Topic: Why can't we fix what is broken? | |
Did you know that on "deepfake" clips, images of women's faces, breasts, etc can be super-imposed on images and vidios? Same is true with our money.
There is a push for more perpetual bonds, a type of security that doesn’t have a fixed maturity and can make interest payments to investors forever. The aim is to help the big lenders meet capital requirements, so the debt pyramid can keep growing. People need to understand that countries with trade surpluss don't speculate in our treasury, they hold. The reason they hold them is to store their trade surplus. When their trade surplus becomes trade deficit, they stop buying and in fact they will have to sell. It is as simple as that. There is a reason why hell is empty, that is because all of the devils are either bank CEO's or representatives on the take. The funny part of all of this is that the stock market bubble is getting pricked, and the very people who are in control of that bubble are now shorting it to kingdom come. Will we ever learn from history? That is what will soon be history. Why is there 24 hours in a day and 24 beers in a case? Some say the greatest invention in history is beer. To me it is funny money as in thin air credit. Some people use beer to have better sex. In heaven there is no beer, that is why we drink it here. To drink is to get feeling better, when feeling to good we are drunk, then fall asleep, when falling asleep, we commit no sin, when we commit no sin, we go to heaven. Beer is proof that God loves us, and wants us to be happy. Beer is salvation in a can. Except I don't drink, so I am going to hell. I’m an equal-opportunity critic toward Republicans, the warfare party and Democrat, the welfare party, because both parties are packed with the pocket politicians of the bailout banksters who broke their world and who are breaking it again. Along with the military-industrial complex, these parasites of our wealth form “the establishment.” That’s why neither the Warfare Party nor the Welfare Party has ever had the vision to lead us to sustainable prosperity for the 90% of the people, and they never will until it all falls apart. Our windbag economists are no better. They never saw the Great Recession coming, though I did. In fact, many of them said there was no recession anywhere in sight, while I took a lot of criticism for saying in 2007 an economic crisis was imminent, due to a housing collapse that was just beginning and would develop into a globally setback for the world economy, and now it is all about to happen again except this time it will be bundled corporate debt instead of the bundled mortgage debt last time around. But nobody cares. In 2007 I posted how to create your own credit out of thin air so you can make the payments to yourself, thus the first payment makes the second payment, and the second payment makes the third payment and so on. I almost got killed for doing it. That is what happened to Kennedy, for he as president tried to get honest money into circulation. This year 2018, I tried to do the same thing in a different way. I was hoping the replies would put the pieces together I dared not say. That did not happen. I had all of the steps in my posts, but nobody was able to put it together. Nobody cares. So here I am, coming to an end to what I started. At least the coming year will be eventful as things go teats up. Being a former dairyman, and having no education, that is the only way I can describe it. I am so sad, and this is, so sad. No point in posting to myself. |
Al of the problems that resulted in the '08 financial crisis are being made worse since that crisis by the very banking entities that created the problem in the first place. They created the 2008 financial crisis by inflating the housing bubble through their thin air credit process, which made it possible to keep interest rates low for too long, and by lending to every fool with no or not enough income. This time around, they kept them even lower for even longer to indebt corporate entities with a far bigger bubble than the one that popped in '08. Now that this one has popped, it is going to be followed by a worse crisis and a worse recession, because US corporations are going to be forced to lay off people to cut expenses not just here, but also in China. People need to understand that and prepare for it.
We do not understand how China has been propping up the American bubble economy by buying our debt. They buy American debt and they sell Americans products "made in china" our manufacturing base makes with their cheap labor. So far there has been very little revival of the American manufacturing base in the USA. The US trade war with China is being used as a means to derail China's global ambitions. The USA hopes that by cutting our trade deficit with China will cut Chinese access to US$'s in the hope to force constraints on China in executing its ambitions. The problem is that, that is not happening. Chinese based manufacturing activity has shrunk for the first time in 19 years in December of 2018 and it will continue to shrink. That is because China is loosing interest in being the low labor cost producer. It used to be that China used its trade surplus to finance China's global ambitions. China has decided to do what we should be doing. Grow their economy by enabling their poor to become consumers and to become more self sufficient. They are basically coping the vertical farming structures Holland uses. In less then 10 years China will become a net food exporter. Over the next 10 years their middle class will be 3 times larger then our entire population. Let's look at what we are doing. Our manufacturing is as weak as ever. Our trade deficits are bigger than ever. Our budget deficits are bigger than ever. Right now both of the Chinese and American economies are slowing and there is little Trump or Xi can do about it. Both countries countries now suffer from falling demand. Neither country has any negotiating power left over the trade war. Both countries are now faced to make a face saving announcement, even if it all amounts to very little change. Ultimately, both Trump and Xi are going to have to focus on much bigger problems. The stock market boom has gone bust in both countries and the economic boom is going to bust in both countries, and both leaders are going to have a real hard time. Then we are going to have to do what China has started to do. Grow their respective economy by enabling the poor to become consumers. In China's case consumers of self sufficiency. Sooner or later we will end up having to do the very same thing when things get bad enough.. In both countries be it China or the USA or for that matter the rest of the world, the what I call the financialization of the collateral repo market is freezing up. What used to be a very liquid market is no more. What this shows is just how fragile and how quickly everything can go wrong. The problem here is that buyers of this debt no longer want it, and they are trying to sell what they already have to much off. This debt paper is now loosing value on just about every business day because what is in that paper is loosing value on just about every business day. It is now only a matter of time before these collateralized bundled debt has to be taken apart, so the junk in it can be sold at some type of garage sale. |
Edited by
Thu 01/03/19 08:01 AM
When a gas station runs out of gas, it posts a sign, "Out of Gas." When the collateral Repo Market runs out of buyers, it does not post a "Run out of Fools to buy this Junk." Why? Same is now happening with the rest of the financial market. Why don't the financial market post, "Out of Money." It happens to be the truth.
Maybe it all starts with us. Perhaps checking the ego and greed at the door might turn things around. Maybe its in our cultural priorities and standards. Why so much credit in our personal lives? Why do we have to buy things 'on credit', usually non necessities, at all? Why do we pay some people millions and others only scraps? Why do we push for healthier foods, for example, and then charge more for those choices? Why do manufacturers and producers push for more and more profit while seeking ways to pay their workers less and less?
What we can justify in our personal behavior is easy to justify in the system which we live. |
Unless we stand up against this debt tyranny created by thin air credit, it will keep creeping on us, day after day, until we find ourselves totally enslaved by a world of bankster-government collusion where everything of value is owned by banksters, all enforced at gunpoint by law enforcement.
Should I ever get so lucky to be a dictator, every person or entity owning US government debt will be forced to accept a wooden nickel in exchange for that debt. Every bank not lending Constitutional money will be stripped of all assets. |
On YOU Tube watch >
Watch this new technology in China converts desert into productive land rich in crops. |
Edited by
Fri 01/04/19 07:39 AM
To put it simply, renowned economists Thomas Sowell and Milton Friedman will agree that politicians ignore sound economic principles if giving away free stuff to their voters will keep them getting reelected. They ignore that the "free stuff" is paid by the taxpayers, since the funding has to come from somewhere.
In order to lower our Treasury debt we could give a Trillion dollar tax cut to the rich and corporations, start World War lll and throw all the sick and poor people off all of so called healthcare plans and start a trade war that cripples the world's economy like we are now, and that ought to solve our problems. NOT. But that is the plan. Stupider then hell.
The main point seems lost here. A vast amount of the trade deficit is caused by US companies manufacturing overseas. 70% of our imports comes from our manufacturing base in China. Punishing China alone doesn't solve this problem. It is a US homegrown issue mainly due to companies being forced to produce overseas to keep costs down and stay competitive in the US market. Those that don't haven't fared well. The point being, action needs to start at home if you want to deal with the trade deficit. The other issue is that our consumption is a giant cause of the trade deficit and blaming countries for fulfilling our demand is absurd. Trump's trade war is really with US corporations and their offshoring. I hope Trump knows this. I think that is why he's cutting regulations and red tape at home. Trump's war is with the corporate ideology that says profit is primary to nationality or normal morality. He gave the biggest corporations a huge tax cut. Now those corporations need to play ball with America's workers and give them a livable wage. They need to acknowledge that we're all Americans and our legal system, which protects their solvency, will not survive if today's angry politics continues like it is now. There's all these trade tirades going on. Somehow we need to elect some wise men into government instead of the human hoodlum garbage, so government policy makers can step in for a sit-down and determine the best policy for America's future. We are in trouble because of stupid and Unconstitutional banking system that uses thin air credit as lending money to make loans with. We need to change that. Then we have to work with the problems we have, created from that thin air credit lending. We can fix our government debt problem and Social Security overnight and make it sustainable at no cost to the tax payer or future retirees. Congress can fund Social Security and the government debt problem by printing $5 trillion dollars plus whatever amount needed to get the Treasury debt to $10 trillion and place it all into the Social Security Trust fund. This won't cause inflation because that money is not entering into circulation. Since Social Security isn't going to run out of money until 2030, the money won't enter circulation. It's the flow of money that causes inflation. By the time it needs to draw on that capital, the increase will slowly be captured in the already target inflation rate of the FED and by then the FED can more than deal with it as they do now with inflation, adjustment of rates. Social Security would hold all Treasury debt over $10 trillion, not receive interest on it, unless the elected representatives do not balance the yearly budget. When the elected representatives do not balance the budget, an interest rate of 5% on that money is due. For every year they do not balance the budget their salary must be cut by 1/3. That is how we get our Titanic to float again. Somehow we have to get someone into government with some intelect. I spelled it that way on purpose. |
Debt cannot repay debt in the aggregate. Only earnings can retire debt. As for currency or money, our money represents debt that has been monetized. The interest lug on this debt is annihilating the middle class and delivering the nation into the poor house. The arrival of raw materials times price man debited, nature credited delivers earnings. Only earnings can retire debt. A sound money system should provide for a commodity dollar, or at least for a common denominator commodity as backing for currency. The bottom line is that debt cannot be paid with debt, and debt generates no aggregate income that isn't offset by more debt. It takes production times price to generate aggregate income for an economy.
Debt levels are rising, thus it consumes more capital by diverting it from productive investments into debt service. As debt levels spread through the system it consumes greater amounts of capital. Deficits and deficit spending are highly destructive to economic growth, for it directly impacts the value of income and saved capital. Deficits and deficit spending destroys saved capital, which in turn damages capital formation. The end result is the lack of ability for consumers to maintain a good standard of living for it is is beyond their earnings capability. The majority of the aggregate growth in the economy since 1980 has been financed by deficit spending, credit creation and a reduction in savings. This reduced productive investment in the economy and the output. As the economy slowed, and wages fell, the consumer was forced to take on more leverage to maintain their standard of living which, in turn, decreased savings. As a result of the increased leverage more of their income was needed to service the debt. Today's expectations of a return to economic growth of the past is just a fairy tale. The past 8-years of stock market returns were fueled by trillions of dollars of direct debt injections into the financial system, and that debt injection is not sustainable. While the injections have kept the economy from falling into a depression in the short term - the unwinding of that support will suppress economic growth for many years to come and make the depression to come last much longer. In a lot of ways, especially volatility 2019 will be much like 1929. We are entering a bear market. Learn to create your own credit, just like the banks do, borrow it from yourself and make the payments to yourself. That way the first payment makes the second payment, and the second payment makes the third payment, and so on. |
Edited by
Mon 01/07/19 12:27 AM
Resembles $21 Trillion IMHO. This country has run on debt since at least 1791 except for one year sometime around 1835. Some of our founding fathers were far from the saints many think they were. Hamilton and cronies initializing loans from the tyrannical mob we were supposed to be escaping from is a key point. You'll see no difference as long as corporations and the military industrial complex influence politics, this country hasn't been by the people for the people for many decades if not since origin. |
Im no expert or economist. I tend to look at things in terms of what is relative. I notice when you look for any top list of countries, whether its top healthiest, or happiest, or longest living, there is a system where taxes are invested to encourage those cultures and environments. So yes, nothing is 'free', but so what? If people want a certain type of security, or health, or happiness in their country, they should expect to contribute TO the costs of creating and maintaining it.
Nothing is broken, it is doing what it is designed to do, enrich the rich, suppress / oppress the poor, and keep the mushrooms in the dark.
Start making a new system parallel to the broken one, that isn't designed to collapse periodically, as pyramid schemes do. An easy fix now is to remove personal income tax - the WAR TAX, which never got removed after the war, but got re-named income tax. Another is to shop at local producers, avoiding multinationals. Money will circulate locally, instead of going offshore, helping communities. |
Yes Agree in to support locals, Reject mass produce overseas items.
live with less and live happily may be we should create own island . |
Yes Agree in to support locals, Reject mass produce overseas items.
live with less and live happily may be we should create own island . |
We all trade what we are good at for what someone else is better at. The problem is neither the USA or China have a medium of exchange (form of money) that is honest. Banksters have become super rich, fast, ruthless, opportunistic and canny in their multi-billion dollar bets on the workings of financial markets. In the last 3 months more shares have been exchanged from being in long position to short position. The world's most powerful investment banksters are nothing more then great vampire squids wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming their moneyed funnels into anything that smells like money. The banksters staffs are like bellicose "orcs" in the Lord of the Rings.
Gazillions of dollars in bankster profits does not look right, when main street employment is forced to down-seize. The most objectionable aspect of bankster's take via looting is that that loot of so called earnings are shared by such a small number of already ultra-wealthy people. On average the banksters distribute 47% of their revenues to employees who get an average pay packet of $900,000+ a year. It's obviously better that banks be making money than losing it. The question is does that generate jobs - which is the word we haven't heard anything about in the real main street economy. After an infusion of billions of taxpayer dollars to keep Wall Street banks afloat, is any significant portion of banksters capital going into sustainable employment, be it in manufacturing or some new form of energy? No it is not. Their job, from a macroeconomic perspective should be to raise capital and put it into those sectors that will create jobs. They are not doing that. Then why are we supporting them in the way we have via the tax payer bailout? Stupid is as stupid does. Learn to create your own credit, borrow it from yourself, and make the payments to yourself to enrich yourself instead of the banksters. After the cataclysmic events of 2008 and of the past 2 months, are we simply going to allow banksters to go back to enriching themselves through an elaborate, opaque form of casino banking which is detached from the rest of society? It looks that way. Neither the USA or China are the best at everything, or the most efficient at everything. As a nation we need to concentrate on what we do best and on what earns us the most in the global market place. But to do that we need honest money. Neither country has it. If we did, then we could use the proceeds from this trade to buy the things we aren't so good at instead of using bankster credit. When I say things we are not so good at I mean cheap textiles, cheap manufactured goods and some agricultural products we can't grow in our climate. Nobody wants to pay the price of a simple shirt made at US wages. Same can be said for footwear and a lot of other low cost items. Let some poorly educated person in a less developed nation do that work. If we had to do it all here the products would cost a lot more and as a result we could afford much less. We should do the things nobody else can do as well as us, like in building railroad locomotives, vehicles, airlines, oil drilling and refining equipment, gas turbines, jet engines, medical equipment, etc. These are high valued items who's prices can pay their workers the kind of wage that will let them live a decent life in a developed nation with our land and resource costs. Then buy the cheap stuff from abroad that simply doesn't fetch enough money to pay a decent wage by US standards. Everyone has more that way. This is the benefit of trade. But for the above to happen, there has to be honest money to have honest trade. The whole world does not have that, thus there is no honest trade. That is the part we need to fix. The way it is right now, the banksters own the world, our government and us. Is that what we want? Be the downstairs people for the upstairs people? Seems that way. To make a $100,000 loan to a borrower it costs the banksters $5,000. Is that fair? No. So fix it. China, like the USA has become a manufacturer and assembler. Most of the raw materials for digital tech is found in China. China as the tech raw material and cheap labor that the US depends on. Use it but make it possible with honest money, not bankster created thin air credit money where everything is written over (collateralized) to the banksters. To be free don't let the bank collateralize what you own and place it on their balance sheet. Learn how to create your own thin air credit just like the bankers do. Borrow that thin air credit from yourself, and make it payable to yourself. That way the first payment makes your second payment, and the second payment makes the third payment and so on. Enrich yourself, not the banksters that already own us all. |
A creator who ran off to live in Galt's Gulch?!
And that many of the tax payers either go broke from taxes or they just decide to stop working so hard to support someone else. Even I stopped trying so hard. I was never rich or successful, but felt the State was milking me in ways that wore me out. I went minimalist, now try to buy everything used, and basically revolt in my own thrifty way. I cannot support another human being. I am not strong enough, nor foolish enough.
The Oath of Galt’s Gulch
I swear – by my life and my love of it – that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine. I agree with it on principal, but I don't follow it. The deterioration of rule of law in the US has gone on for decades with the scales of justice under the absolute control of the powerful and corrupt. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Right now many business leaders are organizing to save themselves, terrified of runaway policies that have led to ever growing credit/debt creation problem that will lead to civil unrest (yellow jackets in France) and, most threatening of all, the collapse of the dollar they see coming. I happen to agree with them. But they don't have the money like the banksters do, and that is because they can't create it like the banksters do from thin air credit. We have enemies from within, with trillions of dollars in backing, stand ready to issue a secret ultimatum to any one they want to, and that includes Trump. That is how Kennedy got killed. He got killed for placing honest money into circulation via silver coins. To me Trump is the “wild card." One thing I do know is that behind Trump's outrageous behavior are acts of defiance that are utter brilliance, all done to confuse the powers that be some call the deep state. But I still can't figure him out, but he sure got a lot of people confused which is his intent. He actually can talk stupid and do good at the same time. To me the only way America can be saved is through restoration of traditional checks and balances that long ago melted away as the elected representatives re-engineered America’s institutions to fail. Most poor, brainwashed and uneducated are being hoodwinked into financial suicide by the very representatives they helped elect. To fix this, there has to be term limits for congress, removing corporate cash from elections, reforming electoral districts, reforming the committee system in Congress and fix the Supreme Court.. To me the Supreme Court is a total failure for the 9 members are nothing more then members of , a “chamber” owned by organized bankster criminals. The Constitution clearly states what money is, and how it is to be entered into circulation in debt free form. So far every single president since Eisenhower has backed powerful special interests that victimize Americans via financial scams and wholesale robbery of the US Treasury by elected representatives. Supreme Court knows what is happening, but is unwilling to do anything about it. Why? I believe they can read the Constitution but for some reason can't comprehend what they read. Over 19 million people in the U.S. have a felony record, including those who have been to prison, jail or on felony probation. In our communities all over the country people are living, working, paying taxes, or otherwise getting by all while facing the consequences of criminal justice experience that limit their life chances and that has spilled over on our other social institutions. Simply put, America puts people in prison because corporations use contributions to elect politicians that pass more and more laws criminalizing everything imaginable including what money is, even my idea of creating credit in the same way banks do, but as an individual can't, because I am not a member of the Federal Reserve system. Of all things Constitutional money has become illegal, and the powers that be are promoting longer and longer prison sentences for anyone except, of course, the most dangerous “white collar” criminals of all, the members of congress themselves, and the banksters that own them. MERS = Merscorp electronic registeration/renewal services. Fed = Federal Reserve, a private corporation owned by its member banks that operate the fractional reserve system we operate under. All assets including yourself serve as collateral to the Fed. Commodity gold is commodity gold as in physical gold. Paper gold is paper gold that does not exist in physical form but is priced at a much higher price then commodity gold because it serves as the foundation of our fiat fractional reserve money system. Then comes Treasury bonds, Municipal bonds, Corporate debt, individual debt that serve as our fiat financial scam in a V form where paper gold is the foundation of everything is on top of it. Of the four neighbors that surround me, three have their property registered on MERS. One of them is registered over 30 times, one over 4 times and the other one once. The average bank loan costs the banker $5,000, most of that is the cost paper work and cost of appraisal. Bank makes $95,000 profit by selling the loan.Most home loans today get bundled into bundled securities be it in one, or in four different securities, or in 30 different securities. Here is where the leveraging comes in. That same loan can be sold into different bundled securities and the same lending process goes on and on. But the earliest dated collateral sheet has the right to for-close, but not even that is followed in many cases. The MERS system was enabled by the banksters to enable debt pyramiding. Right now it takes $6 of new to make $1 worth of new GDP. Right now $6,000+ of new debt is added to every person in the USA every year. This can not continue forever. When Powell took the job at the Fed, he told Trump that this debt pyramiding is unsustainable, and that he would have to raise rates to stop it. I agree, so does Trump. That is what Volcker did. But Trump does not want to take the blame for what is coming. He wants to place the blame on the Fed, and Powell has agreed that his Fed will take the blame. But Powell has a card up his sleeve. He is going to QE the QT and I actually agree with that but all that does is prolong the problem. The reason i agree with it is because it gives me more time to get ready. But what I disagree on is that I don't want Powell to QE the debt - banks hold. Let them fail, for this crook-ery has to stop. Sooner or later we are going to go teats up. Let it be sooner instead of later when the amounts are smaller instead of bigger. During the next 5 years or so, there is going to be once in a lifetime opportunity to buy productive wooded acres for $125 an acre or less. Payback in tree growth is $25 an acre a year and if you thin it it is $150.00 a year per acre. But hat only works if you can pay cash for it and let the trees grow. So get ready and cash up for that event. Same can be said for shares of stock in many corporations, but the trick is to buy shares that go up instead of down. Easier said then done. But shares of stock = paper, where trees are physical. Remember that. An apple is an apple, a picture of an apple is a picture of an apple. Which one can safe you from starvation? The USA has 100 million acres that needs planting or thinning. Why not use the people who want to get out of their economic concentration camp our multi national corporations and banksters have put them into, and let them pay themselves for doing the work by allowing them to create their own credit they can borrow in their own name and make it payable to themselves? What is so wrong about doing something right at no cost? |
If someone has information on wooded productive land in a warm climate with a stable political system and economy for under $125 an acre or under $250 a hectare run it by me. If we get along you can live on it for free. But it has to be land that one can live on without being eaten. Getting consumed kind of defeats the purpose.
Above mistakes I made and can't fix it > safe should be save, The average $100,000 bank loan costs the bankers $5,000