Topic: the TRUTH about the rise in the G.D.P..... | |
Wages are up, GDP is up, unemployment is down. More and more jobs are being created. The average person pays less in taxes. You are complaining because business owners pay less in taxes also. Instead of being jealous, become a business owner. ![]() they are not up as high as barack obama's have been,and he didn't have to give the top 1 percenters a $2 TRILLION DOLLAR TAX BREAK! and he DEFINITELY didn't have to give them ANOTHER $100 BILLION DOLLAR TAX BREAK on top of thet,like trump is now trying to do,before Robert Mueller closes his noose,and takes trumps power to CONTINUE to give the top 1 percenters[like Donald trump!] ADDITIONAL tax breaks AT THE EXPENSEOF THE REST OF THE COUNTRY!!! what you are talking about is the equivalent of someone stealing all the money out of your bank account,but you thinking it was ok because he bought you a drink. sorry.. you might have gotten a free drink ,but now you are broke. it aint exactly rocket science!! if you don't understand ALL of the factors that are in this equation then you are going to be the loser,but that is what trump is counting on... that you DONT/WONT understand what ALL of the factors in this equation are,and will just look at the OBVIOUS ones that they are waving in front of you to distract you from what is REALLY going on!! that is the number one trick of ALL con men,sleight of hand artists,and magicians... distract your mark by letting them watch what THIS hand is doing,while the OTHER hand is taking your wallet! but,if you are satisfied with someone giving you a DIME,and then stealing a DOLLAR from you when you aren't looking,then I think that you are supporting the right person/party! personally,I am NOT satisfied with letting someone do that to me!! [but,unlike trump supporters,I actually understand what they are doing,and what is happening,so....] ![]() Whose bank account got robbed? LMAO!!! if you haven't figured it out what is happening by now,you never will until it is too late!! or,maybe not even THEN,cuz they will just distract their marks with SOMETHING ELSE,cuz NOW they have learned how easy it is to do!! and THEN,they will come back for MORE,cuz if they were able to do it ONCE,they will just assume that they can do it AGAIN. [and,they WILL!] ![]() |
One more time, whose bank account got robbed?
One more time, whose bank account got robbed? Einstein's definition of insanity is..."doing the same thing over and over,but expecting different results!!" so,i guess you will just have to figure THAT ONE out on your own!! have a great day! ![]() |
You can't answer the question, so you clearly don't know what you are talking about. I haven't lost anything since the tax cuts. Have you? My son got a nice raise and paying less tax. I'm getting a job out of it because of a department expansion. You must be drinking the liberal coolaid. The sky isn't falling.
You can't answer the question, so you clearly don't know what you are talking about. I haven't lost anything since the tax cuts. Have you? My son got a nice raise and paying less tax. I'm getting a job out of it because of a department expansion. You must be drinking the liberal coolaid. The sky isn't falling. LMAO!! I can,and I have,but you just don't understand it yet. and you don't really want to,so I am not going to waste any more of my time trying to explain it AGAIN to someone who doesnt WANT to understand it,cuz if you didn't understand it the first few times,you aren't going to understand it if I tell you AGAIN! [cuz,at least by EINSTEIN'S definition of insanity, I am not insane!!] ![]() but,i will tell you that the answer IS in the posts that I have made in this thread!!! when/if you ever figure it out,let me know. ![]() |
One more time, whose bank account got robbed?
One more time, whose bank account got robbed? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Our past presidents have been pissing our tax $$ away. The U.S. needs to stop sending money to other countries. Stop making agreements with other countries and continue to send money when they aren't holding up their end of the deal. Fix the trade deficits. Stop deadbeats here from eating steak and lobster on the tax payer dime.