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Sat 03/16/19 02:05 AM
They said Trump wouldn't win the first election ..sure got that WRONG..and now they say what?..LOL Trump is driving us towards communism..LOL WHERE'S THE TRUMP RUSSIAN COLLUSION.. ![]() I find it funny that those who are claiming Trump is driving us towards communism..when it was the Dems who colluded with the RUSSIANS..not to mention would have voted a TRAITOR into office.. AG Barr said Trump is LEGALLY right for calling for a national emergency..and what is happening at the border is EXACTLY the reason one would call for a national emergency... And Creepy Biden hell there are people in our government that won't let him near their ya may want to rethink that one..or not HERE COMES THE PAIN |
Chris Wallace: No Way Trump Will Win In 2020 With Just His Base "Fox News host Chris Wallace told colleague Shepard Smith on Friday that there’s no way Donald Trump can win a second term with just his base — and the president doesn’t seem to care about anyone else now. Smith asked if Trump is simply going to “stay with the base, placate the base and forget everybody else and just figure out a way come 2020?". This is probably true. In 2016 the majority voted for Clinton. I believe at that time there was a subset of people that believed Trump. But unlike those die-hard Trump fans, they know they were had. The farmers for example. I look for many of them to defect more towards the left. So, with that in mind and knowing that at the time Clinton carried the popular vote, whoever runs against Trump this time has a pretty good chance of beating him. Really, a very good chance. It's really all up to the Democrats and who they choose to back. One "Trump" is enough. We get rid of this one. we don't need another one. Which, I believe in the end will be Joe Biden. But now, that's just my thought. Because he has the most experience. But, that's still a ways off. We still have a good ways to go before the next election. I believe most of America wants Trump out of office. The majority never wanted him in the first place. But at the same time, we don't need to go all willy nilly on who we choose to take his place. We don't want to vote in another president with communist leanings that lies almost every breath and act a fool on the world stage. Trump has done enough damage. He has opened a door now that we may not ever be able to close. One step closer to communism. Hope springs eternal that we actually get someone educated, experienced, and presidential in office in 2020. |
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Sat 03/16/19 03:07 AM
I suppose that's all one can do Ms.H..But personally I don't see that happening any time soon..Until we come up with better prerequisites of 35 years old and a naturalized citizen we will continue to have nominees like Home Wrecker Harris Bathroom Booker,Fauxcahontas,Creepy Biden, Hag Hillary,Obama and a few others.. Why are we not vetting our nominees and asking for their tax records prior to allowing them to be a candidate..Some may think we need stricter laws as far as guns are concerned but we also need stricter laws where presidential candidates and border security as well..But none of this will change until we "DRAIN THE SWAMP"..and if after that other improprieties are discovered then we handle them accordingly..because after all NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW..NO ONE..not even Trump..but above all let us be fair in our judgement...Because if not then who are we to ask for any different ...Equality under the law is a standard for which we should never stray.. ![]() |
Trump maynot win again in 2020. He maynot even run. Just hope that the Obama administration is gone for good. That goes for Hillary and all thier Crooked partners in crime.
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Sat 03/16/19 12:41 PM
I suppose that's all one can do Ms.H..But personally I don't see that happening any time soon..Until we come up with better prerequisites of 35 years old and a naturalized citizen we will continue to have nominees like Home Wrecker Harris Bathroom Booker,Fauxcahontas,Creepy Biden, Hag Hillary,Obama and a few others.. Why are we not vetting our nominees and asking for their tax records prior to allowing them to be a candidate..Some may think we need stricter laws as far as guns are concerned but we also need stricter laws where presidential candidates and border security as well..But none of this will change until we "DRAIN THE SWAMP"..and if after that other improprieties are discovered then we handle them accordingly..because after all NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW..NO ONE..not even Trump..but above all let us be fair in our judgement...Because if not then who are we to ask for any different ...Equality under the law is a standard for which we should never stray.. ![]() personally, and logically, I don't see the relevance of being 35 or a citizen when it comes to any of those you mentioned, since only One was ever president and was both of those things. I also don't understand why tax records would be any more of a prerequisite now than it has been since the founding of the country. I would much rather they be tested on their knowledge of the Constitution and the roles and responsibility of the office, since it actually relates DIRECTLY to their position. Guns kill people. The presidential requirements are fine except maybe having a maximum age that fits with the general expected work span of any other American. Border security is not much of an issue since, as stated before, numbers are at some of the lowest they have been in decades already. consistency and equality of standards are important in life and work. |
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I suppose that's all one can do Ms.H..But personally I don't see that happening any time soon..Until we come up with better prerequisites of 35 years old and a naturalized citizen we will continue to have nominees like Home Wrecker Harris Bathroom Booker,Fauxcahontas,Creepy Biden, Hag Hillary,Obama and a few others.. Why are we not vetting our nominees and asking for their tax records prior to allowing them to be a candidate..Some may think we need stricter laws as far as guns are concerned but we also need stricter laws where presidential candidates and border security as well..But none of this will change until we "DRAIN THE SWAMP"..and if after that other improprieties are discovered then we handle them accordingly..because after all NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW..NO ONE..not even Trump..but above all let us be fair in our judgement...Because if not then who are we to ask for any different ...Equality under the law is a standard for which we should never stray.. ![]() personally, and logically, I don't see the relevance of being 35 or a citizen when it comes to any of those you mentioned, since only One was ever president and was both of those things. I also don't understand why tax records would be any more of a prerequisite now than it has been since the founding of the country. I would much rather they be tested on their knowledge of the Constitution and the roles and responsibility of the office, since it actually relates DIRECTLY to their position. Guns kill people. The presidential requirements are fine except maybe having a maximum age that fits with the general expected work span of any other American. Border security is not much of an issue since, as stated before, numbers are at some of the lowest they have been in decades already. consistency and equality of standards are important in life and work. This is one of the things that I believe will get him tossed in 2020. He just refuses to shut up about John Mcain. He's stepping on a lot of the wrong toes. ******************************************************************************** Meghan McCain Calls Out Trump for ‘Obsessing Over’ Her Family: ‘No One Will Ever Love You’ "Meghan McCain fired back at Donald Trump Saturday after the president delivered yet another verbal attack on her father, the late Sen. John McCain. When you get told about yourself and you just keep running your mouth anyway, Your an idiot. Besides, where is that great healthcare he promised? “No one will ever love you the way they loved my father,” “The View” co-host said in a tweet replying to the POTUS. “I wish I had been given more Saturday’s with him. Maybe spend yours with your family instead of on twitter obsessing over mine?". The sharp words came after Trump disparaged McCain in yet another tweet on Saturday, blasting the Vietnam veteran over his “no” vote to repeal Obamacare and his part in bringing the Steele Dossier to public attention. ********************************************************************************* WHAT’S TRUE IN TRUMP-RUSSIA DOSSIER? KEY PARTS PROVED OVER LAST YEAR "Special counsel Robert Mueller was appointed one year ago today to probe Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election. The anniversary is not an occasion for celebration for President Donald Trump, who has labeled the investigation a “witch hunt.” But well before Mueller was in the national spotlight, a former British intelligence officer was gathering information about Trump and his campaign’s potential ties and collusion with Russia to win the White House. Christopher Steele and his 35-page dossier not only alleged collusion between the president’s campaign and Russia. It also stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime had cultivated Trump for “years” and even had potentially damaging information on the billionaire real estate mogul". ********************************************************************************* Some more of what Trump brings out of the sick minded amongst us. After massacre, Trump downplays white nationalism threat "NEW YORK (AP) -- President Donald Trump played down any threat posed by racist white nationalism on Friday after the gunman accused of the New Zealand mosque massacre called the president "a symbol of renewed white identity". ********************************************************************************* Here he goes again. Calling his base to violence if he doesn't get his way. Trump: It Would Be "Very Bad" If My Biker Friends Got "Tough" On Left Wing Opponents "Somebody reset the big counter of how many days it's been since Donald Trump said something with a distinctly authoritarian flavor back to zero: he's at it again". ************************************************************************************* Trump's Authoritarian Rhetoric About Political Violence Just Went to Another Level "Authoritarianism is a slip and a slide, inch by inch, as a leader slowly backs an SUV over the republic of which citizens handed him to control. The goal is to move the window of what is acceptable to talk about slowly but decisively until what you talked about becomes something that can be done. It might feel like the same old thing over and over, but there are new elements each time, a new outrage to digest until it becomes an old outrage and, ultimately, a part of life" ********************************************************************************* This guy says it's "Gibberish". I don't know if I want to believe that at this point. Since we've already had two people to try to kill Democrats. I'm sure there are more warped minded people out there that "hear" Trump when he calls his base to violence. Trump's words have called 3 men already to try to kill Democrats. He's doing it again right now. ********************************************************************************* Lawrence O’Donnell Explains Why Donald Trump’s Warning Of Violence Is ‘Gibberish’ "MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell on Thursday explained why he believes President Donald Trump’s suggestion that his supporters may turn violent if things reach “a certain point” is “gibberish". Trump warns 'tough' supporters could turn things 'very bad' if provoked ************************************************************************************* "President Donald Trump on Friday was facing scrutiny for comments in a recent interview with Breitbart News in which he warned his 'tough' supporters could turn things 'very bad' if provoked by his political opponents". *********************************************************************************** Trump Encourages Violence From His Supporters. They’re Listening. "President Donald Trump this week issued a thinly veiled threat of violence against his opponents, saying that members of the police, military and biker gangs could “play it tough” if they “reach a certain point.” It was a disturbing remark, but even more disturbing is the fact that it’s part of a long history of Trump encouraging his supporters to engage in violence. Largely unchecked by his party’s leadership, Trump’s rhetoric has become normalized despite its real-world ramifications". |
Unsealed documents shed new light on efforts to verify Trump-Russia dossier
"A report from a retired agent who worked for the FBI's cyber division, submitted as expert testimony in a civil lawsuit, presented new evidence about how Russian intelligence might have exploited a private web hosting company when it fooled top Democratic targets into giving up their passwords. The fruits of those hacks formed the basis of the WikiLeaks email dumps that roiled the race". Trump attacks McCain, who died last year, over dossier leak "President Trump doubled down on his weekend attacks against John McCain in light of new evidence about the Trump-Russia dossier". Trump makes himself look even more guilty every time he opens his mouth. Why bad mouth a dead man? He's no longer here to defend against anything said about him by Trump. He's gone. There is no way John Mcain can hurt Trump now. So why keep pushing it? It's guilt of some kind. I know that Mcain didn't like Trump all that much. If things had been different and Mcain had lived to rebuke whatever Trump said, that would be different. But to just keep on smearing a man that's dead and gone, that just shows the newest low that the Republican party can go. The Republican Party Has Changed Dramatically Since George H.W. Bush Ran It How Democrats and Republicans switched beliefs [Opinion] "Strangely, over a century, America's two major political parties gradually reversed identities, like the magnetic poles of Planet Earth switching direction". Not Your Parents' GOP The Communist Party and the Republicans |
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Sun 03/17/19 04:04 PM
How does one defend "MIGHT" ..oh I know might might not have... your honor so in essence.."it's a coin flip"..what? LOL..that's some evidence they might or might not have there ..LOL..might ..2 funny and yet just about as ridiculous..whatever happened to PROOF.. ![]() |
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Sun 03/17/19 04:10 PM
Charles quotes authoritative reports for all he says. I can't help but notice that those who would seem to approve of the dozy Donald never quote reports and chat in a way that is so confusing I find it hard to understand exactly what point they are trying to make!
My problem if I were an American voter would be to decide which of the many Democrat candidates to support. I really do hope they get their act together with just the one candidate and all the others agreeing to support that person. Then we will see if Trump is fool enough to stand again, or if he will leave that to someone else. Punishing him when he is no longer POTUS will I think be easier to do. Watch this space! |
Charles quotes authoritative reports for all he says. I can't help but notice that those who would seem to approve of the dozy Donald never quote reports and chat in a way that is so confusing I find it hard to understand exactly what point they are trying to make! My problem if I were an American voter would be to decide which of the many Democrat candidates to support. I really do hope they get their act together with just the one candidate and all the others agreeing to support that person. Then we will see if Trump is fool enough to stand again, or if he will leave that to someone else. Punishing him when he is no longer POTUS will I think be easier to do. Watch this space! I have visited in the UK on three occasions for six months each, but never lived or voted there. I do know US election system well though, and have voted for over three decades. It is sometimes confusing and takes getting used to. Particularly frustrating to me is the party politics where individuals must conform to supporting others only due to their similar party. This is the case with our debates when nominees on each party spend so much time telling you why their opponent is not the best choice, but the if that opponent wins, they all follow suit singing the praises of that same opponent. The expectation to tow a party line makes it a frustrating process. |
Charles quotes authoritative reports for all he says. I can't help but notice that those who would seem to approve of the dozy Donald never quote reports and chat in a way that is so confusing I find it hard to understand exactly what point they are trying to make!
Thank you. I try. They don't. Because they can't. They follow along on the thread just because it bothers them what I post. It bothers them because they want to believe so badly in Trump. Even though many of them know what I post is the truth, they don't like it because I post it. Many of them seem to think that if they bury their heads in the sand it will go away. Many seem to think we are just supposed to ignore it. There is nothing we can do about it. So why bother? The reason to "bother" is painfully obvious. A fox has snuck into the hen house while we were not looking. All he does is spew his hate and nonsense. That's all they have. Well, I should say, in all honesty, they do have there far, far, right news. Their "alternate" facts. The facts that when put to the test make no sense or lead to anything substantial. It's mostly bullshyt and lies. But, going by the way they seem to think is right, we are supposed to believe that bullshyt. We are supposed to abandon our senses and follow down some dark rabbit hole. Where the bullshyt is deep. It's dark. So all the real facts can't be seen. We are supposed to believe it. Without question. Even if it's obvious it's a far-right lie. With you being from across the pond you may have never have heard of Jim Jones. If you haven't, look him up. Trump followers are much like the followers of Jim Jones. All the way up to the time they swallowed the CoolAid. Jim Jones took a lot of innocent people with him when he died. Trump has many of his followers completely suckered. So suckered they went out and tried to commit mass murder of Democrats or anyone who opposed Trump. He's trying to start that again. I've already posted about it. I won't post it again right now. People are drinking Trump flavored cool aid. And it's making them even crazier than they already were. Then you have lower servants that you see pop in and out of this thread or on other Social Media. Many of them talk in gibberish. They post nonsense or they post what they know is propaganda in hopes of twisting someone into believing their alternate facts. Like goofy Rudy G said, Truth isn't Truth. Only goofy Rudy or Trump himself could come up with something like that to say. Giuliani: ‘Truth isn’t truth’ "President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani on Sunday claimed “truth isn’t truth” when trying to explain why the president should not testify for special counsel Robert Mueller for fear of being trapped into a lie that could lead to a perjury charge". I think that some Trump followers get there gibberish from people like Rudy G. If anyone knows gibberish, It's Rudy G. When 'truth isn't truth:' How Rudy Giuliani and Trump are exploiting the flexibility of language "First it was "alternative facts." Now we can't even have "truth". Rudy is hard enough to make sense of. Then you have mumbles. Donald Trump's Mumble Jumble Trump makes very little sense most times. He either makes no sense. Or he tells a lie that makes no sense. It’s easy to fact check Trump’s lies. He tells the same ones all the time. "I’ve made it my mission to fact-check every word Donald Trump utters as president. That means trying to watch every speech, read every transcript, decipher every tweet. I’ve accidentally established a reputation for using Twitter to point out that he’s lying within seconds of him telling a lie". This is the reason many of his followers can't get on a thread and post anything that might rebuke other posts. Because what they post is based on lies. Straight from the man they wish they could defend. You can't defend lies. If you try to defend a lie, the lie falls apart. And the one trying to defend it winds up looking foolish. The sad part of that, many of them don't mind looking foolish. |
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Sun 03/17/19 11:34 PM
Trump's 'emergency' is already doing serious harm. Courts must end it if Congress can't.
"The Senate has now joined the House in approving a resolution to terminate President Donald Trump's declaration of a "national emergency" to get billions of dollars that Congress refused to give him for a wall on the southern border. Even Republican Sen. Mike Lee, who led a last-ditch effort to strike a deal with the president, supported the 59-41 congressional rebuke". National emergency declaration over border now facing court fights Trump Threatens ‘SNL’ With Federal Investigation Because They Mock Him "Donald Trump threatened “Saturday Night Live” and other late-night shows with a federal investigation for poking fun of him, calling it in a Sunday tweet, “one-sided [sic] media coverage". What could he expect when he makes a fool of himself almost every day? He's fodder for the machine and he feeds it. He wants to get all butt hurt when he is bringing it on himself. If you are going to rant about comedy shows doing parodies about you, wouldn't it make sense not to give them more material in the process? He says his approval is at 52% when even Rasmussen Reports, which is usually several points above any other, is at 48% and the average of all the recent polls is less than 43%. Maybe Trump is referring to a poll of his family that he did himself? |
Congress to probe Trump administration’s response to rising threat of white nationalism
"The Democratic-controlled House Judiciary Committee has revealed plans to hold hearings on the rising threat of white nationalism". Trump Says He Doesn't See White Nationalism as a Rising Global Threat After New Zealand Shooting "Donald Trump on Friday downplayed the global threat of white nationalism, as other world leaders condemned far-right extremism and racism in the wake of a devastating mass shooting at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand that left at least 49 people dead". 'I am a nationalist': Trump's embrace of controversial label sparks uproar "WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump has received a lot of negative responses to his outright declaration that he is a nationalist, and on Sunday, the leader of one of America's oldest and closest allies added his voice to the critics' chorus". This is why he doesn't believe it's a problem. He's one himself. Kellyanne Conway’s stunningly irresponsible advice: read New Zealand mosque shooter’s manifesto "The man who allegedly killed 50 people last week at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, described President Donald Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.” But White House counselor Kellyanne Conway wants people to study the shooter’s manifesto for themselves before drawing conclusions — even if that means exposing themselves to white supremacist ideology". Even though Trump talks like he is a white nationalist, Let's say for the sake of argument he isn't. He just "talks" like he is. The fact remains, this guy that shot all these people, he was listening to all the rhetoric that comes out of Trump's mouth. Even if it was indirect, the shooter, another weak minded person that let the words of a moron push him into doing something really bad. Either way, Trump played a part in it. Just like these here in the states that have been caught trying to kill Democrats. It was Trump's words that did it. When you spew hate and racism the way Trump has, well, nasty always seems to spread far and wide. Even to other countries. Every country has it's weak minded that will listen to anything. And follow through. The shooter said it himself, "described President Donald Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose. Yes, Trump didn't pull the trigger. But his words spread far and wide. No, he didn't pull the trigger. But his words put the gun in the hand of the man that did. And Trump's words twisted the brain of the man that did. To me, that's where I find fault with Trump. 4 men so far have either tried or have pulled the trigger. All from Trump's words. This is why different presidents over the years have always been careful of what they say in public. Their words can get people killed. And they know it. I believe that most wouldn't want that on their conscience. And as usual, Trump deflects. Never takes any responsibility for anything. Mulvaney: ‘Absurd’ to say that Trump’s rhetoric influenced New Zealand attack "Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney defended President Donald Trump on Sunday, calling suggestions his rhetoric on immigration influenced a mass shooting last week at two mosques in New Zealand "absurd". |
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Tue 03/19/19 08:07 PM
More of Trumps "communist" leanings.
Trump is 'looking into' Facebook 'bias' as aide melts down over suspension "President Trump threatened an investigation into Facebook over perceived bias after a White House staffer was temporarily banned from posting comments on the site". President Trump's 2020 re-election campaign has quietly spent nearly TWICE as much as the entire Democratic field COMBINED on Facebook and Google ads. Word of CAUTION - It is NOT a good idea to investigate companies, you are EXPLOITING. How can anyone be alright with Trump claiming that places like Facebook should have to agree with him and can not have any other opinions except for what he wants? Freedom of speech thrown out the window by Trump because his ego can't take being made fun of. I'm sure he would love it if everyone snapped to attention. Like those folks over in Russia or China and North Korea. We see how he "loves" Kim Jong Un. Trump’s comments on falling in love with Kim Jong Un ‘shocking and appalling,’ says conservative writer "Conservative writer Bre Payton slammed President Trump's comments about falling "in love" with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Monday, citing Pyongyang's human rights record. "I've long been disturbed with Donald Trump's treatment towards the North Korean brutal dictator that we have," Payton, a writer for The Federalist, told Hill.TV's Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton on "Rising". Trump loves how North Koreans treat Kim Jong Un: “I want my people to do the same” "After President Donald Trump heaped lavish praise on North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s intellect and personality earlier this week following their historic summit, he raised more eyebrows on Friday by suggesting that he wanted Americans to defer to him the same way North Koreans do to Kim". Trump says Americans should ‘sit up at attention’ when he speaks like North Koreans with Kim Jong Un "During an impromptu interview on Friday’s edition of Fox & Friends, President Trump indicated that he’d like it if Americans, particularly his staff in the White House, treated him the same way North Koreans treat totalitarian dictator Kim Jong Un". Trump would love it if he could be America's first dictator. He's made it clear. 80 times Trump talked about Putin "Throughout the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump consistently broke from political orthodoxy in his effusive praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin. His glowing statements on Putin have become central in stoking the suspicion that he and his campaign were somehow connected to Russian interference in the election". Apparently, he loves the communist way of running the Government. He loves the communist way of treating their supreme leader. He's a little dictator wannabe. Look at what he has already done. He's proven that he can, at the moment, try to take away the power of the purse from Congress. That sounds like something a little dictator wannabe would try. If he can get his way about that, he will eventually try to find a way to stay in office for as long as he wishes. If he can try to shut down FB because of all the posters that disagree with him, That also sounds like something a dictator wannabe would try. He doing these things right under our nose. Some can't see the forest for the trees. ******************************************************************************** I don't agree on a lot with Romney either. But at least he does have some decency about him. Romney calls out Trump's attacks on 'heroic' McCain |
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Tue 03/19/19 09:50 PM
WHERE'S THE TRUMP RUSSIAN COLLUSION? two years later and NOTHING BURGER. ...and now Trump hell he's everything week he's a Nazi the next week he's a Russian Colluder another week Hitler ..KKK can you all make up your minds or do you have to wait for the mockingbird media to create the "flavor of the week" ... It's amazing how so many people who think they know how to talk to other world leaders when it comes to trying to bring about world peace..something we haven't seen for a LOOONG time..while we have been in false narrative war after false narrative war..against some of these very countries that we have been LURED into fighting and are trying to bring about peace with..After all it would be a precarious position to be in since after all it may have been this country and it's SWAMP RATS that started most of the skirmishes in order to line their pockets.. We're probably lucky that some of these countries will even negotiate with us..oh but we can't go there because we're perfect we do no harm unless provoked even if we have to use our own CIA..even if we have to arm and fund them ourselves..and we have..but not to worry there will always be the CIA controlled mockingbird media to tell you what to think..and how to feel..But. that can't happen..the media doesn't brain wash us.. ..but Trump's words brain washes someone into killing people... the media can't convince us to hate..but Trumps words can convince someone to kill... ![]() no matter what, our mockingbird media will paint us in a magnanimous light before the world while those beyond our borders know the real truth..But don't worry what you don't know won't hurt you..Unfotunately some of us know..too bad others don't listen.. And by the way haven't really looked into it lately..HOW"S THAT SMOLLETT STORY GOING..mockingbird music and false flags false narrative wars and witch hunts..still don't get it ..DO YA.. ![]() ..HERE COMES THE PAIN |
Ex-U.S. Attorney Bharara to Trump: don't mess with Manhattan probes
"(Reuters) - Preet Bharara, the ex-U.S. Attorney in Manhattan, has a piece of unsolicited advice for President Donald Trump: don't meddle with investigations being pursued by his former office, especially one involving the Trump business or a family member. Any such attempt, Bharara predicted, would likely prompt Democrats in Congress to start the impeachment process". The more he claims he is innocent the more people tend to believe he is guilty. His actions to stop, prevent or dissuade investigations of his personal affairs only increase the belief that he is indeed guilty of something but to what degree? He knows his past is coming to haunt him and could potentially spend the rest of his life in prison and forfeit all his fortune. A real American patriot would support the rule of law and judicial independence as guaranteed by the Constitution. But don’t tell Trump or his 25% that. Yep, the law knows no politics. No pardons here folks when dealing with the state attorneys. Collusion may be considered political, but fraud and money laundering are huge no-no's. Throw tax fraud and his closed down foundation and you have a heap full of financial crimes that have a paper trail. Bankruptcy, fines, and foreclosures are in Trump inc's future. It will be interesting when the Mueller report comes out and the sniff of treason is sprinkled throughout the report as far as connecting the dots of a quid pro quo of political policy tied to his fortunes involving the Russians. Not to mention the foreign involvement with the Kusheners and middle east money and influence. Let the power fall. |
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Wed 03/20/19 12:51 AM
Judge orders public release of redacted documents on FBI's raid of Michael Cohen
"The public on Tuesday will see the search warrant and other documents related to last year’s FBI raids on the home and office of Michael Cohen. What we might learn: The origin of the investigation, the timeline of events, what investigators were looking for in their search and other details into the case of President Donald Trump’s former attorney and fixer". Newly released docs show the FBI was investigating Michael COHEN for nearly a year BEFORE agents raided his home and office. The search warrant shows the federal inquiry into Cohen had been going on since July 2017 — far longer than previously known. “The public interest in the underlying subject matter of the materials — which implicates the integrity of the 2016 presidential election — is substantial," in other words, the judge knows something we don't. Read the full transcript of the Helsinki press conference "Standing next to Putin, Trump slammed US intelligence agencies, Democrats, and the Mueller investigation". President Donald Trump met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday to discuss relations between the two countries. The press conference that followed was striking. Asked to denounce Russian interference in the 2016 election, Trump changed the subject to Hillary Clinton’s emails. Trump refused, despite being asked multiple times, to criticize Putin, blamed the US for tensions with Russia, and repeatedly criticized the investigation into whether his campaign colluded with Russia in 2016. |
Republican Senator Johnny Isakson says Trump will get a major ‘whipping’ after McCain attacks: ‘The country deserves better’
"The Republican chairman of the Senate Veteran Affairs Committee was slated to deliver a major rebuke of Donald Trump after his repeated attacks against the late war hero and former Senator John McCain. Johnny Isakson, a Georgia Republican who heads the veterans committee in the US Senate, told journalist AB Stoddard he would deliver a “whipping” towards Mr Trump after he attacked Mr. McCain in a series of misleading tweets over the weekend". |
At a speech at an Ohio tank factory, President Trump complained that he wasn’t thanked for giving John McCain “the kind of funeral he wanted.” “I gave him the kind of funeral he wanted which as president I had to approve. I don’t care about this, I didn’t get thank you, that’s OK,” Trump said, to a crowd of workers at the Lima Army Tank Plant in Lima, Ohio. The audience, which had applauded and cheered through much of the speech, sat virtually silent during the attack on the late senator and decorated war hero. |