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Topic: Talking to a mirror
FeelYoung's photo
Sat 02/09/19 09:03 PM
Edited by FeelYoung on Sat 02/09/19 09:05 PM
Thank you Totage :) Nicest thing I've heard today !

and I just looked at your profile, its VERY GOOD !

hardBNhard's photo
Sun 02/10/19 04:28 PM

When I look in the mirror I don't think politics, religion, finances or friends, I just see WRINKLES. My insides still think I am 40....so I try to stay away from the mirror..... as far as thoughts, I like to hear other people's opinions, just don't like to have them shoved down my throat.

Shoved down your throat like trumps wall ??? laugh

no photo
Sun 02/10/19 04:30 PM
Edited by JOHNN111 on Sun 02/10/19 04:31 PM
I talk to my mirror every morning

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 02/10/19 04:54 PM

Can we grow if we only talk to mirrors?

The last time that I talked to a mirror, I said, "Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the sexiest Mingle2 member of them all?"

I ended up with 7 years of bad luck. ohwell

FeelYoung's photo
Sun 02/10/19 08:39 PM
Edited by FeelYoung on Sun 02/10/19 08:40 PM
HARD - not the wall shoved down my throat, it's the CARAVANS that bother Me ! Further discussion will be posted on a political thread.

Basant kumar madhai's photo
Thu 02/14/19 01:07 AM

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 02/14/19 02:42 AM

Yes, every morning look yourself (your reflection I mean) in the mirror and say positive stuff(today will be a good day, I look great, who's the man?!I'm the man etc)....and life will be better.... at least, that's what he(some guy) said~

its called positive affirmation and Im all for that too. I am concerned more about when we have such a positive view of ourself that no one else really matters and no other experience is valid.

Actually, isn't that really healthy? It's like Abraham Hicks says: if you are aligned, tuned in, tapped in, turned on, do not tell anyone else about it! They won't understand, and before you know it they've talked you off your high flying disk again.
And it is true. If you don't believe it, try it.
You can only do that when you are so steadfast in that high vibration that nothing can get you off it. And that usually isn't the case as there's still so much negativity around us.
And as soon as you tell other about how good you feel, or how you are so aligned with XYZ (idea for instance), they'll begin with "Yeah but..." and within 5 minutes you've lost your vibration.
Even with simply little things, phoning your mom/friend/partner on a high vibration "I'm so happy! I've bought/won/sold XYZ!"
Instead of being happy with you the average response is one of concern -because they care so much about you they have to throw some negativity in the works of what could go wrong with it, just cos they love you so much, hihi.
And say in a worried tone, "Oh my god, but have you thought of this and that? Are you really sure that is a smart move?"
And so on and so forth.
It's like being slapped in the face. And out the window goes your vibration.

People like being negative. It's how we're raised I guess. Expect the worst!
I hardly ever listen to the news, haven't for 3,5 years. I sometimes wondered "Why don't they make a positive news channel?"
Someone told me "They have, but no one listened to it so they had to quit."
People in general are negative, and like to feel happy about their occasional 'happy day'. That's life for most.

It's similar to posting something very positive and uplifting on a forum. It gets far less attention and replies than something that is negative.

So to feel good about yourself, to be aligned, tapped in, tuned in, turned on, and not open to other people's views about you... great!
It doesn't matter jack **** what someone else thinks about you. All of us have been raised and drilled to dim our own unique lights to fit into society.
It's not selfish to not care about their opinions of you, it actually gets you connected with you, your inner light, and as such you have much more love to give.
Until you start listening to other people or the news again...

Then people are concerned about you not listening to the news (= not following society's ruts and expectancies). "But then you don't know what's going on in the world?!"
Ja, und? Does that end wars? Start wars? Make me happier? Will it add to my life?
No, no, no, no.
So what's the point? There is none...
Stupid thing is, when you work it's almost required of you to follow the news otherwise you look dumb and uneducated when you cannot talk with colleagues about it.
Meaning people at work talk about all that negative chit, what's wrong with the world and so on. Wow... that makes you happy!

And yes, you can grow and develop, but you have to find other sources for that. Sources that are also positive, non-judgemental, and with a higher vibration.
Meaning: Not the people you know (family, friends, colleagues).
Sad but true...

mysticalview21's photo
Wed 02/20/19 08:25 AM

Yeah them blinkers are worn by most people. If people would give themselves just a few moments to hear the other views they'd realise that it's good for your mind, the truth and the way you may look at it. When they do they all go "oh yeah I didn't think about it that way". What they mean is they didn't want to think about it that way, so didn't!

I think a lot of people don't really care about any experience or perception but their own. I think those people don't grow much in life. If that makes them happy, it makes them happy.

I don't like to have a stagnant mind, however. I think its a great resource to expose ourselves to other opinions and perceptions. A better way for us to have balance, which is a big thing in life for me BALANCE. Not too far to one side or the other, but firmly placed where one can see pretty clearly each direction.

An example for me is that i have been friends with people from different religions and no religion at all. They have very different perceptions from me and from each other. But I don't besmirch them for it. I can relate to and understand, instead, what they believe and why. I just do not agree.

a big loss we face in an egocentric culture is being able to have different opinions from a place of respect and understanding, instead of JUST fighting to not be the loser, or to not be wrong.

I try to understand others ... but sometimes like you said if all they are doing is arguing... or bullying others ...
then I just dismiss their actions... and not agree with them at all ...

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