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Topic: what would u do if u found the person above u in your bed - part 8
no photo
Mon 01/14/19 08:18 AM

I think one shot from the taser will suffice.

hardBNhard's photo
Mon 01/14/19 08:52 AM
I thrive on high voltage baby ! Taze me and watch me go bigsmile

JustBeHonest's photo
Mon 01/14/19 09:11 AM
Tie him up again and save Queenie

Stu's photo
Mon 01/14/19 09:22 AM
I'm not sure... :thinking: lol

no photo
Mon 01/14/19 09:27 AM
Give him detailed instructions on what to do next time a woman shows up in his bed bigsmile tongue2

Stu's photo
Mon 01/14/19 09:27 AM

no photo
Mon 01/14/19 09:28 AM
laugh flowers

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 01/14/19 09:36 AM
noway Wonder how she located my secret lair.

Stu's photo
Mon 01/14/19 09:37 AM
Throw him a cat

no photo
Mon 01/14/19 09:40 AM

noway Wonder how she located my secret lair.

I gave her the map

Ot pillow fight!

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 01/14/19 09:42 AM
Lick her where she wants to be licked.
Now, where does she want to be licked?

no photo
Mon 01/14/19 09:49 AM
Show him my belly but if you start making farting noises I'm out

hardBNhard's photo
Mon 01/14/19 09:52 AM
Steal the batteries from her damn tazer

JustBeHonest's photo
Mon 01/14/19 11:34 AM
Get better rope, he keeps getting loose.

Stu's photo
Mon 01/14/19 11:36 AM
Use Rivers list...lol

hardBNhard's photo
Mon 01/14/19 11:38 AM
Read the list for him then send him off

Stu's photo
Mon 01/14/19 11:39 AM
Getting the big gun now... and taking my list back..lol

hardBNhard's photo
Mon 01/14/19 11:43 AM
Running like heck to wherever river and jbh are to hide under their covers with them tongue2 i have my own copy of the list

Stu's photo
Mon 01/14/19 11:47 AM
Get a restraining order

hardBNhard's photo
Mon 01/14/19 11:49 AM
Get a order of protection and a pair of rottweillers

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