Topic: Biggest complaint
iceprincess's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:08 PM
sidewalk is not really a ? love it's more of an observation so to speak..............LOL

the video game well again not really a ? more of a strong suggestion put in the form of a ? darling...........laugh

never know you might like suggested paying attention game better............LMAO

Jtevans's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:10 PM
paying attention?nah too boring,i like to let my mind wander.i guess you could say i'm a free thinker...

no photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:12 PM
i have no complaints...i love women!

iceprincess's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:14 PM
as i said it's a suggested paying attention game darling you never know what your paying attention to.........

a lot of times if we're asking for attention from you it's because we are seeking something else also

geektothetenth's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:14 PM
I think it also depends on the frequency of the questioning and the duration. Like if you untied us, turned off the sun lamp, and gave us a sandwhich and a glass of milk every 8 hours or so, it'd all go a lot smoother.

willy_cents's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:15 PM a trip to the mall maybe?laugh

iceprincess's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:16 PM
LMAO if we did that geek we'd have to start over so you could try and remember where we left off and that just get's annoying after while..........

willy_cents's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:17 PM
would not mind the questions if we could keep them from ripping our toenails out and sticking needles under our fingernailsgrumble grumble grumble

fortsmithman's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:19 PM
When I do find the right lady for me I will answer any question she can come up with be it about anything and everything. The lady deserves to know the truth. There no such thing as a stupid or dumb question, all questions deserve answering.

geektothetenth's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:21 PM

LMAO if we did that geek we'd have to start over so you could try and remember where we left off and that just get's annoying after while..........

Well, you just need to interrogate smarter men then.laugh

wouldee's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:22 PM

wouldee clarify....please......

Dump the questions.


Share things that have happened and are meaningful that give insight into your life and lifestyle.

Try being open and free.....see where it goes.

We love hearing about who you are...who you really are...

not the soap operas, the real lady...the real girl..

use your imaginations. feel it and go with it.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

iceprincess's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:23 PM
OMG willy let a girl do that once and you never shut-up.....LOL

seriously women are social creatures by nature we're inquisitive and we feel a lot of times if we don't know everything about you that we are not connected it's a genetic flaw what can i say...LOL other times it's because we are insecure we feel that for whatever reason your not as in tuned to us as we are to you and we want to know why.......just depends on the ?'s we are asking and sometimes boy's we just do it to dod it becasue we know it annoy's the hell out of you.....paybacks are a BIT**.LOL

iceprincess's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:25 PM
wouldee problem is most of you are the STRONG SILENT type and we feel like we are chattering to empty air and you aren't really listening so we ask ?'s to draw you in try and get a feel on who you i said we are social by design we need some feedback every so often and we won't ? you to death

Jess642's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:26 PM
I am the QUEEN of interrogation!!!

I ask billions of questions.

Do I care?

Should it bother someone else?

What are you thinking?

Is it daytime yet?

Want to go down to the beach?

Get my drift.................................?

laugh laugh laugh laugh

wouldee's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:29 PM

wouldee problem is most of you are the STRONG SILENT type and we feel like we are chattering to empty air and you aren't really listening so we ask ?'s to draw you in try and get a feel on who you i said we are social by design we need some feedback every so often and we won't ? you to death

fair enough.

we're not a wallet.

we do what we do.

we make things happen.

If that's all good....up up and wut i meen?flowerforyou

wouldee's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:30 PM
u lil devilbigsmile

ur questions are a lot different, hun!flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

iceprincess's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:33 PM
sorry wouldee that doesn't answer everything darling.......we want to know what you feel.......what you dream.......what you want now in the future what you wanted in the past.........we want it all and we want you to volunteer it........if you don't we ?. nad sometimes we ? just to ?. Me i'm a chatterbox i'm never silent and can't stand to be'll either talk to me or i'll ? you too death....LOL

Jtevans's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:34 PM

wouldee problem is most of you are the STRONG SILENT type and we feel like we are chattering to empty air and you aren't really listening so we ask ?'s to draw you in try and get a feel on who you i said we are social by design we need some feedback every so often and we won't ? you to death

if we're the strong silent type than why do women bother us with questions.

think about it....

Jess642's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:37 PM
Pffft! Strong silent type, my arse.

It's that no one has ever been interested enough to ask, so no one taught you how to communicate

Grunts dont count

iceprincess's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:37 PM
because we want to know why your the strong silent type what made you that way......we want to figure you out............