Topic: Politics and Fear Tactics
T.Roy 's photo
Sun 02/17/19 03:14 PM
Edited by T.Roy on Sun 02/17/19 03:19 PM

LIke I've said before I hate all politicians. I wanted a nuclear bomb to fall on DC so we could start over. Trump is the next best thing.

But I have laugh at your inconsistent judgement, because the fear in America is coming completely from the Left. They have perpetrated a 2 year fraud to get us all afraid of "Russian collusion". They continually mischaracterize what Trump says to make him seem racist. Why do they do that if he is?

Now Trump is a crass impulsive exaggerator...says stupid things all the time....but there is usually at least a kernel of something real underneath his comments to be negotiated. Not so from the Left. They live on lies.

We’re in the realm of inconsistent speculation now. The same people that label Trump racist say nothing about racist and anti-Semite Al Sharpton, Ilan Oman, OCS (or whatever that dipstick idiot's name is), they champion Louis Farrakhan, rushing to take photos with him, not to mention his rapist ***-kisser Keith Ellison, and they laugh off the radical rhetoric of Black Lives Matter/Occupy/ACORN/Antifa.

No, they find the "courage" to call people racist only when they disagree with them politically.

Trump did not study Saul Alinksky. Clinton and Obama have a PhD in deception. Live by that sword and you will die by it.

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/17/19 06:04 PM

LIke I've said before I hate all politicians. I wanted a nuclear bomb to fall on DC so we could start over. Trump is the next best thing.

But I have laugh at your inconsistent judgement, because the fear in America is coming completely from the Left. They have perpetrated a 2 year fraud to get us all afraid of "Russian collusion". They continually mischaracterize what Trump says to make him seem racist. Why do they do that if he is?

Now Trump is a crass impulsive exaggerator...says stupid things all the time....but there is usually at least a kernel of something real underneath his comments to be negotiated. Not so from the Left. They live on lies.

We’re in the realm of inconsistent speculation now. The same people that label Trump racist say nothing about racist and anti-Semite Al Sharpton, Ilan Oman, OCS (or whatever that dipstick idiot's name is), they champion Louis Farrakhan, rushing to take photos with him, not to mention his rapist ***-kisser Keith Ellison, and they laugh off the radical rhetoric of Black Lives Matter/Occupy/ACORN/Antifa.

No, they find the "courage" to call people racist only when they disagree with them politically.

Trump did not study Saul Alinksky. Clinton and Obama have a PhD in deception. Live by that sword and you will die by it.

These analogies also miss a clear difference, neither SHarpton, Oman, OCS, or FArrakhan or Ellison have run for or received the election numbers to become POTUS. I assure you, if they had, they would receive far worse than Trump.

Trumps own words do much more to persuade people's thoughts on racism than any 'fear tactics' from either side. Clinton nor OBama are president. and when Obama was, they found NOTHING, but the things 'angry' people keep perpetuating on Youtube and political forums.

T.Roy 's photo
Mon 02/18/19 01:57 AM
Edited by T.Roy on Mon 02/18/19 01:59 AM

Clinton nor OBama are president. and when Obama was, they found NOTHING, but the things 'angry' people keep perpetuating on Youtube and political forums.

I just find it so hypocritical that REAL racists get a pass from you. You just lost all credibility, as far as racism is concerned.

yes, I thank God every day that Clinton and Obama are no longer in office because their corruption was destroying not only America but the free world.

And of course "they" found nothing on Obama while he was President, because "they" were appointed by him for the specific purpose of covering the crimes he committed every few minutes. Obama appointed nothing but corrupt people to the offices who could do anything about his wickedness.

So you had no problem whatsoever when he weaponized the IRS against his political opposition? That is gestapo tactics, and highly illegal.

Eric Holder better go to jail. Lois Lerner better go to jail.

All your heroes will be wearing orange jump suits soon. It can't be soon enough.


msharmony's photo
Mon 02/18/19 01:59 AM

Clinton nor OBama are president. and when Obama was, they found NOTHING, but the things 'angry' people keep perpetuating on Youtube and political forums.

I just find it so hypocritical that REAL racists get a pass from you. You just lost all credibility, as far as racism is concerned.

yes, I thank God every day that Clinton and Obama are no longer in office because their corruption was destroying not only America but the free world.

And of course "they" found nothing on Obama while he was President, because "they" were appointed to cover the crimes he committed every few minutes. The devil himself, Obama appointed nothing but corrupt people to the offices who could do anything about it.

So you had no problem whatsoever when he weaponized the IRS against his political opposition? That is gestapo tactics, and highly illegal.

Eric Holder better go to jail. Lois Lerner better go to jail.

All your heroes will be wearing orange jump suits soon.

both dramatic and presumptive.

I didnt give anyone a 'pass' for anything. My heroes are those that do for others and love thy neighbor, a difficult task in this highly egocentric dollarcentric country.

T.Roy 's photo
Mon 02/18/19 03:09 AM

Save it for the tourists...I know it's baloney.

The Democrat Party is ATE UP with racists and pedophiles. They clamor for photos with Farakhan and you have absolutely no problem with it.

You give them ALL a pass (as you just did again) yet try to convince us you give a rip about racism with your phony baloney innuendo on Trump?

That's rich in noxious odor.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/18/19 03:11 AM

Save it for the tourists...I know it's baloney.

The Democrat Party is ATE UP with racists and pedophiles. They clamor for photos with Farakhan and you have absolutely no problem with it.

You give them ALL a pass (as you just did again) yet try to convince us you give a rip about racism with your phony baloney innuendo on Trump?

That's rich in noxious odor.


Palghat's photo
Mon 02/18/19 03:57 AM

Focus on Bankruptcies from previous conversation:
(Mainly because business / finance interest me)

1. So when OP says Mr Trump has been associated with 5 bankruptcies
It is an absolutely stunning point.
Q. Why didn't Clinton bring it up during her campaign?

1. She did, multiple times

Two notable facts are:
a. Trump did not file for personal bankruptcies
Considering how litigious US is and how a single law suit could cripple an individual this seems to be his mantra.

b. Chapter 11
India is not known to be investor friendly.

We don't have the equivalent of Chapter 11 to protect their companies. Even in a public limited company the MD & CEO are liable. For example an Airlines company (Kingfisher) went under and the government has seized the CEO's assets and a warrant is out for arrest. Banks have refused a compromise settlement.

Employees were not paid for months and there have been case of suicide

In US companies at the front of recession like hotels, airlines and casinos; and filing for Chapter 11 is reasonable. Investors / suppliers know that they are partnering high risk business which also means high returns.

Trump's cases seem to fit with this 'Chapter 11 - Business as Usual'
for each and all of his 5 companies.

In other words, it is the courts that are saying: Trump is following the Law of the Land.

Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts, a holding company for Trump's three casinos, entered Chapter 11 in November 2004 as part of a deal with bondholders to restructure $1.8 billion of debt.

Earlier that year, the holding company posted a first-quarter loss of $48 million, double its losses for the same quarter the previous year. The company said its gambling take was down nearly $11 million across all three casinos.

The holding company emerged from bankruptcy less than a year later, in May 2005, with a new name: Trump Entertainment Resorts Inc. Chapter 11 restructuring reduced the company's debt by about $600 million and cut interest payments by $102 million annually.

Trump relinquished the majority control to bondholders and gave up his title of chief executive officer, according to The Press of Atlantic City newspaper.

This gives no reason for ordinary folks like his employees to 'dislike' him.

Is it his flamboyance the reason for media attack? Many reasons but I'm looking for the one that is the spear's tip. .

Used to watch CNN regularly but they seem to live within a wall.

It is a bonus perhaps to have a Veteran, or a constitutional lawyer, ..., as POTUS,

You also referred to accountants / economists. You may have had Truman in mind who briefly studied book-keeping. From my experience they are good as experts. In India when our very successful finance minister became Prime Minister; he was from London School of Economics; it started off well but he could not stand up to the arm twisting by the corrupt heads within own party.

So if we leave them out, it leaves us with businessmen who have experience taking hard & visionary decisions.

Unlike Media, US voters sensed this. They seemed to think like the truck drivers interview; the one who had experienced the most crashes got selected.
This last line was meant lightheartedly but the fact is with all the trade wars, it is working!

If Trump decides to start a trade war with India, (IF), he will win!
I respect that, and I cannot hate him for it because it forces my countrymen to look within and improve for the long term.

The general feeling is the current leadership among Democrats are not being objective and the Media is further obscuring them from seeing reality.
The reality is world economy is actually shrinking!!
We all need a very serious game changer else I fear that Trump will leave a legacy of prosperity that will resonate right to the 2024 elections.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/18/19 04:05 AM

Focus on Bankruptcies from previous conversation:
(Mainly because business / finance interest me)

1. So when OP says Mr Trump has been associated with 5 bankruptcies
It is an absolutely stunning point.
Q. Why didn't Clinton bring it up during her campaign?

1. She did, multiple times

Two notable facts are:
a. Trump did not file for personal bankruptcies
Considering how litigious US is and how a single law suit could cripple an individual this seems to be his mantra.

b. Chapter 11
India is not known to be investor friendly.

We don't have the equivalent of Chapter 11 to protect their companies. Even in a public limited company the MD & CEO are liable. For example an Airlines company (Kingfisher) went under and the government has seized the CEO's assets and a warrant is out for arrest. Banks have refused a compromise settlement.

Employees were not paid for months and there have been case of suicide

In US companies at the front of recession like hotels, airlines and casinos; and filing for Chapter 11 is reasonable. Investors / suppliers know that they are partnering high risk business which also means high returns.

Trump's cases seem to fit with this 'Chapter 11 - Business as Usual'
for each and all of his 5 companies.

In other words, it is the courts that are saying: Trump is following the Law of the Land.

Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts, a holding company for Trump's three casinos, entered Chapter 11 in November 2004 as part of a deal with bondholders to restructure $1.8 billion of debt.

Earlier that year, the holding company posted a first-quarter loss of $48 million, double its losses for the same quarter the previous year. The company said its gambling take was down nearly $11 million across all three casinos.

The holding company emerged from bankruptcy less than a year later, in May 2005, with a new name: Trump Entertainment Resorts Inc. Chapter 11 restructuring reduced the company's debt by about $600 million and cut interest payments by $102 million annually.

Trump relinquished the majority control to bondholders and gave up his title of chief executive officer, according to The Press of Atlantic City newspaper.

This gives no reason for ordinary folks like his employees to 'dislike' him.

Is it his flamboyance the reason for media attack? Many reasons but I'm looking for the one that is the spear's tip. .

Used to watch CNN regularly but they seem to live within a wall.

It is a bonus perhaps to have a Veteran, or a constitutional lawyer, ..., as POTUS,

You also referred to accountants / economists. You may have had Truman in mind who briefly studied book-keeping. From my experience they are good as experts. In India when our very successful finance minister became Prime Minister; he was from London School of Economics; it started off well but he could not stand up to the arm twisting by the corrupt heads within own party.

So if we leave them out, it leaves us with businessmen who have experience taking hard & visionary decisions.

Unlike Media, US voters sensed this. They seemed to think like the truck drivers interview; the one who had experienced the most crashes got selected.
This last line was meant lightheartedly but the fact is with all the trade wars, it is working!

If Trump decides to start a trade war with India, (IF), he will win!
I respect that, and I cannot hate him for it because it forces my countrymen to look within and improve for the long term.

The general feeling is the current leadership among Democrats are not being objective and the Media is further obscuring them from seeing reality.
The reality is world economy is actually shrinking!!
We all need a very serious game changer else I fear that Trump will leave a legacy of prosperity that will resonate right to the 2024 elections.

I point out the bankruptcies to call in question how good a businessman he actually is/was. Personal bankruptcies are also 'legal'. but if they are 'business as usual' for any individual, that individual is probably not considered good with finances.

I would predict that if you looked at what is 'business as usual' for billionaires who started out as millionaires, you would indeed not find this many bankruptcies 'business as usual'.

In fact, I would not be surprised if the banks had stopped doing business with him one or two decades ago, before the Apprentice revived his brand.

T.Roy 's photo
Mon 02/18/19 04:47 AM
Edited by T.Roy on Mon 02/18/19 04:48 AM

The general feeling is the current leadership among Democrats are not being objective and the Media is further obscuring them from seeing reality.


Isn't it amazing how (some) people living here can not see? They have swallowed the false narratives hook, line, and sinker. I think that some of them actually believe it, too.

just astounding.

But do you know how to make a million dollars as a musician?

Start with five million.


no photo
Mon 02/18/19 06:22 AM
Maybe we should change the topic! Who will win the Oscar this weekend?

Will it be Jessie Smollett, Nathan Phillips or Christine Blasey Ford? The media is heavily backing them ALL!!!

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Mon 02/18/19 07:44 AM
"I thank God every day that Clinton and Obama are no longer in office because their corruption was destroying not only America but the free world"

Oh, but the horse s*** about WMD that Bush peddled was OK?



msharmony's photo
Mon 02/18/19 09:50 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 02/18/19 09:51 AM

"I thank God every day that Clinton and Obama are no longer in office because their corruption was destroying not only America but the free world"

Oh, but the horse s*** about WMD that Bush peddled was OK?



political extremism is destroying minds faster than religious extremism is ending lives ... but however hard one tries, extremists can rarely be reasoned with Blue, no matter how long the list of competing narratives, they will brush it away as having to be fake if it doesn't fit their extremist conditioning. They only see the whole world in on some huge conspiracy, even in industries that are 'competing' in the great capitalism of America.

they would rather believe these competing interests are all uniting their forces against someone, than to think that maybe if THAT Many normally competing/opposing entities are saying the same thing,,, there could be something to it.

no photo
Mon 02/18/19 09:54 AM
"Oh, but the horse s*** about WMD that Bush peddled was OK?"

It was okay when Bill Clinton said it. It was okay when Hillary said it, as well as Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd, John Edwards, Bob Graham, Tom Lantos,Tom Harkin, Arlin Specter, Sandy Berger, Madeline Albright, Wesley Clark, Nancy Pelosi and I could go on and on but what good would it do? It's obvious you can't deprogram people.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/18/19 10:05 AM
It's obvious you can't deprogram people.

This is true, at least not on Mingle politics thread, where reality often exists only within the frame of us vs them, and not on much logical or consistent evaluation of the facts or of INDIVIDUAL choices and actions.

no photo
Mon 02/18/19 10:09 AM
Individuals like to make choices to earn some kind of actualization from their mob. Look at Nathan Phillips and Jussie Smollett. People run TO them instead of AWAY from them. The narrative suits the mob, so it's a symbiotic (though sick) relationship.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/18/19 10:11 AM

Individuals like to make choices to earn some kind of actualization from their mob. Look at Nathan Phillips and Jussie Smollett. People run TO them instead of AWAY from them. The narrative suits the mob, so it's a symbiotic (though sick) relationship.

And then others choose not to run To or AWAY and instead stand still until the truth is revealed.

no photo
Mon 02/18/19 10:29 AM
Everyone thinks they are one of those, even when they find themselves in a mob chasing people out of shopping malls or restaurants.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/18/19 10:36 AM

Everyone thinks they are one of those, even when they find themselves in a mob chasing people out of shopping malls or restaurants.

I think you just described extremists. Not everyone is one of those.

no photo
Mon 02/18/19 10:48 AM
For many, extremism has become mainstream. If you watch the news, you will see far too many people trying to elbow each other out so that they can become the leader of that parade...

T.Roy 's photo
Mon 02/18/19 04:25 PM

Maybe we should change the topic! Who will win the Oscar this weekend?

Will it be Jessie Smollett, Nathan Phillips or Christine Blasey Ford? The media is heavily backing them ALL!!!

Andrew McCabe for his very literal impersonation of a treasonous turd