Topic: TODAY IN TRUMPLAND. PART 2. - part 3
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Fri 07/26/19 12:00 AM
On a speech last night trump was there and behind him was projected the seal.
The stupid tech guy who got the image from the Internet didn't realise it had been doctored
the Eagle had 2 heads. A set of golf clubs to one side and the moto read something stupid! waving

no photo
Fri 07/26/19 12:23 AM

What needs to be done immediately is a bill drawn up and passed that requires all prospective presidential candidates, including the sitting president, if he wishes to apply to reelection, to supply their tax returns prior to being accepted as candidates for the presidency. It is necessary to know who is financially supporting anyone who submits their name for presidential candidacy. This should be a requirement prior to debates, etc., to prevent wasting people's time and money on unqualified applicants.

I think there also needs to be laws about the POTUS not employing family in positions of power. The nepotism of dozy donald is staggering. Such things would never be allowed here in the UK!

At one time it wasn't allowed here either. It just shows how far our government has slid away from the oath they all took before entering any office. It's no longer about what's best for the country. Now, it's about what's best for "party" The presidency at one time, to sum it into one word at a time, "integrity." Not to forget "duty" to uphold the Constitution of the USA.
"Transparency" "Honesty" and the TRUTH is no longer part of our government. "MONEY" and the pursuit of it has now taken the place of all of these. Out the window went PRIDE in our country and our president to lead it. You can read almost every day how well our president leads. What his example of leadership is. His example to the whole world, hate, lies, and deceit & dishonesty.

At one time our country would not have stood for all this. At one time people in the USA had enough pride in their country, themselves that they would never have stood behind such a man. But even now, with all that has already come out about Trump, I say a few still stand with Trump. Majority of the country sees Trump for the lying crook he is. It's pitiful though that such a man would even have one supporter. In my eyes and the eyes of many others, To support Trump is to abandon our constitution.

Trump celebrates Fox News poll on the economy but ignores less favorable parts of the survey

"WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Thursday celebrated a Fox News poll that showed voters are pleased with his handling of the economy – but the same poll also found those voters didn't think it would change much if a Democrat is elected in 2020.

"Fox Poll say best Economy in DECADES!" Trump tweeted Wednesday morning.

He also noted his approval rating on his handling of the economy had jumped four percentage points to 52% from a Fox News poll in May.

"Shouldn’t this be at 100%?" he wondered. "Best stock market, economy and unemployment numbers ever! Most people working within U.S. ever! Low interest rates, very low inflation! Country doing great!"

The poll was consistent with voters' attitude toward Trump's handling of the economy since he took office. His approval rating on that issue has remained in the high 40% range, with the exception of two outliers in 2017 that put him at 45% and 44%".

"It also found that a majority (51%) of Americans rated the economy either "good" or "excellent" for the first time since the Great Recession. According to Fox News, the result had not been that positive since January 2001 when the number was at 59%.

But the poll did not indicate that Americans necessarily think that keeping Trump in the office is tied to future economic success. When asked for their economic prediction if Trump is reelected, 33% said conditions would get better, 26% said it would stay the same and 39% said it would get worse. The numbers did not change much when people were asked what they thought would happen if a Democrat became president, with 33% saying it would get better, 24% saying it would stay the same and 36% saying it would get worse. "

Trump just keeps botching how Congress and the Constitution work

"A few months into Donald Trump’s presidency, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) defended the novice politician. “He’s new at government,” Ryan said in June 2017, “and therefore I think he’s learning as he goes".

Trump’s War on the Constitution Has Reached a Breaking Point

"Much of the nation is focused on the growing constitutional conflict between the Trump administration and the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives. Words like “unprecedented” are being bandied about in the press to describe the slow-rolling legal calamity unfolding before us. While it is true that many elements of the current situation are peculiar to history, there is nothing new here save, perhaps, for the danger represented by this preposterous president."


"As a candidate for president, Donald Trump didn't understand the Constitution—and didn't want to learn about it, a key campaign aide said.

"I got as far as the Fourth Amendment, before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head," Sam Nunberg, a former adviser to the Trump campaign, said in Michael Wolff's bombshell new book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, excerpted Wednesday in New York magazine. "

no photo
Fri 07/26/19 12:33 AM

On a speech last night trump was there and behind him was projected the seal.
The stupid tech guy who got the image from the Internet didn't realise it had been doctored
the Eagle had 2 heads. A set of golf clubs to one side and the moto read something stupid! waving

Sounds to me like they were actually making a fool of him. Make fun of him right under his nose.

“45 is a puppet”: Trump spoke in front of an altered presidential seal and nobody knew

no photo
Fri 07/26/19 01:13 AM

On a speech last night trump was there and behind him was projected the seal.
The stupid tech guy who got the image from the Internet didn't realise it had been doctored
the Eagle had 2 heads. A set of golf clubs to one side and the moto read something stupid! waving

Sounds to me like they were actually making a fool of him. Make fun of him right under his nose.

“45 is a puppet”: Trump spoke in front of an altered presidential seal and nobody knew

Looked that way to me to. It's the same here. Instead of accepting who the 'country' have elected and getting behind them they spend the entire term trying to mess things up. so they are actually stopping the growth of a country rather than helping the growth. It's like having a divorce but your ex is still having an input into your life. doesn't work!

no photo
Fri 07/26/19 02:15 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Fri 07/26/19 02:21 PM
This is what has become of your Republican Party. It's starting to look like the whole party has turned communist.

Republicans Are Doing a Good Job Blocking Efforts to Fight Russian Meddling in 2020

"A new bipartisan report found that the election systems of all 50 states were targeted in 2016. Mitch McConnell couldn’t care less".

"Former special counsel Robert Mueller issued several reminders during his testimony before Congress on Wednesday. Russia wanted to put in Trump in the White House in 2016, he said, which we already knew. We also knew that Trump’s campaign welcomed this help, that Trump made concerted efforts to impede the investigation into the matter, and that, three years later, Russia is still working to interfere in American elections. As Mueller put it Wednesday, it’s happening “as we sit here.”

On Thursday, we learned something new: Russia’s interference in the 2016 election involved efforts to hack into the election systems of all 50 states, not just 21, as had previously been reported. The revelation came in the first volume of a heavily redacted bipartisan report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee, which notes that the attempts to hack state election systems went mostly unnoticed by U.S. officials. The committee found no evidence that any votes were changed or that voting machines were manipulated, but wrote that the extent of Russia’s activity against state election infrastructure was “unprecedented".

What we know about the 21 states targeted by Russian hackers

"The Department of Homeland Security was short on details when it said Friday that it had notified 21 states of Russian efforts to hack their election systems in 2016. For one thing, the department didn't publicly identify the states. For another, it didn't say how many of the hacking attempts were successful — or to what degree".

The problem is not just that the president owes his position to foreign interference, and is, therefore, unwilling to admit it even occurs, let alone take steps to stop it. The problem is also that foreign influence has become a part of the Republican Party political infrastructure.

First, foreign money is tempted into American political campaigns by the donors' desire to influence the outcomes and results of elections and finds a way in through U.S. citizens who are closely connected to foreign sources. Leonard Blavatnik, for example, has donated millions to Republicans, including Mitch McConnell. Republicans thus loathe to expose that channel of campaign funding, so they are not inclined to support election security measures that might impact it or shine an investigatory light on it.

Second, the modern Republican Party is all about voter suppression, one of its primary enterprises. The GOP simply wants to steal the vote away from groups it believes, in aggregate, will not vote for its candidates and will not support its plutocratic program. It does not like the upheaval and uncertainty of real democracy, which it regards as an impediment to its dedicated service to the billionaire donors who fund it, and upon whose largesse it is dependent. The modern GOP is also sociopathic and has no ethical qualms whatsoever about cheating voters of their rightful influence. In fact, it enjoys this form of treason. So, the GOP is once again not inclined to support election security and measures that promote or ensure a fair vote. A fair vote is the last thing Republicans want.

The sooner we all realize what treasonous weasels Republican officials have become, the sooner we can start taking measures against the GOP's malign influence on our nation.

"Republicans Are Doing a Good Job Blocking Efforts to Fight Russian Meddling in 2020" -- They need all the help they can get.

Another "great" Trump supporter. More like another crook Trump supporter.

Trump-supporting Republican hoping to oust Ilhan Omar charged with stealing from shops

"A Donald Trump-supporting Republican running against Ilhan Omar for Congress in 2020 is accused of shoplifting hundreds of items from stores in Minnesota, according to reports.

Danielle Stella, the 31-year-old candidate for the Midwest state, is believed to have been charged with felony theft after getting arrested at a branch of Target in the suburbs of Minneapolis".

Trump news - live: President invents imaginary word as bizarre propaganda video shown to right-wing youth group emerges

"Donald Trump has continued to lash out in the wake of Robert Mueller's explosive testimony in front of Congress while taking the time to make up words and tweet about the imprisonment of A$AP Rocky.

The president is trying to undo the damage from the hearings involving Mr. Mueller, who said he was not able to say that his report had cleared Mr. Trump of any wrongdoing.

He has also been wrapped in another controversy after he spoke in front of a bizarre version of the presidential seal, which included references to the Russian flag and a set of golf clubs".

Every American should be concerned about Russian meddling in our elections as that was the focus of Mueller's investigation and the results mirror the conclusion of our Intelligence Community. It's happening and will continue to happen unless safeguards are implemented. Still, Mitch McConnell blocked 2 more bills passed by the House that would help improve election security? Why? Worse, why does Trump not want to improve election security? The answer is because although Mueller determined Trump didn't directly coordinate with the Russians, he was all too happy to benefit from their meddling and then attempted to squash the investigation and lied about all the contacts he, his family, his campaign, and his transition team had with Russians. Every American should be concerned with this. There is no blaming Obama or Hillary for this; it's all on Trump.

Ex-Republican Who Doctored Presidential Seal Is Happy Trump Stood In Front Of It

"In a widely publicized misstep, the organizers of a college Republicans’ event in the nation’s capital projected a doctored version of the U.S. presidential seal behind President Donald Trump for a minute or two on stage this week.

One person suspected of finding and showing the image ― with its references to Russia and Trump’s golf habit ― was swiftly fired.

But the man who created the doctored, satirical seal has only kind words for whoever pulled the stunt".

U.S. House panel seeks grand jury evidence to assess Trump impeachment

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Democratic-led U.S. House Judiciary Committee asked a federal court on Friday for access to the grand jury evidence from the Mueller probe that lawmakers say they need to determine whether to begin impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump".

The GOP Finally Rejects Trump

"A lopsided protest vote in t.h.e House showed that the president’s grip on his party is not always as strong as it appears".

"The two-year, $2.7 trillion budget deal before Congress this week forced Republican lawmakers to answer a tricky question. Which is stronger: their seemingly unswerving loyalty to President Donald Trump, or their equally reflexive opposition to Speaker Nancy Pelosi?"

The GOP, if they have half the sense God promised a Billy Goat they had better start distancing themselves from Trump. Come election time, if they are still backing a crook like Trump, many of them including Trump will lose their jobs. Mitch McConnell hopefully will be one of the first besides Trump to go. As we all see, at least at this point, McConnell doesn't want to do anything about Russian meddling in our elections. That ain't good. That's not good at all. That's about as un-American as you can get.

When you know that a foreign power such as Russia is rigging our elections, but you refuse to do anything about it. And block anything or anyone that tries to, that is to me a treasonous act. McConnell like others was voted in to protect our constitution and work for the best of our people and country. Sounds to me like they all need to be gone come election time. That is if Russia isn't allowed to put into office who they want.

This should be a wake-up call for all Americans. At this point, backing Trump is the same as backing Russia. It's the same thing as saying you are OK with Russia meddling in our elections. And, if you are OK with that, you may as well spit into the face of every American Soldier that fought and died for our country.

no photo
Fri 07/26/19 02:43 PM
2020 Vision: Trump blasts Fox News over poll showing him losing to Biden

"A month after Joe Biden was attacked by Sen. Kamala Harris over his record on race at the first Democratic presidential debate, the former vice president appears to have steadied himself, according to new polling released this week. And one national poll, released by Fox News, appears to have gotten under President Trump’s skin".

indianadave4's photo
Fri 07/26/19 02:54 PM
Court Ruling Implies That Barr Must Redact Grand-Jury Info from Mueller Report. AG Barr has no choice if he is to proceed from a legal footing. When disclosing the Mueller report, Attorney General William P. Barr had to redact grand-jury information. He was not given a choice. Democrats complained and accused Barr of hiding the truth, but the attorney general can’t be faulted for following the law.

In Rule 6(e), Congress has prescribed grand-jury secrecy and its exceptions. Those who contend that a court may permit disclosure outside the rule argue that judges had such authority before the rule was enacted. The panel majority, however, emphasized the rule’s sweeping language: Officials must refrain from disclosure “unless these rules provide otherwise.” The rule also takes pains to spell out the situations in which a judge may authorize disclosure.

Will members of the D party Congress attempt to amend Rule 6(e) in order to obtain grand jury material deemed 'critically important'?

Logical thinking, why? Why paint a narrative that the one item you cannot possess is the one item you need in order to justify your argument?
People elected 'knowingly spreading false-information. Had the info been in the report that the Dems in congress want Mueller would have stated it on Wednesday, BUT HE MADE NO SUCH COMMENT. Why? Because there was no collusion with Russia.

So why are they pressing forward? They have nothing new. It might be that Puppets follow orders. The BIG money behind them are giving orders for them to keep beating the dead horse while the media tries to give the image the dead horse still has a beating heart and is breathing.

oldkid46's photo
Fri 07/26/19 03:36 PM

This is what has become of your Republican Party. It's starting to look like the whole party has turned communist.

Republicans Are Doing a Good Job Blocking Efforts to Fight Russian Meddling in 2020

"A new bipartisan report found that the election systems of all 50 states were targeted in 2016. Mitch McConnell couldn’t care less".

"Former special counsel Robert Mueller issued several reminders during his testimony before Congress on Wednesday. Russia wanted to put in Trump in the White House in 2016, he said, which we already knew. We also knew that Trump’s campaign welcomed this help, that Trump made concerted efforts to impede the investigation into the matter, and that, three years later, Russia is still working to interfere in American elections. As Mueller put it Wednesday, it’s happening “as we sit here.”

On Thursday, we learned something new: Russia’s interference in the 2016 election involved efforts to hack into the election systems of all 50 states, not just 21, as had previously been reported. The revelation came in the first volume of a heavily redacted bipartisan report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee, which notes that the attempts to hack state election systems went mostly unnoticed by U.S. officials. The committee found no evidence that any votes were changed or that voting machines were manipulated, but wrote that the extent of Russia’s activity against state election infrastructure was “unprecedented".

What we know about the 21 states targeted by Russian hackers

"The Department of Homeland Security was short on details when it said Friday that it had notified 21 states of Russian efforts to hack their election systems in 2016. For one thing, the department didn't publicly identify the states. For another, it didn't say how many of the hacking attempts were successful — or to what degree".

The problem is not just that the president owes his position to foreign interference, and is, therefore, unwilling to admit it even occurs, let alone take steps to stop it. The problem is also that foreign influence has become a part of the Republican Party political infrastructure.

First, foreign money is tempted into American political campaigns by the donors' desire to influence the outcomes and results of elections and finds a way in through U.S. citizens who are closely connected to foreign sources. Leonard Blavatnik, for example, has donated millions to Republicans, including Mitch McConnell. Republicans thus loathe to expose that channel of campaign funding, so they are not inclined to support election security measures that might impact it or shine an investigatory light on it.

Second, the modern Republican Party is all about voter suppression, one of its primary enterprises. The GOP simply wants to steal the vote away from groups it believes, in aggregate, will not vote for its candidates and will not support its plutocratic program. It does not like the upheaval and uncertainty of real democracy, which it regards as an impediment to its dedicated service to the billionaire donors who fund it, and upon whose largesse it is dependent. The modern GOP is also sociopathic and has no ethical qualms whatsoever about cheating voters of their rightful influence. In fact, it enjoys this form of treason. So, the GOP is once again not inclined to support election security and measures that promote or ensure a fair vote. A fair vote is the last thing Republicans want.

The sooner we all realize what treasonous weasels Republican officials have become, the sooner we can start taking measures against the GOP's malign influence on our nation.

"Republicans Are Doing a Good Job Blocking Efforts to Fight Russian Meddling in 2020" -- They need all the help they can get.

Another "great" Trump supporter. More like another crook Trump supporter.

Trump-supporting Republican hoping to oust Ilhan Omar charged with stealing from shops

"A Donald Trump-supporting Republican running against Ilhan Omar for Congress in 2020 is accused of shoplifting hundreds of items from stores in Minnesota, according to reports.

Danielle Stella, the 31-year-old candidate for the Midwest state, is believed to have been charged with felony theft after getting arrested at a branch of Target in the suburbs of Minneapolis".

Trump news - live: President invents imaginary word as bizarre propaganda video shown to right-wing youth group emerges

"Donald Trump has continued to lash out in the wake of Robert Mueller's explosive testimony in front of Congress while taking the time to make up words and tweet about the imprisonment of A$AP Rocky.

The president is trying to undo the damage from the hearings involving Mr. Mueller, who said he was not able to say that his report had cleared Mr. Trump of any wrongdoing.

He has also been wrapped in another controversy after he spoke in front of a bizarre version of the presidential seal, which included references to the Russian flag and a set of golf clubs".

Every American should be concerned about Russian meddling in our elections as that was the focus of Mueller's investigation and the results mirror the conclusion of our Intelligence Community. It's happening and will continue to happen unless safeguards are implemented. Still, Mitch McConnell blocked 2 more bills passed by the House that would help improve election security? Why? Worse, why does Trump not want to improve election security? The answer is because although Mueller determined Trump didn't directly coordinate with the Russians, he was all too happy to benefit from their meddling and then attempted to squash the investigation and lied about all the contacts he, his family, his campaign, and his transition team had with Russians. Every American should be concerned with this. There is no blaming Obama or Hillary for this; it's all on Trump.

Ex-Republican Who Doctored Presidential Seal Is Happy Trump Stood In Front Of It

"In a widely publicized misstep, the organizers of a college Republicans’ event in the nation’s capital projected a doctored version of the U.S. presidential seal behind President Donald Trump for a minute or two on stage this week.

One person suspected of finding and showing the image ― with its references to Russia and Trump’s golf habit ― was swiftly fired.

But the man who created the doctored, satirical seal has only kind words for whoever pulled the stunt".

U.S. House panel seeks grand jury evidence to assess Trump impeachment

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Democratic-led U.S. House Judiciary Committee asked a federal court on Friday for access to the grand jury evidence from the Mueller probe that lawmakers say they need to determine whether to begin impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump".

The GOP Finally Rejects Trump

"A lopsided protest vote in t.h.e House showed that the president’s grip on his party is not always as strong as it appears".

"The two-year, $2.7 trillion budget deal before Congress this week forced Republican lawmakers to answer a tricky question. Which is stronger: their seemingly unswerving loyalty to President Donald Trump, or their equally reflexive opposition to Speaker Nancy Pelosi?"

The GOP, if they have half the sense God promised a Billy Goat they had better start distancing themselves from Trump. Come election time, if they are still backing a crook like Trump, many of them including Trump will lose their jobs. Mitch McConnell hopefully will be one of the first besides Trump to go. As we all see, at least at this point, McConnell doesn't want to do anything about Russian meddling in our elections. That ain't good. That's not good at all. That's about as un-American as you can get.

When you know that a foreign power such as Russia is rigging our elections, but you refuse to do anything about it. And block anything or anyone that tries to, that is to me a treasonous act. McConnell like others was voted in to protect our constitution and work for the best of our people and country. Sounds to me like they all need to be gone come election time. That is if Russia isn't allowed to put into office who they want.

This should be a wake-up call for all Americans. At this point, backing Trump is the same as backing Russia. It's the same thing as saying you are OK with Russia meddling in our elections. And, if you are OK with that, you may as well spit into the face of every American Soldier that fought and died for our country.

It seems that this election reform bill isn't about foreign interference but about other election interests. Taken from Politicol:

The legislation contains a series of voting reforms Democrats have long pushed for, including automatic voter registration, expansion of early voting, endorsement of D.C. statehood and a requirement that independent commissions oversee House redistricting. In addition, the bill requires “dark money” groups to disclose donors.

Democrats argue that the bill would make it easier to vote and crack down on money in politics.

But Republicans said the bill would amount to federal overreach when it comes to elections.

indianadave4's photo
Fri 07/26/19 08:31 PM
Interesting that China was in communication with North Korea just before Mueller's testimony. The day of His testimony North Korea fires a small, insignificant, missile into the nearby sea.

Possible CHINESE interference in American politics?????

I say, watch China more than Russia. China wants Trump to loose in 2020 so their US piggy back will return under the democrat's.

no photo
Fri 07/26/19 09:08 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Fri 07/26/19 09:11 PM
Kinda off-topic for the thread. But relevant to the election process.

Twitter Users Slam 'Moscow Mitch' After McConnell Kills Election Security Bills

"Social media users lashed out against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Friday with the nickname “Moscow Mitch” following his move to kill two election security bills.

On Thursday, McConnell blocked a House measure that would have authorized $775 million to strengthen state election systems in addition to requiring paper ballots. He also quashed another proposal to require candidates, their campaign officials and their families to alert federal authorities if they’re offered aid from foreign governments ― something President Donald Trump himself has not committed to doing".

How does McConnel's home state feel about him?

Washington May Love Mitch McConnell, But His Constituents Don’t

"In the inside-the-Beltway world that is Politico’s beat (and one that it mostly covers very well), Mitch McConnell is a titan, whose announced ambition to stay at the top of his party’s Senate conference is big news — Washington’s version of a royal engagement or pregnancy in the U.K. So the long, puffy piece that examines what its headline calls the “record-breaking reign” of the Kentuckian is understandable. And it gives a reasonable account of the intra-party peril McConnell has faced — and overcome, so far — in the Senate".

Mitch McConnell's big donors are Wall Street firms — and only 9% of his funds come from Kentucky

"Wall Street contributions helped Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell raise $3 million last quarter. But just 9 percent of his donations came from individual donors in his home state of Kentucky.

The biggest blocks of contributions to McConnell’s campaign between April and June came from 29 donors at New York’s Blackstone Group, who donated a combined $95,400, and from 14 executives from the financial firm KKR & Co., who contributed a combined $51,000, the Louisville Courier-Journal reports. Executives from firms like Apollo Global Management and Golden Tree Asset Management contributed another combined $65,100".

indianadave4's photo
Fri 07/26/19 09:25 PM
It would appear the networks have discovered that Russiagate is near dead. While actual news reporters are still beating their drum late show themes have changed. Since Donald Trump was elected president almost each night the late shows (especially CBS) began their broadcast with derogatory attacks and personal jokes against the President. This week this has begun to change. Tonight CBS had a very mild opening on Joe Biden. NO MENTION OF THE PRESIDENT AT ALL. If more people watch late show programs than the evening news this "might" be an attempt to back track because there is no smoking gun.

no photo
Sat 07/27/19 09:11 PM
More of Trumps far right backward thinking.

Trump Warns 'Gutless' Antifa May Be Branded Terror Group As Far-Right Killings Rise

"President Donald Trump warned Saturday that “consideration is being given” to declaring anti-fascist protesters — Antifa — a “terror” organization. He issued the threat even though Antifa followers haven’t been linked to a single killing, while the death toll of far-right extremists is surging".

"Trump’s warning follows a nonbinding resolution introduced earlier this month by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) calling for the “designation of Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization.” Cruz later called on Attorney General William Barr to investigate Antifa. He attacked Antifa after conservative journalist Andy Ngo was bloodied in a clash last month with counterprotesters in Portland, Oregon".

As Far-Right Violence Surges, Ted Cruz Seeks To Brand Antifa A Terrorist Organization

"Last year was the fourth-deadliest in the nation for right-wing extremist violence, according to data from the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism".

Who are the Antifa?

"In recent weeks, law enforcement officers across the United States have faced the challenge of keeping the peace at a number of far-right rallies and demonstrations. Their task, to secure both safety and First Amendment rights, has been made more difficult not only by the white supremacists and other bigots who have shown up in Charlottesville, Berkeley and Boston, but also by a relatively small number of counter-protesters who engage in confrontational tactics, including violence, in their opposition to the right-wing extremists. Most recently, the August 27th anti-racist march in Berkeley, attended by thousands of peaceful counter-protesters, turned chaotic when a number of anarchists appeared and allegedly attacked several right-wing or pro-Trump attendees".

Trump slams Fox News polls as 'terrible to me' a day after he praised one

Trump slams Fox News polls as 'terrible to me' a day after he praised one

"WASHINGTON – The up-and-down relationship between President Donald Trump and Fox News took another negative turn Friday.

A day after praising a Fox News poll that reflected confidence in his economic record, Trump attacked another Fox News poll that shows him losing the 2020 race to former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden.

"@FoxNews is at it again," Trump said in a tweet. "So different from what they used to be during the 2016 Primaries, & before - Proud Warriors!"

He added another barb: "Now new Fox Polls, which have always been terrible to me (they had me losing BIG to Crooked Hillary), have me down to Sleepy Joe".

Trump news - live: Mueller warns of Russian interference in testimony as president rails against 'disaster' hearing

"Robert Mueller, the former US special counsel who investigated the Russian interference into the 2016 presidential campaign and Donald Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, is testifying on Capitol Hill today, where he has been asked to explain the conclusions he reached in his report released earlier this year. The whole world is watching, and Democrats skillfully laid out the various ways in which Mr. Mueller's report shows the president obstructed justice by trying to end the Mueller report".

no photo
Sat 07/27/19 09:18 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sat 07/27/19 09:18 PM
Pelosi denounces Trump's 'racist attacks' on Rep. Elijah Cummings and Baltimore

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi denounced Saturday President Donald Trump's criticisms of U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings and his Baltimore district as "racist attacks."

"RepCummings is a champion in the Congress and the country for civil rights and economic justice, a beloved leader in Baltimore, and deeply valued colleague," Pelosi, D-Calif., wrote on Twitter. "We all reject racist attacks against him and support his steadfast leadership."

Rock's photo
Sat 07/27/19 09:50 PM
Snacks and softdrinks, for watching Mueller's
inept interview with Congress;

Watching America's entire political left
get sand in their 'ginas;


It's a beautiful day in TrumpLand!

no photo
Sat 07/27/19 11:47 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sat 07/27/19 11:51 PM
Trump adds $4.1 trillion to the national debt. Here's where the money went

"Once President Trump signs the budget deal that was passed by the House on Thursday and is expected to be approved by the Senate in a few days, he will have added $4.1 trillion to the national debt, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. The total national debt surpassed $22 trillion in February.

This will mark the third time that a major piece of deficit-financed legislation will get Trump’s stamp of approval. Legislation Trump has so far signed since 2017 has added $2.4 trillion to the national debt through 2029, according to CRFB, a nonpartisan public policy group".

"The House Oversight Committee voted on Thursday to authorize a subpoena for all work-related texts and emails sent or received by White House officials on personal accounts, part of a long-running probe into whether senior administration aides have violated federal records laws by using private messaging services for official business.

The 23-16 vote, divided along party lines, puts into the crosshairs President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump and his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, both of whom have admitted through an attorney to using personal accounts in the course of their work.

The effort is also a turnabout of sorts for House Republican efforts in 2016 to highlight Hillary Clinton’s use of personal emails for her official work as secretary of state".

The next two are a good read. It will give you an idea of what the Republican party has become. The Republican party now, and what your dads or granddads, Totally different. It's not the grand ole party anymore. For those who aren't familiar with Reddit, well, in simple terms, there are millions of posts there every day about all sorts of stuff.

But, if you really dig into it you will find many violent right-wing posts. Every day. Glorifying Trump as if he is some sort of God. Some are actually dumb enough to talk openly about the murder of anyone who stands in Trump's way. And Trump, being the idiot he is, he puffs out his chest and blows off his mouth. Which only adds fire to the flame.

A pro-Trump subreddit is full of calls for violence in support of Oregon Republicans

"Reddit has previously banned multiple subreddits in violation of this policy. Reddit “shut down several Nazi and white supremacist subreddits” in 2017 after its policy came into effect, according to The Verge. In 2018, the site banned the largest subreddit dedicated to the Qanon conspiracy theory, citing “repeated violations of the terms” of its content policy, NBC News reported, noting that the forum was “host to a stream of violent threats.” And on June 20, the platform banned the subreddit “r/frenworld,” which “featured racist and anti-Semitic Pepe the Frog-style cartoons,” with a spokesperson saying it “violated rules against encouraging and glorifying violence,” according to The Daily Beast reporter Will Sommer. [The Verge, 10/25/17; NBC News, 9/12/18; Twitter, 6/20/19] "

Walkin’ the Snake at Breitbart and YouTube

"Continuing our long-running analysis of the realization of the Nazi methodology expressed in Serpent’s Walk, we further develop Breitbart’s achievements in that regard, as well as underscoring how YouTube has evolved in that same manner.

The back cover of Serpent’s Walk sums up the essence of the tome: ” . . . It assumes that Hitler’s warrior elite – the SS – didn’t give up their struggle for a White World when they lost the Second World War. Instead, their survivors went underground and adopted some of the tactics of their enemies: they began building their economic muscle and buying into the opinion-forming media. A century after the war they are ready to challenge the democrats and Jews for the hearts and minds of White Americans, who have begun to have their fill of government-enforced multi-culturalism and ‘equality".

Unmasking the GOP as the Party of Negligent Homicide

"In Arizona, a family caring for a child’s heart condition lost their house and car to medical bills they couldn’t pay. In St. Louis, a shelter closed and later a homeless man was found frozen to death in a trash bin. In California, a poor family was found dead in their van from carbon monoxide poisoning.

“Poverty is a death sentence,” Sen. Bernie Sanders said in a 2016 campaign rally. The audience nodded. They should’ve screamed. Look at history. Look at the statistics. Conservative and neoliberal policies kill hundreds of thousands of Americans every year. When Republicans dismantle Obamacare, they kill people. When lawmakers from both parties shred the safety net, they kill people".

Just a reminder of what the Republican party has become under Trump.

Coast Guard Officer Plotted to Kill Democrats and Journalists, Prosecutors Say

Suspect arrested after explosive devices sent to Trump critics and CNN

"Mail bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc was arrested today in south Florida and charged with making threats against former presidents and other explosive-related crimes".

New Republic

"Is someone trying to assassinate top Democrats? The Secret Service said on Wednesday morning that it intercepted two “potential explosive devices” sent to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on Tuesday. The announcement comes one day after law-enforcement officials recovered a mail bomb delivered to billionaire investor George Soros".

I wonder who the next one will be? The next one to try to kill in Trump's name?

no photo
Sun 07/28/19 12:34 PM
Why White Working-Class Women Are Starting to Turn on Trump

"he president of the United States has a well-deserved problem with women voters but it may not be for the reasons you’d suspect. It turns out the racism may actually be more distasteful to working-class white women than the numerous sexual assault allegations".

Baltimore paper blasts Trump after his attacks on the city: 'Better to have a few rats than to be one'

"The Baltimore Sun editorial board lit up President Trump Saturday night for his Twitter tirade against its city and Rep. Elijah Cummings, the powerful Democrat who represents Maryland’s Seventh District".

Not only does Trump's mouth and ways turn off women, Now he has turned off a WHOLE state. I hope the idiot keeps up with his racist rants and his attack on women. We will wave this moronic criminal goodby in 2020.

no photo
Sun 07/28/19 03:30 PM
He wasn't vindicated. Not at all. If anything he was implicated in wrongdoing.

I promise you, you're wrong': Fox News' Wallace shuts down Mulvaney claim Mueller vindicated Trump

"President Donald Trump and many of congressional Republicans treated former special counsel Robert's Mueller's testimony last week before two House committees as a victory but for Democrats like Rep, Jerry Nadler the possibility of impeachment proceedings against the president remain very real.

"My personal view is that he richly deserves impeachment," Nadler said during an interview with CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday. "He has done many impeachable offenses. He's violated the law six ways from Sunday".

On the attack: Trump targets Cummings for the second straight day

"The president’s scathing and scolding words spark condemnation, as well as an increased debate over his use of divisive rhetoric".

Barack and Michelle Obama offer rare rebukes of Trump over attacks on Baltimore

"Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama offered rare rebukes of President Trump after he lashed out at an African-American congressman and called the lawmaker’s majority-black district “a disgusting, rat and rodent-infested mess".

I hope Trump keeps doing this. Right up to the election. The more alienates and divides the less likely he will get voted back in. He's a one-term president. Especially if he keeps up what he's already been doing. Besides all the other crap he's done. He has alienated women and now one whole state. This has got to be the dumbest dictator wanna be ever. Trump is like watching a slow-motion train wreck.

The Democrats know what they are doing. You give any loud-mouthed idiot enough rope and said idiot will hang themselves.

no photo
Sun 07/28/19 03:58 PM
Trump Deserves Impeachment But No Decision Made Yet, Nadler Says

"(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump deserves to be impeached, but the House Judiciary Committee is still investigating to determine whether to report resolutions to the full House, the panel’s chairman said.

“He richly deserves impeachment. He has done many impeachable offenses. He’s violated the law six ways from Sunday,” Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York said on CNN’s “State of the Union,” one of two TV appearances on Sunday. “The question is: can we develop enough evidence to put before the American people? We’ve broken the logjam".

Clinton was impeached on a lot less. He got his knob polished in the oval room by a then 22-year-old staffer. Lied about it and tried to cover it up. Trump has done ten times what Clinton did.

The 10 instances of possible obstruction by Trump in the Mueller report

indianadave4's photo
Sun 07/28/19 08:11 PM
Edited by indianadave4 on Sun 07/28/19 08:14 PM

The 10 instances of possible obstruction by Trump in the Mueller report

Possible, possible, always possible. Give us cold hard FACTS. No more possible.

Muller had over 2 years, 500 interviews and $25,000,000. He and his crew couldn't come up with anything concrete because there isn't anything to to find. No smoking gun, just shooting blanks.

indianadave4's photo
Sun 07/28/19 08:18 PM
France recently stated they were imposing a 3% tax on all tech communication companies FROM THE USA. Frances socialism is coming home to roost and they need more money and in the past everyone would raid the USA piggy banks.

President Trump said, "hold on, if France raises taxes on just American Tech comm companies the USA will raise tariffs on French wine. Personally I like American wine better than French".

The President just defended America from being raped by France just to support their bad economic socialist decisions. Which of the 20 democratic candidates would have protected our nation from being used in this fashion? None of them. None of the last three administrations (Clinton, Bush or Obama) did or would have protected our industries.

In fact, the only subjects the dem 20 can talk about is "let's defeat Trump in 2020". That's all they talk about: their entire platform. Very little actual meat in policy discussions.

Trump in 2020.