Topic: match people
Nauzy's photo
Tue 02/12/19 06:26 AM
Match people on interests and make it mandatory that people write min of 100 words and answer all questions.
Add more religious options categories.
And if the are willing to relocate.
Best to join other sites and see what features are helpful to you ten implement changes to this site.
Also, you can add the feature of following a person on their posts.
If you use my ideas then I would appreciate you giving me credit me for them.
All the best.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 02/12/19 06:39 AM
Your ideas are great and have been suggested in the past but at this time the Site is not adding any new features nor will they require others to put a certain amount of words on their profiles.

As far as Religion Forums we have several you will need to go to
Account- Setting -Forum Setting and check the boxes of the forums you want to see makes sure you update your setting so you will see the extra forums.

As far as following others on their post it is not a feature this site wishes to add..

With that said this thread will be locked for it is not up for discussion on what needs to be added to the site..

If and when they do decide to add Features they may start a Thread asking for suggestions..

Until then enjoy the Forums.

Forum Admin