Topic: How can you search for a member
Brookehere's photo
Tue 07/16/19 10:16 AM
How can you search for a member

delightfulillusion's photo
Tue 07/16/19 10:20 AM
Do you mean by username or generally?

Site Moderator

Brookehere's photo
Tue 07/16/19 11:05 AM
Username under their picture

delightfulillusion's photo
Tue 07/16/19 11:08 AM
Unfortunately that feature was removed so you can no longer search by username.

Brookehere's photo
Tue 07/16/19 11:21 AM
So how can you search possibly city and state?

delightfulillusion's photo
Tue 07/16/19 11:34 AM
Use the Search feature. If you use the full website version, underneath the search button on the toolbar you'll find Search Singles. Here you can set your preferences and the distance also.

Not sure where it is on the mobile app though.

no photo
Tue 07/16/19 11:36 AM
setting distance from post code works pretty well

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Wed 07/17/19 12:13 AM
Edited by Freebird Deluxe on Wed 07/17/19 12:22 AM

If you know the town city you can narrow it down like this
An example

On a profile you will see a city click this and you can then look for men women mature ect

Whoops !! She's gone was it something I said?