Topic: santa fe high, Texas shooting
Tom4Uhere's photo
Sat 05/19/18 01:14 AM

You’re right about parents (as a whole) Tom. How do you make them see the problem, when a bonified Doctor is telling them the problem is a medical condition?
It would be ideal to have a full time parent. I have never heard a kid grow up to blame their woes on a parent who was always there to support and guide them. This is a different world than the one we were raised in. (I’m making an age assumption based on your position on credit alone) laugh
The only thing I’ll say about the credit issue is that, I personally feel, the entitlement mentality is as much to blame for requiring two working parents to keep a houshold solvent as insufficient working wages are. It makes me sad to hear about where working wages NEED to be from people who don’t have a clue what NEED is. They think it’s a big screen in every room, a cell in every hand and 2,347 channels they’ll never watch on a salary that is not remotely in sync with their lifestyle.
IMO, they don’t even realize they’re putting comfort and convince ahead of their own children. And in turn raising them to believe that’s what’s right. That these are the things they’re entitled to too, and credit is the answer. How do you fix that?
I did it again! I’ll just be slinking back to the game room now.

How do you make them (parents) see the problem
For some there isn't a problem, the children are raised and nurtured with values and morals.
For some, reasonable discussion and advice may be all that is needed to put the parents on the right track. Reasoning breaks the cycle the parents experienced and they truly only want what's best for their kids.
Then there are those that are so full of resentment over they way they were brought up that they will refuse and possibly, make it worse. No amount of reasoning will get thru. For these parents another method, besides reasoning will need to be implemented. I haven't speculated on what that action might be.

This is a different world than the one we were raised in.
I agree. Right now we are seeing the results of multiple generations in a cycle. The children of children of children honed by all the line of experiences being passed down in a mutated evolution of values and morals.
It would be one thing if the values and morals were passed down pristine, but they are not. Society changes each generation.

no photo
Sat 05/19/18 01:16 AM
Seems more and more kids don't make any difference between the real and the virtual world. Kids play games and they learn from it like has always been .. but today's games are different. Most of them are violent in a way or another .. war games .. superheroes .. etc, where whacking someone is essential and pulling a trigger is the only solution to solve the problem.
Killing is fun in a virtual world, the higher your score the coolest you are .. they call it a good entertainment ..
These horrible school shootings are just a top of the iceberg .. the problem is more deep and complex, imho. Violence has become a norm in our modern world and there is no good solution on how to change society's values ..
However, if we don't care about our children at home, can't find enough time for them, to listen to what they have to say .. setting ourselves - jobs .. careers .. egos, etc always first, then no wonder that some of the kids some day might find a solution for their real problems from the virtuality, where resolving them is so easy .. just pull the trigger ..

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sat 05/19/18 01:34 AM
There is some replies that mention bullying.
If the parents are doing their job, they will teach kids how to deal with bullying the right way.
Parents, most parents, already teach their children coping skills.
Its the ones that don't or the ones that crush their children's self-esteem that puts the guns in a child's hands.

No matter how 'good' society makes the parents of a shooter out to be, the raw truth is that they have failed to teach their child a needed life-skill.
It doesn't matter why, it only matters that they failed to teach their child what is needed to function in society and that resulted in people dying.

It all boils down to the parents doing their job as parents.
It doesn't matter that the kid is part of a gang. What matters is that the parents didn't teach their kids the values and morals that would make a kid not join a gang in the first place.

We live in a society.
Yes, that society is messed up.
But, we are all part of that society.
We are supposed to teach our children to be part of the society.
Society has values and morals too.
So basically, parents are to teach their children their morals and values AND society's values and morals.
If parents are part of society and adopt society's morals and values it gets easier to teach their kids what they need to survive in a society.

Problems arise when the parents morals and values do not align with society's morals and values.
So one of the first steps is to get parents to adopt the morals and values of society so they have experience to pass to their kids.
How can that be accomplished across the board?
I imagine it would have to be a multi-faceted endeavor that would utilize different delivery methods.

no photo
Sat 05/19/18 01:34 AM

Seems more and more kids don't make any difference between the real and the virtual world. Kids play games and they learn from it like has always been .. but today's games are different. Most of them are violent in a way or another .. war games .. superheroes .. etc, where whacking someone is essential and pulling a trigger is the only solution to solve the problem.
Killing is fun in a virtual world, the higher your score the coolest you are .. they call it a good entertainment ..
These horrible school shootings are just a top of the iceberg .. the problem is more deep and complex, imho. Violence has become a norm in our modern world and there is no good solution on how to change society's values ..
However, if we don't care about our children at home, can't find enough time for them, to listen to what they have to say .. setting ourselves - jobs .. careers .. egos, etc always first, then no wonder that some of the kids some day might find a solution for their real problems from the virtuality, where resolving them is so easy .. just pull the trigger ..


Tom4Uhere's photo
Sat 05/19/18 01:39 AM

Seems more and more kids don't make any difference between the real and the virtual world. Kids play games and they learn from it like has always been .. but today's games are different. Most of them are violent in a way or another .. war games .. superheroes .. etc, where whacking someone is essential and pulling a trigger is the only solution to solve the problem.
Killing is fun in a virtual world, the higher your score the coolest you are .. they call it a good entertainment ..
These horrible school shootings are just a top of the iceberg .. the problem is more deep and complex, imho. Violence has become a norm in our modern world and there is no good solution on how to change society's values ..
However, if we don't care about our children at home, can't find enough time for them, to listen to what they have to say .. setting ourselves - jobs .. careers .. egos, etc always first, then no wonder that some of the kids some day might find a solution for their real problems from the virtuality, where resolving them is so easy .. just pull the trigger ..

There was violence exposure when I was growing up.
Parents took the time to teach.
They restricted the exposure because they took the time to look at what their children were being exposed to.
They taught their children different ways to solve their problems without violence.
Parents were in charge, not the children.

no photo
Sat 05/19/18 01:42 AM

Seems more and more kids don't make any difference between the real and the virtual world. Kids play games and they learn from it like has always been .. but today's games are different. Most of them are violent in a way or another .. war games .. superheroes .. etc, where whacking someone is essential and pulling a trigger is the only solution to solve the problem.
Killing is fun in a virtual world, the higher your score the coolest you are .. they call it a good entertainment ..
These horrible school shootings are just a top of the iceberg .. the problem is more deep and complex, imho. Violence has become a norm in our modern world and there is no good solution on how to change society's values ..
However, if we don't care about our children at home, can't find enough time for them, to listen to what they have to say .. setting ourselves - jobs .. careers .. egos, etc always first, then no wonder that some of the kids some day might find a solution for their real problems from the virtuality, where resolving them is so easy .. just pull the trigger ..

There was violence exposure when I was growing up.
Parents took the time to teach.
They restricted the exposure because they took the time to look at what their children were being exposed to.
They taught their children different ways to solve their problems without violence.
Parents were in charge, not the children.

Definitely giving them time :thumbsup:
Must say that it's not a single parent thing either. Many single parents have done a better job than those with both parents

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sat 05/19/18 01:59 AM

Seems more and more kids don't make any difference between the real and the virtual world. Kids play games and they learn from it like has always been .. but today's games are different. Most of them are violent in a way or another .. war games .. superheroes .. etc, where whacking someone is essential and pulling a trigger is the only solution to solve the problem.
Killing is fun in a virtual world, the higher your score the coolest you are .. they call it a good entertainment ..
These horrible school shootings are just a top of the iceberg .. the problem is more deep and complex, imho. Violence has become a norm in our modern world and there is no good solution on how to change society's values ..
However, if we don't care about our children at home, can't find enough time for them, to listen to what they have to say .. setting ourselves - jobs .. careers .. egos, etc always first, then no wonder that some of the kids some day might find a solution for their real problems from the virtuality, where resolving them is so easy .. just pull the trigger ..

There was violence exposure when I was growing up.
Parents took the time to teach.
They restricted the exposure because they took the time to look at what their children were being exposed to.
They taught their children different ways to solve their problems without violence.
Parents were in charge, not the children.

Definitely giving them time :thumbsup:
Must say that it's not a single parent thing either. Many single parents have done a better job than those with both parents

I agree.
Plus its not a widespread problem either because most people grow up and never shoot anyone.
Its only a certain few that kill.

Now, if this only happened once per decade, it wouldn't be a society issue but its isn't happening infrequently.
Its happening again and again and there is no fix in sight.
So, its going to happen again, relatively quickly.

Society know there is a growing problem.
Right now it responds reactively instead of proactively.
We need to get ahead of this if we are going to make any headway in ending it. Pointing fingers is not the solution, it is a result after the action has taken place.
So, people are going to continue to die unabated.

no photo
Sat 05/19/18 02:57 AM

Seems more and more kids don't make any difference between the real and the virtual world. Kids play games and they learn from it like has always been .. but today's games are different. Most of them are violent in a way or another .. war games .. superheroes .. etc, where whacking someone is essential and pulling a trigger is the only solution to solve the problem.
Killing is fun in a virtual world, the higher your score the coolest you are .. they call it a good entertainment ..
These horrible school shootings are just a top of the iceberg .. the problem is more deep and complex, imho. Violence has become a norm in our modern world and there is no good solution on how to change society's values ..
However, if we don't care about our children at home, can't find enough time for them, to listen to what they have to say .. setting ourselves - jobs .. careers .. egos, etc always first, then no wonder that some of the kids some day might find a solution for their real problems from the virtuality, where resolving them is so easy .. just pull the trigger ..

There was violence exposure when I was growing up.
Parents took the time to teach.
They restricted the exposure because they took the time to look at what their children were being exposed to.
They taught their children different ways to solve their problems without violence.
Parents were in charge, not the children.

Definitely giving them time :thumbsup:
Must say that it's not a single parent thing either. Many single parents have done a better job than those with both parents

I agree.
Plus its not a widespread problem either because most people grow up and never shoot anyone.
Its only a certain few that kill.

Now, if this only happened once per decade, it wouldn't be a society issue but its isn't happening infrequently.
Its happening again and again and there is no fix in sight.
So, its going to happen again, relatively quickly.

Society know there is a growing problem.
Right now it responds reactively instead of proactively.
We need to get ahead of this if we are going to make any headway in ending it. Pointing fingers is not the solution, it is a result after the action has taken place.
So, people are going to continue to die unabated.

It's not really for me to say but I don't think it helps that the gun lobby just says it's not there problem.
Yes it is, and the government, and society.
They should all get together and find a reason and find a solution!

no photo
Sat 05/19/18 05:38 AM

Well it’s horrific to me each and every time, no matter how often it happens.

It’s hard for me to weigh in on these things, because I read all the arguments and they ALL seem pretty legitimate to me. Yet, noone knows what to do about it without making life inconvenient for one half or the other. We need to find a way to get over that.

If there’s ONE thing we should be able to find a way to come together over, you’d think American gunmen shooting up American children would be pretty high on the list!

IMO, no one on ANY mind altering drug, or in genuine NEED of a mind altering drug/script should have any second hand access to any firearm. There are rules and proceedires and precautions for...every...stinking... thing in existence it seems, but this!

Greeneyes, we DO overdrug our kids, because as Msharmony said, we’re NOT (as a whole) teaching our kids to cope. We DON’T (as a whole) teach them to behave either, ‘cause there’s a drug for that. We DON’T even expect our kids to respect one another, let alone their elders or authority figures anymore, but excuse bad behavior with the excuse of whatever condition they’ve been labeled with. Because there’s a condition for everything now. There are no bad kids, just conditions.

Don’t even get me started on social media for children. I’m bursting with opinions on this, but will only say one thing...Isn’t it hard enough on a kid to learn their way into maturity, without the weight of the world watching their every misstep?

I’ve shared my opinion, which I never ever do on this or like sites. I am by no means an expert in any aspect of firearms, national security, child psychology or psychiatric medicine. My opinions are based solely on what I witness around me, and that’s how it makes me feel.

Ref coping and over druging, it's always bewildering to me how you see on tv and the movies how people have a shrink (councillor )for every little thing, and I'm not talking about those who need help,just day to day life people. wtf, teach kids how to cope and man up!

So true! I know a dozen perfectly normal, well-adjusted adults who have shrinks/councilors. I always wonder if any of them really NEED them or if it’s just what people DO now. With so many adults turning to mental health care for minor issues, it’s no wonder they allow these professionals to put their kids on drugs. It’s the new norm. SMH

no photo
Sat 05/19/18 05:41 AM

what kills me is they think that banning guns is the solution.
when will they wake up to the fact that criminals and the mentally unstable dont care about laws.

Why dont leftist care about our kids in school, dont their lives matter?

it's about the question of his parent not the bill of rights. jefferson is right. even through there still bunch of illegal immgrations try to break the border of USA. that's not the highter concils request. you want to deal with those chicks with fist? if they do realy try to troubling your daughter or son with weapons or side Arms? locating around the eastern Asia this broblem will not exsiting because of most neibour countries here guns are baned from civiliants only hight level security or soldiers can carry it. I do believe it is the time that the trumpet need to meet some friends around the neibour contries of America to cacculating about the situation. because democacy won't getting through the congress before they turn repubication system. like I said the georgre.w.bush should doing something to help with tho. not just always having some tea party with the ciggar dude. smokin

no photo
Sat 05/19/18 05:47 AM
add all of that to this...

there seems to be no clear cut consequences to actions any more

growing up when i did it was quickly demonstrated that bad choices/actions caused bad repercussions. just as good choices/actions had brought good results/rewards.

and as much as the violence in video games is a contributor i think the bigger effect comes from the fact that most all games simply resurrect you after failure. which does not happen in real life at all

no photo
Sat 05/19/18 06:02 AM
Edited by ShybutKind on Sat 05/19/18 06:03 AM

You’re right about parents (as a whole) Tom. How do you make them see the problem, when a bonified Doctor is telling them the problem is a medical condition?
It would be ideal to have a full time parent. I have never heard a kid grow up to blame their woes on a parent who was always there to support and guide them. This is a different world than the one we were raised in. (I’m making an age assumption based on your position on credit alone) laugh
The only thing I’ll say about the credit issue is that, I personally feel, the entitlement mentality is as much to blame for requiring two working parents to keep a houshold solvent as insufficient working wages are. It makes me sad to hear about where working wages NEED to be from people who don’t have a clue what NEED is. They think it’s a big screen in every room, a cell in every hand and 2,347 channels they’ll never watch on a salary that is not remotely in sync with their lifestyle.
IMO, they don’t even realize they’re putting comfort and convince ahead of their own children. And in turn raising them to believe that’s what’s right. That these are the things they’re entitled to too, and credit is the answer. How do you fix that?
I did it again! I’ll just be slinking back to the game room now.

How do you make them (parents) see the problem
For some there isn't a problem, the children are raised and nurtured with values and morals.
For some, reasonable discussion and advice may be all that is needed to put the parents on the right track. Reasoning breaks the cycle the parents experienced and they truly only want what's best for their kids.
Then there are those that are so full of resentment over they way they were brought up that they will refuse and possibly, make it worse. No amount of reasoning will get thru. For these parents another method, besides reasoning will need to be implemented. I haven't speculated on what that action might be.

This is a different world than the one we were raised in.
I agree. Right now we are seeing the results of multiple generations in a cycle. The children of children of children honed by all the line of experiences being passed down in a mutated evolution of values and morals.
It would be one thing if the values and morals were passed down pristine, but they are not. Society changes each generation.

There are those who still actually parent their children. I know my family does. Those who don’t make it harder for those who do. It seems incredibly unfare to our kids that they seem to be punished while so many other kids are patted on the head and excused for hyperactivity, high functioning specturm or ADHD issues they’re being treated for.

I would also like to think that parents who are dropping the ball could be reasoned with Tom, But doubt they’ll believe anyone over their child’s mental health expert.

Mikey may be onto something though. People do seem to follow whatever trend television dictates. Maybe Hollywood needs to be reasoned with. They stand a better chance of playing a roll in changing what parents hand down to the next generation.

no photo
Sat 05/19/18 06:09 AM
well shy for that all you gotta do is convince them they can make money that way. you up to that crusade? lol

no photo
Sat 05/19/18 06:20 AM

well shy for that all you gotta do is convince them they can make money that way. you up to that crusade? lol

Shhhhh, don't mention crusades, you know what happened to the Knights of neh! laugh

no photo
Sat 05/19/18 06:21 AM
Edited by ShybutKind on Sat 05/19/18 06:22 AM

Seems more and more kids don't make any difference between the real and the virtual world. Kids play games and they learn from it like has always been .. but today's games are different. Most of them are violent in a way or another .. war games .. superheroes .. etc, where whacking someone is essential and pulling a trigger is the only solution to solve the problem.
Killing is fun in a virtual world, the higher your score the coolest you are .. they call it a good entertainment ..
These horrible school shootings are just a top of the iceberg .. the problem is more deep and complex, imho. Violence has become a norm in our modern world and there is no good solution on how to change society's values ..
However, if we don't care about our children at home, can't find enough time for them, to listen to what they have to say .. setting ourselves - jobs .. careers .. egos, etc always first, then no wonder that some of the kids some day might find a solution for their real problems from the virtuality, where resolving them is so easy .. just pull the trigger ..

I agee children are becoming desensitized to violence and growing up spending too much time in the fantasy world of games. Children raised in the hostile environments of domestic abuse, gang activity or war zones, are exposed to the real life ramifications of violent actions at least. Fantacy violence comes with none, making virtual desensitization much more dangerous than when it occures from real life causes. IMO.

no photo
Sat 05/19/18 06:25 AM

well shy for that all you gotta do is convince them they can make money that way. you up to that crusade? lol

I don’t believe they can. If they COULD make money that way, Leave it to Beaver and Gilligan’s Island would still be on prime time. laugh

no photo
Sat 05/19/18 06:26 AM
Trouble is with fantasy violence is it has no consequences!
Well not at the time.
Like you say shy, people who've seen it in war zones would expect to be affected.

no photo
Sat 05/19/18 06:28 AM

well shy for that all you gotta do is convince them they can make money that way. you up to that crusade? lol

Shhhhh, don't mention crusades, you know what happened to the Knights of neh! laugh

Sailed right over my head. Who are the Knights of neh?

no photo
Sat 05/19/18 06:31 AM
it's a monty python reference shy

no photo
Sat 05/19/18 06:37 AM

it's a monty python reference shy

I know Monty Python was on tv when I was a kid, but I’ve never watched it. My parents didn’t allow it. rofl