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Topic: The Budweiser Story
KarlaofJackson's photo
Tue 12/11/07 12:47 AM
This is so far off the Budwiser story, true or not is still a "Hell Yeah" for our country and our patrioism!!! Hell Yeah?

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Tue 12/11/07 08:43 PM

For sure, that we have a right to live in our country and expect to talk and be heard in ENGLISH!

Uhh... what does ENGLISH have anything to do with it? Seriously, if we really believed in "you come to the country, you learn our language!" We'd all be speaking native american right now.

I'm opposed to violence whenever possible. I understand the need to defend yourself under extreme duress, I know how to handle a gun, but I don't believe in revenge for the sake of revenge. Whatever. I don't care if you think of me as some stupid college hippy, but I have to retain my hope.

KarlaofJackson's photo
Wed 12/12/07 06:50 AM
Which native american language would you suggest we speak in? Thats another history lesson, but english has been estabished as the lauguage of this country and now because of "illegal" immigrants, we must learn another? Everyone should be welcome to the US but if they plan to live here, do business here, then they should pay TAXES!

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Wed 12/12/07 09:36 AM
I'm beginning to think this thread should be moved to the current events section. We are one of the few countries that refuses to learn other languages. In europe most people speak two or more languages, which I think is really cool, and shows their tolerance for other cultures. Also, not all of the spanish speakers are "illegal." I have friends here who's parents made a lot of effort to move to the states, and who still have difficulty speaking english, probably because there are few "english as a second language" classes available. If we feel we must require them to speak english, we should at least give them more opportunities to be able to learn it. It would be easier to get them to pay taxes, if we allowed more of them in legally to begin with. It would also be easier to prosicute if they broke laws, instead of just deporting them, and we could also take better care of workers rights, if they were allowed to speak out without fear of being deported.

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