Topic: Your favourite accent/language and why..
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Sun 07/08/18 05:00 PM
Dutch. Especially my dialect : Limburgs .
Dutch is beautiful.
Wij hebben de mooiste taal van heel de wereld. Laat die Amerikanen maar dol zijn op hun Engels, wij weten beter.

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Sun 07/08/18 05:07 PM

Dutch. Especially my dialect : Limburgs .
Dutch is beautiful.
Wij hebben de mooiste taal van heel de wereld. Laat die Amerikanen maar dol zijn op hun Engels, wij weten beter.

If I could understand it I'm sure it is beautiful.
Do you know where the saying.. "double dutch" came from or what it really means

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Sun 07/08/18 05:13 PM
I like "my" language which is NYC accent .Some, like the OP don't care for it. And I respect that. Some love it.

But you can't deny that it is unique

I worked in another country for awhile and the company there (and I) interviewed 9 local people ( who all majored in English) before we found a translator who could understand what the hell I was saying.. Lol

no photo
Sun 07/08/18 05:13 PM
I like "my" language which is NYC accent .Some, like the OP don't care for it. And I respect that. Some love it.

But you can't deny that it is unique

I worked in another country for awhile and the company there (and I) interviewed 9 local people ( who all majored in English) before we found a translator who could understand what the hell I was saying.. Lol

Aroundtheworld37's photo
Sun 07/08/18 05:34 PM

I like "my" language which is NYC accent .Some, like the OP don't care for it. And I respect that. Some love it.

But you can't deny that it is unique

I worked in another country for awhile and the company there (and I) interviewed 9 local people ( who all majored in English) before we found a translator who could understand what the hell I was saying.. Lol

I like east coast accents too lol I could’ve,been the translator I think I’m the only one in the south that could understand my New Yorker friends and jersey friends lololol

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Sun 07/08/18 05:35 PM
French is my favorite. Hands down..

But Australian , British, and Irish are not far

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 07/08/18 05:38 PM

I like "my" language which is NYC accent .Some, like the OP don't care for it. And I respect that. Some love it.

But you can't deny that it is unique

I worked in another country for awhile and the company there (and I) interviewed 9 local people ( who all majored in English) before we found a translator who could understand what the hell I was saying.. Lol

I lived in Upstate NY (Glens Falls region) and have visited NYC quite a few times and I could tell the difference between the two accents.
NYC women accents have a "sassy" feel.
There's even a distinction between say, a Brooklyn and a Queens accent.
A least to me. East Ender's and Philly accents sound similar to me.
I also noticed a difference between east and west Ohio accents.
You would think that Missouri and Kentucky accents are the same but their not.
A Texan woman's accent is sexy.
I find most California accents irritating. Makes me think Valley Girl even when a man is the one speaking.
I knew a Panamanian woman that had a very unique but pleasing accent.
Most Central Americans are loud and she was soft-spoken.
I met an Inuit in the service that had a unique accent.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 07/08/18 05:39 PM

French is my favorite. Hands down..

But Australian , British, and Irish are not far

Hi Peggy LTNS
Welcome back!

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Sun 07/08/18 05:42 PM
Haven't seen you in awhile Peggy. Maybe we're on different times. I don't really have a favorite accent.

no photo
Sun 07/08/18 05:47 PM

I like "my" language which is NYC accent .Some, like the OP don't care for it. And I respect that. Some love it.

But you can't deny that it is unique

I worked in another country for awhile and the company there (and I) interviewed 9 local people ( who all majored in English) before we found a translator who could understand what the hell I was saying.. Lol

I like east coast accents too lol I could’ve,been the translator I think I’m the only one in the south that could understand my New Yorker friends and jersey friends lololol

Then I'm sure you could have been the one :) we talk fast have our own slang and our sentences roll into one word

ahhcomeonwhatthehellisthematterwithyou!... is one word ;)

Aroundtheworld37's photo
Sun 07/08/18 05:50 PM

I like "my" language which is NYC accent .Some, like the OP don't care for it. And I respect that. Some love it.

But you can't deny that it is unique

I worked in another country for awhile and the company there (and I) interviewed 9 local people ( who all majored in English) before we found a translator who could understand what the hell I was saying.. Lol

I like east coast accents too lol I could’ve,been the translator I think I’m the only one in the south that could understand my New Yorker friends and jersey friends lololol

Then I'm sure you could have been the one :) we talk fast have our own slang and our sentences roll into one word

ahhcomeonwhatthehellisthematterwithyou!... is one word ;)

hahahahaha...makes sense to me :kissing_heart:

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Sun 07/08/18 05:50 PM

Haven't seen you in awhile Peggy. Maybe we're on different times. I don't really have a favorite accent.

Hi Cat, what accent is spoken in Idaho.. is it more the "normal" American or does it have it's own accent?

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 07/08/18 06:04 PM
Edited by Tom4Uhere on Sun 07/08/18 06:05 PM
I had a buddy in the service that was from Iowa.
For the most part he had the flatest non-accent I have ever heard unless he was drunk.
Then, it had a Native American Indian sound to it.
No, He wasn't a native American Indian but in college I roomed with a full blooded Apache. All I can say is don't piss him off. LOL, Especially if he's drunk.

no photo
Sun 07/08/18 06:07 PM

French is my favorite. Hands down..

But Australian , British, and Irish are not far

Hi Peggy LTNS
Welcome back!

Hi Tom! Its great to see you again. This forum family is so damn addictive! happy flowerforyou

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Sun 07/08/18 06:07 PM
I've lived in 4 places in the US and some differences. I can't really put any accents to Idaho people. Some words drawn out a little, like the mid west states. Anytime you you get near most big cities in the US, people talk faster.

no photo
Sun 07/08/18 06:10 PM

Haven't seen you in awhile Peggy. Maybe we're on different times. I don't really have a favorite accent.

Good to see you cat! I havent been here in months!

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 07/08/18 06:21 PM
I kinda like hearing French but really when I am talking to a lady who has captured my heart I do not hear anything but my heart thumping a mile a minute.

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Sun 07/08/18 06:33 PM
On the news, not long ago, a poll was taken in countries outside of USA - what are you're favorite American accents? 1 -Southern. 2- New York City and 3- Boston. Really?!?!

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Sun 07/08/18 06:42 PM

I've lived in 4 places in the US and some differences. I can't really put any accents to Idaho people. Some words drawn out a little, like the mid west states. Anytime you you get near most big cities in the US, people talk faster.

I think many people talk faster these days.. if they talk at all with all the texting etc.. Sad but true.

I tend to like the "normal" accent there but don't mind some others. I find some hard to understand (mainly Southern) but have to listen to them for awhile but can't get some words.

I feel the NY accent sounds a "tough" accent.. but that might be just me.

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Sun 07/08/18 07:01 PM
the language of sexy :heart: