Topic: Where do we go after we died?
I_love_bluegrass's photo
Mon 02/04/19 09:57 AM
True, and most of what we imagine as Hell was created in the early Middle Ages by the Catholic church to scare people....

The populsation was illiterate, and would see images and hear stories and believed them, as they couldn;t read the truth for themselves.

theskyisgreat4u's photo
Mon 02/04/19 03:54 PM
Edited by theskyisgreat4u on Mon 02/04/19 03:57 PM

To say that the basic concept of "hell" is not scriptural seems unfounded.

But, IMHO, death for most is a "rest" from which you immediately awaken to the judgement OR to be in the clouds at His second coming with The Lion of Judah.

The person who dies and is at "rest" has NO idea how long they were unconscious just as when one wakes from any nap or sleep. You just don't know until you look at a clock. So...THAT is death unless YHWH has something else in mind for you:

The only recorded time in the Bible that an actual dead person who STAYED dead, spoke to the living.

Fear not:

BigD9832's photo
Tue 02/05/19 07:03 AM
Edited by BigD9832 on Tue 02/05/19 07:04 AM
From theskyisgreat4u
To say that the basic concept of "hell" is not scriptural seems unfounded.

I repeat:
There is no "hell" in the Scriptures.

It would be very simple to refute this statement. Just post the Ancient term for "hell" used in the Scriptures.

CLV 1Cor. 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal put on immortality.
54 Now, whenever this corruptible should be putting on incorruption and this mortal should be putting on immortality, then shall come to pass the word which is written, Swallowed up was Death by Victory.
55 Where, O Death, is your victory? Where, O Death, is your sting?

Chapter 15 of Corinthians is about the immortal body that will be used during the Millennium, or the 1000 year reign of Christ.

theskyisgreat4u's photo
Wed 02/06/19 06:31 AM

FeelYoung's photo
Wed 02/06/19 10:38 AM
Edited by FeelYoung on Wed 02/06/19 10:39 AM
oh boy! -- i don't have time now, but so many of you have no correct knowledge. I realize different "religions" think differently, but oh dear. I have no time right now, but will post later. and yes, the Catholics do have a different Bible...with books added by more modern people, so they are worthless writings.

in the meantime: In rabbinic literature Gehenna is a destination of the wicked. This is different from the more neutral Sheol/Hades, the abode of the dead, although the King James Version of the Bible usually translates both with the Anglo-Saxon word Hell.

BigD9832's photo
Wed 02/06/19 02:29 PM
From nature lady
in the meantime: In rabbinic literature Gehenna is a destination of the wicked. This is different from the more neutral Sheol/Hades, the abode of the dead, although the King James Version of the Bible usually translates both with the Anglo-Saxon word Hell.

In Hebrew, the language of the rabbi, Gehenna means...

GEHENNA (Hebr. ; Greek, Γέεννα):

By: Kaufmann Kohler, Ludwig Blau

The place where children were sacrificed to the god Moloch was originally in the "valley of the son of Hinnom," to the south of Jerusalem (Josh. xv. 8, passim; II Kings xxiii. 10; Jer. ii. 23; vii. 31-32; xix. 6, 13-14). For this reason the valley was deemed to be accursed, and "Gehenna" therefore soon became a figurative equivalent for "hell."

The Jews of the OT did not have a "hell."

She is right about sheol/hades. Both of these term translate to mean "unseen."

theskyisgreat4u's photo
Wed 02/06/19 04:02 PM

theskyisgreat4u's photo
Wed 02/06/19 04:02 PM

no photo
Thu 02/07/19 05:41 AM
Edited by greeneyes148 on Thu 02/07/19 05:43 AM
Where do we go after we died?

Well, if you ae rushed to the hospital and then die there you are taken down to the basement morgue.

Wheeled past the intern sitting there at the desk texting his friends. He eventually gets around to putting a tag on your toe and he tell the funeral home to make sure they come by 4pm, because the hospital will not authorize overtime and he ain't working for free!!

Two guys from the funeral home come and get you. They put you in the back of the van with the blacked out windows and start to drive back to the funeral home.but not before stopping at McDonalds for a #3 extra value meal and not before commenting on a few woman's passerby's backsides.

that's where you go after you die

BigD9832's photo
Thu 02/07/19 06:52 AM
Edited by BigD9832 on Thu 02/07/19 06:53 AM
From theskyisgreat4u

Matthew 16:19
"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

Here this poster does not bother to post a bible verse, but rather a web page. The Bible verse in question is Matt. 16:19.

But we might notice that the term "hell" is absent from the choices that Jesus gives us. Heaven and Earth, but no "hell."

I can only conclude that he is supporting what I have already said.

Revelation 20:15
And if anyone was found whose name was not written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

Again this poster Doesn't bother the Bible but puts his faith in a web site.

By posting this web site, which focuses Rev. 20:15, tries to take our attention off of "hell" and replace it with the Lake of Fire. Rev. 20:14 proves that "hell" and the Lake of Fire cannot be the same thing.

This is just another example of how so many try to replace rumor and hearsay replaces Biblical knowledge.

I suggest you read the book.

BigD9832's photo
Thu 02/07/19 07:05 AM
From greeneyes148
Where do we go after we died?

Well, if you ae rushed to the hospital and then die there you are taken down to the basement morgue.

Wheeled past the intern sitting there at the desk texting his friends. He eventually gets around to putting a tag on your toe and he tell the funeral home to make sure they come by 4pm, because the hospital will not authorize overtime and he ain't working for free!!

Two guys from the funeral home come and get you. They put you in the back of the van with the blacked out windows and start to drive back to the funeral home.but not before stopping at McDonalds for a #3 extra value meal and not before commenting on a few woman's passerby's backsides.

that's where you go after you die

This is a cute little fantasy. However, this poster fails to consider that eventually, every physical body decomposes...

CLV Gen 3:19 By the sweat of your brow shall you eat your bread, Until you return to the ground, for from it were you taken. For soil you are, and to soil you shall return.

And what of the soul and Spirit?

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Thu 02/07/19 07:12 AM
The God *I* know and follow and love would never allow one of his children to burn forever...and watch them do so..

He would just extinguish them....they're gone, soul, spirit....all of it...they cease to exists in any form.

Or, possibly, like the Catholics believe...after doing a bit of time in Purgatory, they get invited back into the fold...

BigD9832's photo
Thu 02/07/19 11:06 AM
If you read the Scriptures you would know that death is not the end.

CLV John 11:25 Jesus said to her, "I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who is believing in Me, even if he should be dying, shall be living.
26 And everyone who is living and believing in Me, should by no means be dying for the eon. Are you believing this?"

no photo
Mon 02/11/19 04:35 PM

From greeneyes148
Where do we go after we died?

Well, if you ae rushed to the hospital and then die there you are taken down to the basement morgue.

Wheeled past the intern sitting there at the desk texting his friends. He eventually gets around to putting a tag on your toe and he tell the funeral home to make sure they come by 4pm, because the hospital will not authorize overtime and he ain't working for free!!

Two guys from the funeral home come and get you. They put you in the back of the van with the blacked out windows and start to drive back to the funeral home.but not before stopping at McDonalds for a #3 extra value meal and not before commenting on a few woman's passerby's backsides.

that's where you go after you die

This is a cute little fantasy. However, this poster fails to consider that eventually, every physical body decomposes...

CLV Gen 3:19 By the sweat of your brow shall you eat your bread, Until you return to the ground, for from it were you taken. For soil you are, and to soil you shall return.

And what of the soul and Spirit?

What of it Superman?
because you read it in the bible, its true? Are all of the other religions then... wrong? Or is it just that us Catholics and bible bred folks are just... right?

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 02/11/19 05:05 PM
Careful now....greeneyes148
You will get run out of here for having or trying to defend your own opinion about religion or belief.

Its better (and easier) just to nod yer head and smile.

OKAY, I'm leaving again.
Its your forum and I know this.

JustBeHonest's photo
Mon 02/11/19 08:23 PM
There’s really only one way to find out.

rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Mon 02/11/19 09:38 PM

If you read the Scriptures you would know that death is not the end.

CLV John 11:25 Jesus said to her, "I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who is believing in Me, even if he should be dying, shall be living.
26 And everyone who is living and believing in Me, should by no means be dying for the eon. Are you believing this?"

Your quote does not answer the question for many people.Even if one accepted that what is written in Scripture is true the above quote refers to those who believe.What happens to those who do not believe in Jesus ?

trustworthyheart1's photo
Mon 02/11/19 10:53 PM
Who will know Jesus he will know where our soul will go because Jesus was only one who teach us these things which we never ever imagine I read many religious books but believe me Jesus teaching take to you there where all we want go on peace.

BigD9832's photo
Tue 02/12/19 07:47 AM
Your quote does not answer the question for many people.Even if one accepted that what is written in Scripture is true the above quote refers to those who believe.What happens to those who do not believe in Jesus ?

It wasn't designed to.
All you are doing is twisting my words.

And I do not dictate what nonChristiand believe or do.

no photo
Tue 02/12/19 10:21 AM

Your quote does not answer the question for many people.Even if one accepted that what is written in Scripture is true the above quote refers to those who believe.What happens to those who do not believe in Jesus ?

It wasn't designed to.
All you are doing is twisting my words.

And I do not dictate what nonChristiand believe or do.

To begin with those are not your words.I have not twisted anything.The question asked was where do go when we die.It does not specify Christians exclusively.You do not have the right to dictate what anyone believes or does.I asked a simple question that many people would like answered.Of course you are not obliged to answer but you chose to respond in a manner that does little clarify a legitimate question.