Topic: Two ways to apply for asylum | |
I consider it foolish to act as if one has a crystal ball through which one can determine the intentions and motivations of those in that caravan. ![]() You can save your cute clip art photos for the girls... o.k. Dave, I find it foolish to entertain a caravan in the first place. I find it foolish to consider a country with a high murder rate as grounds for asylum. I find it foolish to consider poverty as a reason for Asylum. But America has no shortage of fools or people who base comments on juvenile crushes... do they Dave. |
All the years I've been on, rarely have you just agreed with me Dave for the heck of it, and often, actually, you have corrected or disagreed. Disregard the juvenile insinuation. I respect being able to agree to disagree AND AGREE with you, because of my brain, just like no doubt you do when you agree or disagree with anyone on the thread.
![]() "Caravans" will not be considered, and frankly cannot seek asylum collectively. But individuals can, and the individuals who seek asylum will be considered as THEY HAVE BEEN doing all along. The rules and considerations will not change, at least no time soon, no matter how 'foolish' one feels they are from the outside. There is discretion to decide who is facing persecution based on what is happening where they live TO THEM and what THEY are in danger of because of their status where they live. Of course, we are living under leadership that is suddenly seen as authoritative enough to amend what is in the constitution so previously revered 'as is'. We may see laws changed around free speech, freedom of the press, birthright citizenship and right to vote, so changing those things not even in the constitution is not unforseeable, but it will be a long uphill battle not to be completed anytime soon. All sides should trust the rules already there to continue to do their job, like they HAVE BEEN DOING all along. |
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Sun 11/11/18 06:40 PM
I guess what's interesting about Clintonites is that they really support these "imigrants". As social justice warriors.... its very easy for these sjws... because don't live anywhere near where this trainwreck is headed.
Sure, you'll sound high and mighty, but you would not care invite even 1000 of these "imigrants" into your neiborhoods, because you don't live by the Mexican border...its easy for the rooster to crow loudly upon it a own roof...where there are no threats to it. I mean it's not like 12,000 invaders are headed to your home...are they??? Here in El Paso, Texas, we get Mexican radio and Mexican TV...from what I'm hearing and watching...the Mexican people want the south Americans to quickly pass thru to America, so these thefts and assaults can leave their country. What is it that the nation of Mexico sees that these democratic SJW types, in the east and west coast choose to ignore???? that 12,000 invading migrants can cause a disruption in the society of ANY nation that gets this unnatural influx of 85% male 20-45 year olds with no skills and many are criminals. so of course Jorge Ramos from Mexican TV, won't go on Gringo tv in American and speak the truth.... You see, as in the midterm elections...the Democratic National Party is dead. The Blue Wave wasn't even a trickle... The only way they can win is by having criminal voting officials like in California, Florida and New Mexico...stuff ballot boxes AFTER the election has closed!!!! Such underhanded and un American actions are shocking and shake what little faith I have in the Republican/Democratic election system in my country.... As I said...the DNC can't win and they know they cheat....Will these officials go to jail??? there is no justice in America, I don't think so. this is why the Democrats refuse to work with the conservatives to make a working immigration plan.. Hell, the DNC even burned the "dreamers"...left them to die on the vine...i mean it's only 800,000 Mexicans born in American.....the bastards didn't even care to talk about it anymore. SOOOI, why not let in 12,000 unvetted invaders into our country??? the DNC knows it can't win and it's willing to chuck the safety of you and me to keep people like pedophile and rapist Bill and Hillary Clinton from justice...Keith Ellison abused and beat his wife? girlfriend? significant other , do you think he will be in jail??? nope...and the DNC and it's SJWs stay silent...when the light is on their party.... the fact is Americans don't trust the Democrats to put our safety first....12,000 new voters for the DNC would be a chance for them to ignore Americans and start over and corrupt a whole new generation.... makes sense...if your getting your *** kicked and you just can't win....cheat. so Mexico does not want these invaders in their country....should we continue to listen to these "brave" roosters tell us that we are foolish and paranoid??? I stoped listening to those people long ago. :^/ |
Please use logic. LONG BEFORE the most recent election, people have sought refuge and asylum. LONG BEFORE the most recent election, the USA has had processes in place to determine asylum status. THere is no republican or democratic PLOY. there is the WORLD. and in the WORLD, people seek asylum in other countries.
There is no republican or democratic strategy that would change what citizenship status is for voting purposes either. So regardless how many immigrants or asylees that come, no significant vote is to be gained either way, unless we suddenly change citizenship requirements for voting. IT may also help to know the diff between refugee and asylee: People granted asylum receive the to right to live in the U.S. for as long as they qualify as asylees. They also may apply for a work permit. After a year of approval, asylees can apply for a U.S. green card. The number of asylees tends to run about 20,000 per year. People who are outside the U.S. and seek protection based on past or future persecution must apply for refugee status, usually with the help of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, and through overseas offices of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The annual limits on refugees set by the U.S. president are 70,000 for 2015 and typically range from between 70,000 and 90,000 admissions. As one who likes to be informed, I would love more public discourse that explains the differences and the requirements and benefits of each, as well as what HAS BEEN the normal process. But I think such discussion would do too much to quell the panic that has been created around the topic in the most recent political climate, and common fears are common uniters. |
Well that is the typical response...they won't directly address the issues....they will just dogmatically return to their bullet points, ignore what Americans want, and ignore the facts....that is not using logic...
as Mr. Spock would say.... " highly illogical. |
Well that is the typical response...they won't directly address the issues....they will just dogmatically return to their bullet points, ignore what Americans want, and ignore the facts....that is not using logic... as Mr. Spock would say.... " highly illogical. logic: 1. reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity. illogical: lacking sense or clear, sound reasoning. There is nothing 'typical' in my response, because I speak only for MYSELF, by the way. I speak for myself by using my OWN brain, researching information and fact, and coming to conclusions the best that I can. THere was no 'bullet point'. And I am also an American, which makes it impossible to ignore what 'Americans' want. I actually posted plenty of 'facts', as opposed to only emotional response. Emotions are only 'validated' by subjective experience, so they dont fall under the realm of using 'logic' at all by 'strict principles of validity'. |
Well that is the typical response...they won't directly address the issues.... The issues that the OP presented at the beginning of this topic have to do with the legal requirements for asylum. 1. It isn't illegal for people outside the USA to seek asylum in the USA. 2. Asylum requests are done on an individual basis. It doesn't matter if asylum seekers arrive at the U.S. border one at a time or in a caravan. 3. Federal employees properly trained to handle asylum cases are the ones who determine if an asylum seeker is qualified for asylum. |
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Sun 11/11/18 09:42 PM
Thousands of migrants from Central America are trudging north towards the US-Mexico border. They say they are fleeing persecution, poverty and violence in their home countries of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. murder comparatively US murder rate per 100,000 is 5.35 Honduras murder rate per 100,000 is 56.52 Guatemala murder rate per 100,000 27.26 El Salvador murder rate per 100,000 is 82.84 I believe, at the very least, the two countries with the HIGHEST murder rate, El Salvador and Honduras may have citizens with cause to fear from violence... And it is totally our responsibility to unconditionally let in any and all who decide to invade our country without consent? As I stated in an earlier post, they need to return home and do what we had to do during the Revolution and Civil War's in order to make our nation great. ---------------- Let's put the shoe on the other political foot. For those who feel they should be allowed in: Mid town Chicago is a war zone. I live in north central Indiana and the constant news reports of drug and gang murders fills our news. There are hundreds of thousands (if not a million) who live in this war zone who want out. What if these hundreds of thousands decided to march out of downtown Chicago and set up residence in neighborhoods predominantly democratic on the west and north side of the Chicagoland area? No one gives them the OK, they just decide to do it. Sound like the humane thing to do? Shall we organize it? Any volunteers? What would downtown Chicagoland turn into? Would it, eventually, turn into a cancer that would infect the rest of Chicago? Wouldn't a better idea be to assist the inner city people of Chicago to retake their neighborhoods? |
Well like all liberal towns run by pinko lefty demoncrats....they refuse to help the people they and spend is their moto....sorry if this seems bigoted...(not sure how that is, but anyway)...the POTUS has offered the National guard to restore Chicago, but Obama's Butt buddy Rahm Imanuel, refuses. And rather than admit his defeat, He would rather not run again, and quietly walk away and leave the once beautiful Chi-town, just like Detroit.... in ruins.....not surprised...this is these socialists plan to ruin our country one city at a time..
In El Paso, Texas we live in the poverty zone..What do you expect from a town that votes almost 80% real Jobs and young people are leaving for greener pasture....I encourage my young friends to leave El Paso as much as possible. Rather than vote conservative and bring in people with money sense and economic know how...they just keep taxing us out, to turn El Paso, Texas into Hell Paso, Taxes...the most. :^( |
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Mon 11/12/18 03:11 AM
Thousands of migrants from Central America are trudging north towards the US-Mexico border. They say they are fleeing persecution, poverty and violence in their home countries of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. murder comparatively US murder rate per 100,000 is 5.35 Honduras murder rate per 100,000 is 56.52 Guatemala murder rate per 100,000 27.26 El Salvador murder rate per 100,000 is 82.84 I believe, at the very least, the two countries with the HIGHEST murder rate, El Salvador and Honduras may have citizens with cause to fear from violence... And it is totally our responsibility to unconditionally let in any and all who decide to invade our country without consent? No. It is our responsibility to follow the process which does have CONDITIONS and always has had them,and to allow asylum to those fitting the conditions. As I stated in an earlier post, they need to return home and do what we had to do during the Revolution and Civil War's in order to make our nation great. ---------------- Let's put the shoe on the other political foot. For those who feel they should be allowed in: Mid town Chicago is a war zone. I live in north central Indiana and the constant news reports of drug and gang murders fills our news. There are hundreds of thousands (if not a million) who live in this war zone who want out. What if these hundreds of thousands decided to march out of downtown Chicago and set up residence in neighborhoods predominantly democratic on the west and north side of the Chicagoland area? No. Asylum does not work that way. Anyone who is a US citizen already has the freedom to move about anywhere else in the US. so there is no need for an asylum process in this analogy. No one gives them the OK, they just decide to do it. Sound like the humane thing to do? Yes. as the laws stand, noone needs to give any US citizen an OK to move anywhere in the US. They can just decide to do it, because they are a CITIZEN, humane or not. Shall we organize it? Any volunteers? What would downtown Chicagoland turn into? Would it, eventually, turn into a cancer that would infect the rest of Chicago? Wouldn't a better idea be to assist the inner city people of Chicago to retake their neighborhoods? This is a poor analogy. The questions are irrelevant. There needs to be noone organizing or volunteering in this analogy, because people in Chicago or any other US town ALREADY have the RIGHT to move to any other place in the US legally. |
To repeat myself . . .
1. It isn't illegal for people outside the USA to seek asylum in the USA. 2. Asylum requests are done on an individual basis. It doesn't matter if asylum seekers arrive at the U.S. border one at a time or in a caravan. 3. Federal employees properly trained to handle asylum cases are the ones who determine if an asylum seeker is qualified for asylum. 4. It is one thing to insist that asylum seekers enter the USA legally - an idea that I support. It is another thing to attack the character of asylum seekers. 5. One can support the rule of law - something that the OP has done - without attacking the character of asylum seekers. 6. If those who seek asylum aren't legally qualified for asylum, then their asylum requests will be turned down. |
This is a poor analogy. The questions are irrelevant. There needs to be noone organizing or volunteering in this analogy, because people in Chicago or any other US town ALREADY have the RIGHT to move to any other place in the US legally.
No, this is a very accurate analogy. If read correctly the Chicago residents would move into areas where there would be no housing, without jobs, expecting the locals to take care of them. Obviously those supporting the free influx of illegal aliens want to down play this analogy. By the way, on CBS evening news(last week) they interviewed numbers of these caravan participants. They all talked about the people who had organized this march from central America to the USA. |
To try to stop citizens of Central America from seeking asylum is to go against the will of the people. The will of the people in the USA is expressed through Congress, which passes bills that reflect the will of the people. Congress passed bills pertaining to asylum, and the POTUS signed those bills into law. So, what do those laws say? That is the topic of this thread. To me it's a bit funny when people talks warmly about democratic principles when it comes to asylum seekers, and then turn their back against a _democratic_ elected president. |
This is a poor analogy. The questions are irrelevant. There needs to be noone organizing or volunteering in this analogy, because people in Chicago or any other US town ALREADY have the RIGHT to move to any other place in the US legally.
No, this is a very accurate analogy. If read correctly the Chicago residents would move into areas where there would be no housing, without jobs, expecting the locals to take care of them. Obviously those supporting the free influx of illegal aliens want to down play this analogy. By the way, on CBS evening news(last week) they interviewed numbers of these caravan participants. They all talked about the people who had organized this march from central America to the USA. What someone does when they move or doesn't do is their business and their rights. US citizens may move anywhere around these STATES that they wish to. They also, if they qualify, can receive temporary and SCANT assistance. I do not support 'illegal' anything. I do support common sense solutions though. I support a legal system like that anywhere in the US, that uses discretion to judge and address offenses, BASED ON THEIR DETAILS, and not just lump all together as the same. I support not holding babies responsible for their parents decisions by just kicking them out of the country if it is found an ADULT brought them here as a child, without viewing the DETAILS of each child's record here in the final judgment, like details are reviewed in any court case. And I support the long standing laws regarding allowing people to attain refugee status and to SEEK ASYLUM. |
To try to stop citizens of Central America from seeking asylum is to go against the will of the people. The will of the people in the USA is expressed through Congress, which passes bills that reflect the will of the people. Congress passed bills pertaining to asylum, and the POTUS signed those bills into law. So, what do those laws say? That is the topic of this thread. To me it's a bit funny when people talks warmly about democratic principles when it comes to asylum seekers, and then turn their back against a _democratic_ elected president. I agree. Except I find it rather annoying when people speak of complex national or community issues along some partisan line of being either owned by democrats or republicans or whatever party. Political parties are not the borg. They still have many types of individuals with many types of values and concerns, often overlapping with individuals from other parties. |
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Fri 11/23/18 01:30 AM
And the overall great idea with all these ideologies is to what..amass people into areas so they become densely populated creating even more of a strain on resources..while evil is allowed to that sounds like a good idea to me..The root of the problem other than the evil that manifest itself from man's mind is to move away from the evil rather than confront it..allowing it to multiply..ask yourself why.. I could go into detail as to "WHAT" is controlling all the major problems but for the most would be shot down in flames as conspiracy theory as told by the guy in a tinfoil hat..LOL..I should find this amusing if it weren't for one's true..We have all been DUPED ..and we are the chosen puppets which governments both foreign and domestic have stolen OUR riches at so many levels..and all it would take to know the TRUTH is to turn off one's t.v and travel down the many rabbit holes that the internet provides. As long as we watch the t.v they have the control over a lot of you..nothing more than a form of brainwashing 24/7. United we stand divided we fall isn't just some motto but what we must do to overcome the evil we have invited to rule us in the past..and no I'm not talking about Trump..for decades if not centuries we have been living in a matrix created by those who dwell in the shadows.. using the Mockingbird media as if it were some sort of validation the mesmerized puppets unaware of it's complicity allow themselves to follow the false narratives..that have become our lives..Blue and Red created conflicting differences funded by the same create a division to draw the attention from those who dwell in the shadows while they rob us blind of not only of our money ..but our children There is a way to defeat the unseen we MUST UNITE to defeat the evil that has been controlling our lives..At our disposal at our fingertips is that which the Evil ones never foresaw..they're use to their old archaic ways of paper shuffling that goes unseen for the most part by the masses in the past it has served them well BUT..we have the INTERNET and with it it's VAST knowledge and socializing capabilities from which to learn and discern what is the TRUTH...DO THE RESEARCH.. FOLLOW THE RABBIT...Alice UNITED WE STAND..divided we fall. WWG1 WGA |
I know that eventually as they have been doing that they will purge the truth and the conservative views from the internet..after all one must meld with the mockingbird media in order to continue down the course of agenda 21 or agenda 2030 onward to a New World Order. |
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Sat 11/24/18 08:25 AM
If you really want to see how liberal immigrant politics work in other parts of the world? Look to France, UK, Germany and Sweden. Those countries has all together let in millions of immigrants. Mostly Muslim immigrants from Northern Africa and the Middle East. All these countries also more or less influenced by socialist parties (Sweden and Germany in particular).
The crime rates has soared in certain areas, especially related to sex and violence crimes. Just this summer Swedish immigrant set fire to hundreds of cars in Gothenburg (the second largest city). Why they did it? They had nothing else to do and they blame the Swedish society for it. Burning cars was justified in their eyes. And this in a country known for receiving hundreds of thousands of immigrants. That’s how these people thank a country in return. I’m sorry to say that this wasn’t a onetime incident. There has also been similar stories in other countries in Europe. Watch this clip from BBC (BBC is far away from Fox and is considered to be fairly neutral). Listen carefully at 4:02 and then at 6:35 and 6:48. That’s how the Muslims blame Sweden for not being open enough! The saddest part must be at the end of the clip at about 9:25. Listen how this girl deny the rise of rapes. “No, it’s not more rapes, it’s just more people reporting rapes! It’s because the statistics is used wrong.” And from about 10:00 you hear how the former immigrant minister deny that the problems is related to immigrants. He is a Social Democrat (of course) and call it an integration problem. Again, the Swedes blame them self for not doing enough. When will it be enough? When Sweden becomes a Muslim state? |
Every country has their problems, and usually more from their own home grown citizens than from foreigners, regardless of document status.
But the reality still remains that in the USA, asylum has BEEN a part of our immigration laws and practices for DECADES, and seen times of even GREATER numbers of asylum without any sudden increase in violence or other dangers in the USA that are related. It is only the current politics that are using fear tactics and divisiveness and pretending there is suddenly some danger about what has been happening for decades without issue, that is the real concern and danger ... IMHO. its been working fine, it will continue to work fine, we should let it work fine, and be more scared of all the DOMESTIC CITIZENS we have committing violence. |