Topic: The DNC is not to be taken seriously!
Workin4it's photo
Sat 07/07/18 05:44 AM
The DNC is showing their true immorality. When we have a strong job market , strong economy, increased security and renewed interests in strengthening our military, instilling coincidence in minorities , stopping unfair trade. Restoring pride and confidence in people's minds , and many other great things happening in America. But if you listen to the lies and sighs coming from democrats,attacking children and woman for supporting Trump, crying like chicken little screaming the sky is falling, with their anti cop, abolish ice. And many more if their demented ideas . Not a winning plan come November.please keep it up.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sat 07/07/18 06:04 AM
Edited by IgorFrankensteen on Sat 07/07/18 06:15 AM

The DNC is showing their true immorality. When we have a strong job market , strong economy, increased security and renewed interests in strengthening our military, instilling coincidence in minorities , stopping unfair trade. Restoring pride and confidence in people's minds , and many other great things happening in America. But if you listen to the lies and sighs coming from democrats,attacking children and woman for supporting Trump, crying like chicken little screaming the sky is falling, with their anti cop, abolish ice. And many more if their demented ideas . Not a winning plan come November.please keep it up.

"Instilling coincidence in minorities"?? What in the world does that mean?

All in all, you've made your prejudices and politically altered view of "facts" very clear.

And you are right about one thing. If the Democrats rely on vague protestations about how rude and thoughtless Trump and his supporters are to win in November...

... no matter how accurate those complaints are, they are going to go down to defeat again.

My observation overall, is that Trump won, and generated the excitement he has in his supporters, for the exact same reason why the other Republican candidates for President were turned away by voters again and again. That is, the mistake that the GOP made for YEARS, was that they would castigate, criticize, and make absurd extremist (and mostly false) accusations against their opponents, but they never ONCE proposed to actually DO anything about the problems Americans were worried about.

Trump did propose to act, and has tried to act. He's been terribly wrong about a lot of what he has been doing, however, he is still taking action, and that's what matters to voters hungry for real change.

Unless the Democrats wake up and recognize that THEY have to propose and follow through on ACTION to address our problems, more voters will choose a clumsy, rude, downright ignorant liar who ACTS, over even the most honest, polite, and conscientious candidate who only promises to be critical of their opponent.

soufiehere's photo
Sat 07/07/18 06:32 AM
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