Topic: Is there any problem dating a partner older than you are?
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Wed 12/19/18 05:01 PM

I've come to realize that many men are afraid to date or go in a relationship with a woman older than they are simply because of inferiority complex. For me, I don't see any problem with it. I believe what matters most is understanding and commitment.
If you have any contrary opinion to this topic or in support of it, kindly drop your comments.

See if you still feel that way the first time she walks into the bedroom and slips off those Depends plastic underwear..;)

no photo
Fri 12/21/18 02:10 PM
Recently I went on a walk with a friend in her late eighties, twenty years older than I am. We walked 12 miles that day. She's a good friend and for the record, I find ladies my age or older to be more dependable than younger ones. Just my tuppence worth (two cents if you're American).

no photo
Fri 12/21/18 02:23 PM
I've only dated 1 guy that was the same age as me. Most men that want to date me are older and a lot older. They are grandparents and ready to sit on a porch in a rocking chair. I prefer someone closer to my age. I've dated a few that were 15-20 years older.

no photo
Fri 12/21/18 02:30 PM
Oh, so to answer the question, there is kind of a problem for me to date someone that is much older. About 10 years ago I was in a museum with a guy I was dating. The owner of the museum thought I was his granddaughter. That was humiliating.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 12/21/18 02:34 PM
@Cat that's funny! :smile: I see you're point though

oldkid46's photo
Fri 12/21/18 05:51 PM
Do women have a harder time dating someone significantly older (10+) than men do?

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Fri 12/21/18 07:32 PM
I've gone 11 years older...and that was when I was younger, and only that one guy.

I don't think I could go more than 10 yars older now....
F*** all that about "if it's troooo luuuuv"
(that sounds so scammerish anyway)

Where do those people who yammer on about "troooo luuuuv" draw the line?
At what age...what's too young, or too old?


Smartazzjohn's photo
Sun 12/23/18 03:59 PM

Oh, so to answer the question, there is kind of a problem for me to date someone that is much older. About 10 years ago I was in a museum with a guy I was dating. The owner of the museum thought I was his granddaughter. That was humiliating.

I would have been flattered, not humiliated. Then again no one has ever mistaken my date for being my grandmother. sad

no photo
Sun 12/23/18 04:25 PM
It's not flattering.

electricmind's photo
Sun 12/30/18 09:36 AM
Edited by electricmind on Sun 12/30/18 09:38 AM
This is a tricky subject. As a tall active man aged 64 I own my own woodland and work at least two to three times a week for 5 to 6 hours each time, cutting firewood, planting trees in Winter etc. I use a heavy axe sometimes which I call the heart attack axe. For me there must be compatibility so a lady must be energetic and sporty as well as as a good conversationalist etc. It helps I look younger but a girlfriend 15 years younger is unlikely, perhaps 10 years younger is OK. If the lady is more or less the same age and looks good then good.

But guys need smart clothes and probably clean shaven appearance to match the ladies.

UrbanMale24's photo
Tue 01/01/19 06:21 AM
Personally, no problem here. I have been with a lot of younger women. (at my age ALL women are younger than me).

no photo
Wed 01/02/19 10:02 AM
I'm getting there........ 69 next week laugh

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Wed 01/02/19 10:30 AM
Happy early birthday MK!

Age is not a deal breaker or anything I even consider but too big of age difference either direction generally means lack of common ground/interest/Outlook which leads to not enough interest to date... Friends yes realtionship no

Smartazzjohn's photo
Wed 01/02/19 11:51 AM
Many times problems, dating or otherwise, are self induced. Some things are ONLY a problem if YOU make them a problem. We all deal with issues but life is generally pretty simple but some people insist on complicating the heck out of life.

Riverspirit1111's photo
Wed 01/02/19 11:55 AM

Many times problems, dating or otherwise, are self induced. Some things are ONLY a problem if YOU make them a problem. We all deal with issues but life is generally pretty simple but some people insist on complicating the heck out of life.


Toodygirl5's photo
Wed 01/02/19 12:06 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Wed 01/02/19 12:09 PM
Many Men have that problem, not dating older, especially mid age Men.

Women oftentimes are into dating Younger than Themselves, even for a Serious relationship.

Dating it really shouldn't matter if it's casual.

no photo
Wed 01/02/19 01:12 PM
I'm amused at some of the replies. I agree that some things are only a problem if you make them a problem. I have no problem being friends with people of all ages. The exact nature of our friendship, what we do about it, depends on gender but not age. Having said that I doubt I would find a lady about 20 years my junior very exciting, but I have no problem with anyone older than I am love laugh

mzrosie's photo
Wed 01/02/19 01:29 PM

Personally, no problem here. I have been with a lot of younger women. (at my age ALL women are younger than me).

Not all as there's a beautiful lady who frequents the forums and is aged 82! There are others also who are in their 70s

delightful, I am only 72 grumble


@UrbanMale24, not ALL women are younger than YOU! You just like dating younger women.. just say it as it is whoa

Smartazzjohn's photo
Wed 01/02/19 01:45 PM

Personally, no problem here. I have been with a lot of younger women. (at my age ALL women are younger than me).

Not all as there's a beautiful lady who frequents the forums and is aged 82! There are others also who are in their 70s

delightful, I am only 72 grumble


@UrbanMale24, not ALL women are younger than YOU! You just like dating younger women.. just say it as it is whoa

What are you thinking? There isn't room for facts on internet forums!!!tongue2 waving

mzrosie's photo
Wed 01/02/19 02:06 PM

Personally, no problem here. I have been with a lot of younger women. (at my age ALL women are younger than me).

Not all as there's a beautiful lady who frequents the forums and is aged 82! There are others also who are in their 70s

delightful, I am only 72 grumble


@UrbanMale24, not ALL women are younger than YOU! You just like dating younger women.. just say it as it is whoa

What are you thinking? There isn't room for facts on internet forums!!!tongue2 waving

... but.. but this is Mingle2 forums. We all tell the truth here. winking laugh

Happy New Year Smartazzjohn happy drinker