and starvation.

#2 - Order. Why would evolution instill the human mind with a belief that the universe makes sense. Anyone who has spent time with a child knows that they are constantly trying to make sense of the universe. Science is the organized attempt to make sense of the universe.

#4 - Paradise. Every culture has some story about paradise. Even atheists believe in a secular paradice. The communists called the USSR a "workers paradise". It's a natural human yearning to find a place which is paradise, yet no place like that exists in the world.

#5 - Supernatural. What culture doesn't have stories of the supernatural? This ties in the #2, often times, the supernatural is a way of explaining the unknown. The obvious question is why does every culture come to the same conclusion "god(s)"? Look at the relgion of Atheism. They believe in a god, the singularity which started the universe. A completely unknowable phenomena, which cannot be proven, but firmly believe by millions. Another belief by atheists is that life began through abiogenesis. This belief is that the source of life is non-organic. This belief requires that you believe that a pile of bricks (amino acids) could eventually become a house (protein).

I believe that since we have all these irrational (in the lense of evolution) assumptions built in at childhood, that we can clearly see that there is a god. I also believe that by using reason, we can only arrive at the God described by Judaism / Chirstianity, but that's a post for anothe time.

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Thu 12/13/07 11:47 AM

alex4nder's photo
Thu 12/13/07 11:50 AM
I believe that this would fall back on something that Abracadabra said in my "How?" post. Please look into quantum physics. Without senses, we are all one. I'll copy and paste something out of a research paper that I did. It passively explains some of this.

Quantum physics today believes that everything is made up of atoms which makes up the body as whole. Weather it be wood, or a human body, everything is made of atoms. To dig a little deeper on this and make it pertain to my subject, Quantum physics believes that within these atoms, theres electrons, neutrons, and protons; but to go even deeper they say that theres some type of driving electrical energetic fields within these electrons and protons which pop in and out of existence. (I mean in and out of existence in the way of matter and antimatter. For every charge there is an equal negative charge. For every electron, theres an anti-electron.) In this way, we all share this bond. Everything is made up of the same thing on the smallest of level, which makes everything one. The brain works by electrical impulses. Thoughts are carried over sort of “bits” or electrical charges. The brain can process information at speeds millions of times faster then our fastest super computers today, and they both work in relatively the same way. Our perception of everything is determined by the eyes and transferred to the brain; which makes you think, are our eyes telling the brain what is being saw, or is our brain telling our eyes and spirit what is being seen? Also, if everything is the same on the smallest of level, should we not be able to control them at will just using thoughts as electrical charges, or have we not developed enough or learned to be able to? Quantum physic scientists believe that the power of our brains are limitless if we know how to use them. Just a thought.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 12/13/07 11:51 AM

Many paths. Many ------- "purposes" (yes, I'm floundering for an appropriate word here). The why for, how comes of people don't hold as much sway for me as they did when I was younger. The IS of a person means much to me though. Your IS is pretty cool and resonates well with my IS the way I sense it, Dragoness.

I agree with you wench, and there are many others I feel their IS as you described it and their IS works with my IS even when there are differences. Very well put, I might say alsoflowerforyou

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Thu 12/13/07 11:53 AM
Yuor correct i do believe in such physics, however if this is true, i was asking without The use of our senses what would your evidence me limited to? how can anything be proven in a sence?

alex4nder's photo
Thu 12/13/07 11:56 AM
Edited by alex4nder on Thu 12/13/07 11:57 AM
If we had no ability of sense. We would just "be" and the subject of needing evidence would be invalid. If just "being" was our only sense, I believe that our mind would be able to control matter at will; being as it is strengthened by the loss of the other senses.
Edit: Thoughts, I assume would be incredibly faster; making a "zen" understanding on things. The world and existence would make sense.

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Thu 12/13/07 11:57 AM

You are looking for the gut feeling, or sixth sense. It is the minds eye. Some have it, some do not. Or maybe I should say all have it, some do not use it. I have it, the sixth sense, but when it comes to god, I have never felt it. Most religious people I know go on the fact that they feel god and that is their proof. I cannot feel it in that way. I have tried to open that part of me to it but I have never felt it. Even in the sanctity of a church, I cannot feel the reverence. I feel the reverence of other people for their god but not the force that is god. JMO

Ok so the some that chose not to use such. Would you say that given the fact that we rely on our 5 senses to much that we dont use it because we dont feel we have to?