Topic: The Homeless, What should be Done...? | |
I repeat my self...
try to see life thru those eyes........ what made them homeless? why do they stay homeless? who helps them? we do if they choose to not help themself, the soul is lost forever............ food for thought.......................M. |
Ontario,It's cool that you helped this guy out..Alot of people treat
those people as if they're some kind of monster when they have the same thoughts and feelings and fears as the rest of us/When I see someone that is homeless,I will give them anywhere from 5 to 20 dollars,but I will also give them the number to DSS as well as a charitable church organization JT And now is the time of the year when God expects us to be helpful(for all you Agnostic,atheistic darkened souls...keep your pants on and just chill) |
But maybe they are broken...if so then they can,t help themselves.
a lot of homeless people LIKE being on the streets i think. Others,
probably most, have a mental problem that could be easily fixed with the proper care. They used to have State Hospitals here in Michigan which had good programs for this kind of situation. Get them sober if needed, analyse them and get them stable, then re-integrate them into society. x pensive though. Alot of the homeless around here have been here since the hosp; closed in the 80s. |
yah. Churches have a lot of help available too. You do have to want help
in order to get it though. |
yup all good points and rambill lol trying to talk smack when we all are
actually being civil isnt gonna win you any brownie points. I was lucky enough to have friends and a good job and kept my wits during a hard part of my life. I will give you one point for effort though lol, nice attempt at a bash. |
it is said...
"God helps those who help themselves"?... if you are "waiting for a hand-out"?,,, "Reach for your God"... "and God will answer to those,also, who truely try to help others, without thought for themselves"...M. when I was a lost one,a DRNUK, a blind man,who lived on th' street, told me these words of thought. then asked me to see this world , through his eyes, *Blink***Blink* I Woke UP,then,did I begin to truely Grow! and start to live my life as Fully as I am able...M. *then called me, "Grass Hopper"* |
I used to be Homeless, and I was that way because I had choosen to be...
It is because I did not have to worrie about bills or anything but feeding myself. I got food everyday from different sites through out the city, when I was dumpster diving, it was NOT for food, it was for cans or bottles that I could turn in for money, for smokes, drugs, or booze. Yes I said it. The homless can get everything that they need to survive for free. When you see some one who is asking for money for "food" give them food. Never give them money. There are free clincs places to stay food resorces(not to mention food stamps). If you want to help them do some research in your community and find out what is available, get it in wrighting or typed and give them the list. You will prob be very suprised. |
here is a little more food for thought, i am sure everyone has seen
somone holding a sign asking for money. They get about $20 an hour. |
Tell it like it is CrazyJ.
I have no reson to sugarcote anything, I will only call it as I see it.
Sure help them out give them food, or a job! DON'T GIVE THEM MONEY. For any reson they can throw at you there is a resorce that they can use, for that reson... Goodwill gives ppl clothes, The Salvation Army gives out food and toothbrushes and other hygiene products, St. Vincent de Paul gives out everything for homless ppl who are getting into housing. And if you really just want to give away your money give it to these orginzations, they are always looking for donations, plus if you get a reciept it can become a tax wright off. |
And what about organizations like Feed the Children. It's only $8.00 a
month. You not only feed them, you cloth them, house them, send them to a doctor and they get to go to school too. And if your giving someone $20.00 on the streets you can sponser 2 children and still have enough for coffee and a cheap burger out. There are many other organizations like this one in need as well. And yes, some right here in the USA. They never see the money directly, but it is used to benifit them only. I have never been truely homeless, but I have had to choose between a bill and different needed things. I have gone without absolutely no groceries in my pantry. It's not a fun feeling. PMS |
Going without absolutely no groceries in the pantry. It's not a fun
feeling. I agree it sucks I feel for you, but there are usaly chruchs with food boxes and other places that will give ppl in your shoes food, just do some research. |
Snacky , thank you for the reply! I was once just like that, I am no
longer! What these people that are homeless need to make a decision about is what they want to do with their lives, I did! I have not been homeless for a long time, because of prayer and I knew I was destined for something better, in other words to give something to somone else. Life is NOT all about me, it's about others and helping them to realize that it is possible to overcome whatever there is to overcome in life. I have been through so much, I am still astonished that I am still here, except for the lord desiring me to be here. I'v died twice! What more can I say! What ever is presented to us in life wheather it be negative or positive, there is always a solution, otherwise it would not be put in our lives. We, as individules have to figure that out, when we are capable too. Some take longer than others, some never become aware of too much. Thank God, he has shared many things with me so that I can make others aware. I am not a know it all, I still have many unanswered questions, but I am open to learning, I am teachable! Green Eyed Lady, I am one of those sincere ones. God Bless! |
REALLY INTRIGUING. "Some" OF YOU 'Truly GET' where a homeless person 'is
coming from'...others of you... well, NUFF SAID. |
Can you be more specific...?
Food pantrys are a big help. But what they give only lasts for a couple
to a few days at the most. Like I said, yes it does help. But what happens to some when they are in need of groceries for say a week or more. And what of those with small children, sometimes there is not much in there they are able to eat. I'm in no way putting down the churches, I go to them myself. But for some, sometimes it's just not enough. In the town I live in those who would normally go with out daily food are fortunate enough that we have a soup kitchen that provides a free hot lunch to anyone who shows up. At one time in my life that was the only meal I had, and that is only Monday thru Friday. Weekends I lived on water. The Salvation Army here does the monthly food baskets and at Christmas also gives Christmas baskets. And they do the Angel Tree for the children who would normally not get a Christmas gift. Also ppl can try their local Aid office, if they don't supply help they usually have a list of places that do. Just some ideas. PMS |
Thank you pantyjamies or is it panty james! What I want to respond to is
that, I appreciate you feeling me. Either you are sick and tired of what is happening in your lifr or your not. It's simple, stay where you are or figure out another solution. If you keep doing the same thing over and over and over again, maybe just maybe try doing somthing didderent, don't be surprizsed if you get different result's. Doimg the samr thing over and over again gives the same results. Common since! Something I just became aware of myself. Like I said, I am not a know it all, I have had to learn from my experiences in life, I am a late bloomer, but at least I bloon at all. Sincerely Just Green Eyes |
Hey Organic and Bad Boy or whatever, I can one up you on your
philanthropic endeavours. I helped feed the Katrina people (28,000 strong) standing in FEMA lines for 9 hours at the Astrodome and Reliant Centers. I noticed some poor old folks picking up cigarette butts to smoke. The next day--Sunday it was- I brought 3 cartons of Malboro Lights and handed them out under the table. I could've started a riot and been kicked out of the volunteer program, but I didn't care. If a man needs a smoke, he needs a smoke. If you're up for a chat later, no dirt,no slurs, no STFU or SUFT or ASHO. I don't even know what that means. If you can handle tough but nice banter, I'll take you on. Love Sushi (AKA Meredith) |
thanks for your service, raw fish. I know you touched some lives with
your kindness. |