Topic: the TRUTH about the rise in the G.D.P..... | |
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Wed 08/01/18 08:16 AM
YES,the G.D.P. HAS risen to 4.1,BUT the 'trickle down' effect that they sold us this huge tax break for billionaires on isn't happening like they swore to us it would!
the corporations aren't passing this giant insurge of money down to the workers... they are KEEPING this money,and using it for stock buybacks! the corporations have spent over $700 BILION DOLLARS on stock buybacks in the first 2 quarters of this year,which only enrich THE OWNERS of these companies,while workers hourly wages have remained stagnant,and have only experienced 3% growth in the past 18 months! ![]() so,that means that 97% of these tax cuts,and all of the benefits of our rising G.D.P. are going to the top 1%,while the middle class workers gain almost NO benefits from them! ![]() BUT,trump swore that he was going to make us ALL rich,so what does he decide to do?? he decided that he wants to give the TOP 1% ANOTHER $100 BILLION DOLLARS IN ADDITIONAL TAX BREAKS!! ![]() [cuz,'trickle down economics' didn't work when Ronald Reagan tried it the FIRST TIME,and it DIDNT work when trump just tried it AGAIN,so he decided to triple down on it and try it AGAIN before Robert Mueller closes the noose around his neck,and takes his power to make the top 1%[which includes HIM!!!] even richer away from him!] (makes perfect sense,doesnt it??) '~' BUT,trump SWORE that he was going to make us ALL rich,and he has NEVER LIED TO US before,so we should all just blindly trust him on this,right? ![]() |
Shovelhead dave
1) the 1% are paying more in taxes if they live in places like New York, California and Massachusetts, but not if you live in Florida or Texas or even New Hampshire 2) Stock buy backs were illegal up to 1982 when the SEC made them legal, I bet you didn't know that? 3)There is no such thing as "trickle down economics" no economist worth its weight in ( insert whatever) will tell it exists, your term is a pejorative term for Supply side economics Supply side economics has its pros and cons, pros if you're in the financial sector, cons if you are paid a salary/hourly that isnt high paying. The truth is in every administration since Reagan, certain industries and people have done well, and some people and industries have done poorly. It depends on what one is doing for a living. that is the truth. |
Well I was hired by a nearby company yesterday. It comes with paid holidays, vacation/bonus hours, company retirement contributions, profit sharing, stock purchase program, health, dental, and vision coverage. It's 10 hour days monday-Thursday. Friday is overtime. I have nice starting pay. I'm not complaining about Trump.
Well I was hired by a nearby company yesterday. It comes with paid holidays, vacation/bonus hours, company retirement contributions, profit sharing, stock purchase program, health, dental, and vision coverage. It's 10 hour days monday-Thursday. Friday is overtime. I have nice starting pay. I'm not complaining about Trump. so,up until yesterday,you have been unemployeed? |
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Wed 08/01/18 09:57 AM
Shovelhead dave 1) the 1% are paying more in taxes if they live in places like New York, California and Massachusetts, but not if you live in Florida or Texas or even New Hampshire 2) Stock buy backs were illegal up to 1982 when the SEC made them legal, I bet you didn't know that? 3)There is no such thing as "trickle down economics" no economist worth its weight in ( insert whatever) will tell it exists, your term is a pejorative term for Supply side economics Supply side economics has its pros and cons, pros if you're in the financial sector, cons if you are paid a salary/hourly that isnt high paying. The truth is in every administration since Reagan, certain industries and people have done well, and some people and industries have done poorly. It depends on what one is doing for a living. that is the truth. 1] EVERYBODY is paying more in taxes if they live in places like new york,or california,because they have a higher tax rate than a lot of the country. A LOT of the superwealthy people that do business in these places claim that their home offices are in DIFFERENT states,though,so that they can claim a lower tax rate,or even ship their money off to foriegn countries,because they have shell offices in these countries,and dont have to pay taxes at all on it,and get reimbursed on their taxes by OUR government for the money that they are allegedly paying in taxes in those foriegn countries,while the middle class are stuck shouldering the WHOLE tax bill in those states. [that is one of the reasons why the taxes are so high in those states in the first place!] 2]so,stock buybacks were illegal up until during ronald reagan's presidency,[the man who first introduced the theory of 'trickle down economics' to this country],when they were made legal? [gee.....i wonder why they were made illegal in the first place???] ![]() 3]what you call them is just a matter of semantics! 'trickle down economics' are the exact same thing,whether you call them 'trickle down economics','supply side economics',or 'VOODOO economics',and they fail to work the same way,no matter what you call them,and to try to pretend that calling them by a different name matters. OF COURSE it mattters what you do for a living when it comes to how much money you make.... the white collar financial sector ALWAYS does better than the jobs that people in the blue collar middle class have! that is why people in the white collar financial sector DONT NEED BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in tax breaks,while the blue collar middle class DESPERATELY needs them just to survive,not for MORE money to pay for their yachts,and mansions,or to put in the bank so that they can get EVEN RICHER,instead of letting the wealth 'trickle down' to the middle class,like we were all lied to,and told that it would! THAT is why the fact that trumps tax breaks that only benefit the superwealthy 1%,when he SWORE that they would help EVERYBODY is such a dispicable lie! if that is the only argument you can come up with to defend trump's tax cuts that raise the national deficit by BILLIONS/TTRILLIONS of dollars,and only benfit the super wealthy,and make sure that they dont have to pay their fair share of the taxes necessary to keep this country solvent,and leave the middle class stuck out,and paying EVEN MORE of their meager salaries to keep the country running,AND raise the national deficit,i think that you have lost the debate,because you wrote a LOT of stuff in your post,but NONE of it was meaningful,and was basically just white noise to try to distract people's attention from the REAL facts of how trump's tax breaks all benfit the superwealthy,and dont do ANYTHING for the middle class,because you CANT come up with a RATIONAL argument to defend them. and,adding ANOTHER $100 BILLION DOLLARS of tax breaks for the super wealthy 1% that isnt going to benefit the middle class isnt going to benefit them either! ![]() |
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Wed 08/01/18 10:03 AM
Well I was hired by a nearby company yesterday. It comes with paid holidays, vacation/bonus hours, company retirement contributions, profit sharing, stock purchase program, health, dental, and vision coverage. It's 10 hour days monday-Thursday. Friday is overtime. I have nice starting pay. I'm not complaining about Trump. so,up until yesterday,you have been unemployeed? I've been a landlord/stay at home mom. My daughter is 14 and today is her 1st day of high school. She doesn't need me much anymore. I'll be working 1st shift. So, I'll be here to make her dinner and make sure she does her homework. I'll still be a landlord and mom. |
BUT,trump SWORE that he was going to make us ALL rich,: Trump never said that!!! A Liberal Distortion ! |
good point Toody, I forgot to mention that.
You have to laugh when leftist lie about things and they call Trump a liar? |
Trump's last 4 quarters of GDP have averaged over 3% compared to Obama's 1.6%
GDP has a direct correlation on jobs. The more people employed. the higher the GDP. Just few more points, lowest unemployment rate for Blacks and Hispanics in HISTORY. Pay rates are rising at the fastest pace in over 10 years Lowest level of unemployment claims in over a decade. Let's not forget the over 4 million workers that got a bonus from their employers because of the tax cuts, some as high as $3000.00. (My company gave everyone a $1000.00) |
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Wed 08/01/18 04:36 PM
Trump's last 4 quarters of GDP have averaged over 3% compared to Obama's 1.6% GDP has a direct correlation on jobs. The more people employed. the higher the GDP. Just few more points, lowest unemployment rate for Blacks and Hispanics in HISTORY. Pay rates are rising at the fastest pace in over 10 years Lowest level of unemployment claims in over a decade. Let's not forget the over 4 million workers that got a bonus from their employers because of the tax cuts, some as high as $3000.00. (My company gave everyone a $1000.00) the only problem with the GDP growth is that the corporations ARENT passing the earnings along to improve the lot of the middle class workers,like trump swore his tax breaks for the super wealthy would!! they are keeping hose profits,and buying back stock with them,which only benefit the company owners,NOT the workers,so the middle class workers who make up the greatest part of the country are not receiving any benefits from the higher GDPs,and WHO CARES if the superwealthy who don't need the money are GETTING RICHER from trumps tax breaks for the superwealthy!! that is NOT what trump swore to us was going to happen when he enacted his ridiculous tax bill and,just for the sake of srgument,lets say that the figure you gave of 400 million people who got bonuses is true [but,it is not,and it is VERY easy to fact check that!!!],but,lets say that it IS and all of those 4 million people got bonuses averaging $1000 apiece..that adds up to 4 billion dollars of bonuses given out.... BUT,the superwealthy owners of those corporations that received all of those ridiculous tax breaks on the assumption that they would pass their profits along to their employees HAVE SO FAR SPENT OVER $700 BILLION DOLLARS ON STOCK BUYBACKS,which only benefit the superweaslthy business owners!!! compared to $700 BILLION DOLLARS,the $4 billion dollars in profit they have passed long to their employees isn't even enough to QUALIFY as 'a drop in the bucket'!! [it is 0.5%,which is only about HALF 0f 1%!!!] so,as 'trickle down economics go,the employees who this ridiculous tax cut was SUPPOSED to benefit THE MOST isn't even enough to get them 'slightly damp',because the superwealthy business owners aren't 'trickling it down',like they were SUPPOSED to!! and,according to the BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS,pay rates for middle class employees have been stagnant and have only grown LESS THAN 3%over the last 18 months. so,please show FROM A VALID SOURCE where you are getting your figures from that prove pay rates are rising at the fastest rate in over 10 years,like you claim. [and,from Donald trumps ridiculously untrue speeches does NOT count as a 'valid source'!!!] |
Trump's last 4 quarters of GDP have averaged over 3% compared to Obama's 1.6% GDP has a direct correlation on jobs. The more people employed. the higher the GDP. Just few more points, lowest unemployment rate for Blacks and Hispanics in HISTORY. Pay rates are rising at the fastest pace in over 10 years Lowest level of unemployment claims in over a decade. Let's not forget the over 4 million workers that got a bonus from their employers because of the tax cuts, some as high as $3000.00. (My company gave everyone a $1000.00) the only problem with the GDP growth is that the corporations ARENT passing the earnings along to improve the lot of the middle class workers,like trump swore his tax breaks for the super wealthy would!! they are keeping hose profits,and buying back stock with them,which only benefit the company owners,NOT the workers,so the middle class workers who make up the greatest part of the country are not receiving any benefits from the higher GDPs,and WHO CARES if the superwealthy who don't need the money are GETTING RICHER from trumps tax breaks for the superwealthy!! that is NOT what trump swore to us was going to happen when he enacted his ridiculous tax bill and,according to the BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS,pay rates for middle class employees have been stagnant and have only grown LESS THAN 3%over the last 18 months. so,please show FROM A VALID SOURCE where you are getting your figures from that prove pay rates are rising at the fastest rate in over 10 years,like you claim. [and,from Donald trumps ridiculously untrue speeches does NOT count as a 'valid source'!!!] LMAO...yes you are correct about the little less than 3% wage growth but that is about 2.6% higher than the last 8 years! As far as the tax breaks..Individuals(workers) get their own tax break without companies "passing it or sharing it" with their workers. Not only did I see a reduction of taxes taken from my pay but saw the amounts credited retro actively from January put back into paycheck. Also, a lot of companies raised wages, invested in new equipment and buildings etc. The economy as whole is booming and every stat shows this. Unfortunately if you watch CNN or NBC you will an expert on Stormy Daniels but not see much about what's really happening in the world. |
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Wed 08/01/18 05:14 PM
This is from CNBC (not exactly a Trump friendly network)
The Employment Cost Index, a measure of salary and benefit costs, registered a 2.6 percent gain for the full year, tied for the best since 2007, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported. That gives President Donald Trump the best wage gains since the Great Recession, easily topping any during former President Barack Obama's entire term. President Donald Trump's first full year in office saw gains that easily outdistanced any year for his predecessor, Barack Obama, whose best showing was the 2.2 percent increases in 2016 and 2014. Six of Obama's eight years in office saw gains of 2 percent or less. |
I don't understand what the liberals are complaining about. The tax cuts put more money in the average persons wallet. They are spending and that's causing people to work ovwetume. Companies are expanding and hiring new people. The new people pay taxes that will help offset the tax cut.
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Thu 08/02/18 07:12 AM
This is from CNBC (not exactly a Trump friendly network) The Employment Cost Index, a measure of salary and benefit costs, registered a 2.6 percent gain for the full year, tied for the best since 2007, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported. That gives President Donald Trump the best wage gains since the Great Recession, easily topping any during former President Barack Obama's entire term. President Donald Trump's first full year in office saw gains that easily outdistanced any year for his predecessor, Barack Obama, whose best showing was the 2.2 percent increases in 2016 and 2014. Six of Obama's eight years in office saw gains of 2 percent or less. yes,but you are deliberately not taking into consideration that barack obama had to pull this country out of the worst reccession in many decades that was triggered by bush jr. which he DID,so he handed donald trump an economy that was already healed up from the lat time the republicans were in office,and taking a huge upswing,not plummeting like it was when he took office,because if you did your propoer research,you would plainly see that the 2 best years of obamas economy was is last 2,which were the highest in his presidency,since it took him 6 years to get the country out of the slump that the bush tax cuts,and the effect of the crooked bankers blowing up the economy for their own personal gains got us into! so,trump didnt have to pull the economy out of the toilet like obama did...all he had to do was ride the wave that obama created. [which was A LOT easier than pulling the economy out of the toilet!!!!] and,if you dont believe this,all you have to do is look at the nominal wage tracker from the bureau of labor statistics,instead of just trying to cherry pick a news story that suits your opinion! and,you are talking about a wage growth that is only about 1% versus HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in tax breaks that is going straight into the pockets of the richest 1% of the country,WITHOUT them putting that money back intot he economy to help the country grow,like we were promised would happen by donald trump when he was trying to sell his ridiculous tax plan! [once again,if you dont beleive me,just scroll down a little farther,and look at the graph from the bureau of economic analysis that shows how badly the worker's share of corporate income has fallen] and,just think about what our economy COULD HAVE BEEN,if the top 1 percenters were putting all of those BILLIONS/TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS BACK INTO THE ECONOMY like we were promised that they would by trump when he was trying too sell his tax plan,instead of using to for stock buybacks THAT ONLY BENEFIT THEM!...NOT THE ECONOMY,or the middle class employees! [there are ALSO graphs there from the bureau of labor statistics that show how the economy SHOULD have been growing,and what the wage gap has now become,since the top 1 percenters are just lining their pockets,instead of putting the money back into the economy!!!] and,with all of the tax breaks that the top 1 percenters got,that they are not having to pay any taxes on for all of those HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS/TRILLIONS of dollars they are now receiving,that puts the burden of paying to run this country straight onto the shoulders of the middle class workers,who will now have to make up the difference out of their own paychecks,so their meager ittle benfits they have received from this ridiculous tax program is not only nullified,it is ALSO taking more money from them that is NOT covered by their pitifully small capital gains. so,how about you show me some FACTS from a valid source to back your claims up,instead of just random news articles that only tell PART of the story??!!?? |
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Thu 08/02/18 07:15 AM
I don't understand what the liberals are complaining about. The tax cuts put more money in the average persons wallet. They are spending and that's causing people to work ovwetume. Companies are expanding and hiring new people. The new people pay taxes that will help offset the tax cut. you know,i DO truly believe you when you say that you dont understand it... thats why i am trying to explain it to you. ![]() |
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Thu 08/02/18 08:20 AM
oh,and BTW...
thse figures i gave from the national bureau of labor statistics are ANNUAL AVERAGES..... president barack obama had GDP growth that was OVER 5% growth in the second quarter of 2014,and 11 MORE quarters where the GDP grew OVER 4% during his time in office... if you AVERAGE trump's GDP growth ANNUALLY,like y'all are doing to barack Obama's,his ISNT OVER 4% either!! if you average trump's GDP growth for this year,it is barely over 3%! here is a graph to prove it that shows Obama's growth of the GDP by quarter... and,here is a graph from the national bureau of economic analysis that shows Trump's GDP growth by QUARTER... so,barack Obama has had HIGHER GDP GROWTH THAN TRUMP HAS has,and HE DIDNT have to give the superwealthy 1 percenters a $2 TRILLION DOLLAR tax break to make it happen!!! the graphs don't lie,and they are VERY easy to fact check! so,feel free to try to prove me wrong!! |
Wages are up, GDP is up, unemployment is down. More and more jobs are being created. The average person pays less in taxes. You are complaining because business owners pay less in taxes also. Instead of being jealous, become a business owner.
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Thu 08/02/18 08:50 AM
Wages are up, GDP is up, unemployment is down. More and more jobs are being created. The average person pays less in taxes. You are complaining because business owners pay less in taxes also. Instead of being jealous, become a business owner. ![]() they are not up as high as barack obama's have been,and he didn't have to give the top 1 percenters a $2 TRILLION DOLLAR TAX BREAK! and he DEFINITELY didn't have to give them ANOTHER $100 BILLION DOLLAR TAX BREAK on top of thet,like trump is now trying to do,before Robert Mueller closes his noose,and takes trumps power to CONTINUE to give the top 1 percenters[like Donald trump!] ADDITIONAL tax breaks AT THE EXPENSEOF THE REST OF THE COUNTRY!!! what you are talking about is the equivalent of someone stealing all the money out of your bank account,but you thinking it was ok because he bought you a drink. sorry.. you might have gotten a free drink ,but now you are broke. it aint exactly rocket science!! if you don't understand ALL of the factors that are in this equation then you are going to be the loser,but that is what trump is counting on... that you DONT/WONT understand what ALL of the factors in this equation are,and will just look at the OBVIOUS ones that they are waving in front of you to distract you from what is REALLY going on!! that is the number one trick of ALL con men,sleight of hand artists,and magicians... they distract their 'mark' by letting them watch what THIS hand is doing,while the OTHER hand is taking their wallet! but,if you are satisfied with someone giving you a DIME,and then stealing a DOLLAR from you when you aren't looking,then I think that you are supporting the right person/party! personally,I am NOT satisfied with being a 'mark',and letting someone do that to me!! [but,unlike trump supporters,I actually understand what they are doing,and what is happening,so....] ![]() |
Wages are up, GDP is up, unemployment is down. More and more jobs are being created. The average person pays less in taxes. You are complaining because business owners pay less in taxes also. Instead of being jealous, become a business owner. ![]() they are not up as high as barack obama's have been,and he didn't have to give the top 1 percenters a $2 TRILLION DOLLAR TAX BREAK! and he DEFINITELY didn't have to give them ANOTHER $100 BILLION DOLLAR TAX BREAK on top of thet,like trump is now trying to do,before Robert Mueller closes his noose,and takes trumps power to CONTINUE to give the top 1 percenters[like Donald trump!] ADDITIONAL tax breaks AT THE EXPENSEOF THE REST OF THE COUNTRY!!! what you are talking about is the equivalent of someone stealing all the money out of your bank account,but you thinking it was ok because he bought you a drink. sorry.. you might have gotten a free drink ,but now you are broke. it aint exactly rocket science!! if you don't understand ALL of the factors that are in this equation then you are going to be the loser,but that is what trump is counting on... that you DONT/WONT understand what ALL of the factors in this equation are,and will just look at the OBVIOUS ones that they are waving in front of you to distract you from what is REALLY going on!! that is the number one trick of ALL con men,sleight of hand artists,and magicians... distract your mark by letting them watch what THIS hand is doing,while the OTHER hand is taking your wallet! but,if you are satisfied with someone giving you a DIME,and then stealing a DOLLAR from you when you aren't looking,then I think that you are supporting the right person/party! personally,I am NOT satisfied with letting someone do that to me!! [but,unlike trump supporters,I actually understand what they are doing,and what is happening,so....] ![]() Whose bank account got robbed? |