Topic: Republican representative once again defends white supremacy
shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 01/10/19 04:33 PM
Iowa Republican Representative Steve King is once again facing criticism after he defended white nationalism and white supremacy in an interview. "White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?" King said to The New York Times. "Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?"

King's comments come as he is facing a primary challenge in 2020 from state Sen. Randy Feenstra. King fended off a challenge from Democrat J.D. Scholten in 2018, although he won by a narrower margin than he has in the past.

In the interview, King credits himself with President Trump's shift to his own hardline views on immigration. "Donald Trump came to Iowa as a real nonideological candidate," King said. He recalled telling Mr. Trump, "I market-tested your immigration policy for 14 years, and that ought to be worth something." King in the past has shown a model of a 12-foot border wall he had designed on the House floor.

King, 69, has attained notoriety for statements and positions that appeal to white nationalists. King has lost support from a number of prominent corporate donors, and the state's Republican governor has also spoken out against him.

THIS is just one of the MANY reasons why the republican party has become a cancer to the united states!!!

It is a party controlled by insecure old white men who use it as a platform to spread their hatred from,and continue to keep it a part of,and influence our government.

I am sure that there are republican supporters out there who will try to claim that this sick individual does not represent them,or their views,but until the republican party is ready to take action,and sanction the members of their party who share these antisocial views,including our current president,,and drive them out of politics,they are just as guilty as he is for giving them a platform to use to spread this hatred of everyone who isn't white.

as the old saying goes,you are known by the company that you keep.
[or,vote for!],and anyone who continues to support the party who gives a voice and a platform to white supremacists/white nationalists may as well start burning crosses,because if you aren't doing something to put a stop to this sort of behavior that is so harmful to society,then YOU are part of the problem,too,whether you want to admit it,ot not!!

if you do not openly oppose behavior like this from members of your party,then you are silently condoning it.
so if you REALLY want to 'make America great again',get rid of all of the members of your party who continue to keep racism alive and well,and a part of our government,otherwise,be prepared for people to keep continuing to judge YOU just like they are judging THEM!!

gravitational77's photo
Thu 01/10/19 06:26 PM
Let them all in, let the taxpayers take care of them all, left wing camncer

no photo
Thu 01/10/19 07:11 PM
If it is OK to be a black nationalist or for Mexicans illegally in the US to proudly wave the Mexican flag - what is wrong with being a white nationalist?

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/10/19 07:22 PM

If it is OK to be a black nationalist or for Mexicans illegally in the US to proudly wave the Mexican flag - what is wrong with being a white nationalist?

nationalist and supremacist are different animals, otherwise, I agree.

nationalism of any type is equally good/bad, even though it is sometimes only a well intentioned 'loyalty' to a nation.

to believe one is superior or inferior not on their own merit but only on luck of birth is nonsense.

gravitational77's photo
Thu 01/10/19 08:21 PM
Nothing at all wrong with that, soon we will be the minority

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 01/10/19 09:20 PM

Nothing at all wrong with that, soon we will be the minority

yes,we will,so you had better not forget the way that we are now treating anybody who is a different color than we are,cuz the shoe is about to be on the other foot,and people tend to have long memories when it come to people who have treated them badly in the past.

anybody who has to ASK what is wrong with being a white supremacist,or white nationalist DEFINITELY does not need to be in charge of anything,or hold any elected office,though.

I don't think that I need to explain the reasoning behind THAT statement,but if anybody doesn't understand it,please don't hesitate to ask,so we will know who you are.

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/10/19 09:27 PM

Nothing at all wrong with that, soon we will be the minority

yes,we will,so you had better not forget the way that we are now treating anybody who is a different color than we are,cuz the shoe is about to be on the other foot,and people tend to have long memories when it come to people who have treated them badly in the past.

anybody who has to ASK what is wrong with being a white supremacist,or white nationalist DEFINITELY does not need to be in charge of anything,or hold any elected office,though.

I don't think that I need to explain the reasoning behind THAT statement,but if anybody doesn't understand it,please don't hesitate to ask,so we will know who you are.

I think nationalist leaves more gray area than supremacist

nationalist: a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.

I think the term is interchangable with 'patriot'. I wont say how I feel about the words, just how I see them relating to each other.

Supremacist though, someone who feels their mere existence automatically makes them superior, is a term that makes me think of bigots and small minded folk that dont have their own merits to stand on.

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 01/10/19 09:46 PM

Nothing at all wrong with that, soon we will be the minority

yes,we will,so you had better not forget the way that we are now treating anybody who is a different color than we are,cuz the shoe is about to be on the other foot,and people tend to have long memories when it come to people who have treated them badly in the past.

anybody who has to ASK what is wrong with being a white supremacist,or white nationalist DEFINITELY does not need to be in charge of anything,or hold any elected office,though.

I don't think that I need to explain the reasoning behind THAT statement,but if anybody doesn't understand it,please don't hesitate to ask,so we will know who you are.

I think nationalist leaves more gray area than supremacist

nationalist: a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.

I think the term is interchangable with 'patriot'. I wont say how I feel about the words, just how I see them relating to each other.

Supremacist though, someone who feels their mere existence automatically makes them superior, is a term that makes me think of bigots and small minded folk that dont have their own merits to stand on.

I think that being a 'nationalist' is A LOT different that being a 'WHITE nationalist'!!!

the use of that one little descriptive adjective changes the whole meaning from one who is a proponent of their nation,to one that is a proponent of ONLY a nation of WHITE people.

otherwise,why did they feel the need to use the word 'white' in their description of themselves?

I think it is pretty self explanatory,withut he grey that you are talking about,because these people are actually PROUD of being racists,and bigots!

[if you dont believe me,just ask them!! I am sure that anybody who claims that they are a 'white nationalist' will be perfectly happy to tell you their beliefs!!!]

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/11/19 01:45 AM

Nothing at all wrong with that, soon we will be the minority

yes,we will,so you had better not forget the way that we are now treating anybody who is a different color than we are,cuz the shoe is about to be on the other foot,and people tend to have long memories when it come to people who have treated them badly in the past.

anybody who has to ASK what is wrong with being a white supremacist,or white nationalist DEFINITELY does not need to be in charge of anything,or hold any elected office,though.

I don't think that I need to explain the reasoning behind THAT statement,but if anybody doesn't understand it,please don't hesitate to ask,so we will know who you are.

I think nationalist leaves more gray area than supremacist

nationalist: a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.

I think the term is interchangable with 'patriot'. I wont say how I feel about the words, just how I see them relating to each other.

Supremacist though, someone who feels their mere existence automatically makes them superior, is a term that makes me think of bigots and small minded folk that dont have their own merits to stand on.

I think that being a 'nationalist' is A LOT different that being a 'WHITE nationalist'!!!

the use of that one little descriptive adjective changes the whole meaning from one who is a proponent of their nation,to one that is a proponent of ONLY a nation of WHITE people.

otherwise,why did they feel the need to use the word 'white' in their description of themselves?

I think it is pretty self explanatory,withut he grey that you are talking about,because these people are actually PROUD of being racists,and bigots!

[if you dont believe me,just ask them!! I am sure that anybody who claims that they are a 'white nationalist' will be perfectly happy to tell you their beliefs!!!]


I was looking at it that it could mean a nationalist who is also white, like a tall nationalist or a short nationalist, an adjective only

but those self defined may not be using it in that context.

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 01/11/19 08:35 AM

Nothing at all wrong with that, soon we will be the minority

yes,we will,so you had better not forget the way that we are now treating anybody who is a different color than we are,cuz the shoe is about to be on the other foot,and people tend to have long memories when it come to people who have treated them badly in the past.

anybody who has to ASK what is wrong with being a white supremacist,or white nationalist DEFINITELY does not need to be in charge of anything,or hold any elected office,though.

I don't think that I need to explain the reasoning behind THAT statement,but if anybody doesn't understand it,please don't hesitate to ask,so we will know who you are.

I think nationalist leaves more gray area than supremacist

nationalist: a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.

I think the term is interchangable with 'patriot'. I wont say how I feel about the words, just how I see them relating to each other.

Supremacist though, someone who feels their mere existence automatically makes them superior, is a term that makes me think of bigots and small minded folk that dont have their own merits to stand on.

I think that being a 'nationalist' is A LOT different that being a 'WHITE nationalist'!!!

the use of that one little descriptive adjective changes the whole meaning from one who is a proponent of their nation,to one that is a proponent of ONLY a nation of WHITE people.

otherwise,why did they feel the need to use the word 'white' in their description of themselves?

I think it is pretty self explanatory,withut he grey that you are talking about,because these people are actually PROUD of being racists,and bigots!

[if you dont believe me,just ask them!! I am sure that anybody who claims that they are a 'white nationalist' will be perfectly happy to tell you their beliefs!!!]


I was looking at it that it could mean a nationalist who is also white, like a tall nationalist or a short nationalist, an adjective only

but those self defined may not be using it in that context.

this is the definition of nationalism...

"nationalism. (noun.) Devotion, especially excessive or undiscriminating devotion, to the interests or culture of a particular nation-state. The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals."

when you add 'white' to the description,it implies that you are not just devoted to the interests and culture of a nation,but to the interests and culture of a WHITE nation,forsaking all other colors,otherwise,there would obviously be no need to add that adjective to explain what you mean.

no photo
Fri 01/11/19 09:30 AM

SOoooo We add one more kook to the political broth..what's new? I mean it's not like we can't see that the political scene is a veritable melting pot of whack add another variation's called diversification..LOL