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Topic: say somthing to the person you like......... - part 3
Slim gym 's photo
Mon 02/03/20 04:49 PM
Memory is still good!!

no photo
Mon 02/03/20 04:56 PM
Can’t wait to see you and meet a few others!

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 02/03/20 04:58 PM

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Tue 02/04/20 02:55 AM
Allaika babe!

no photo
Tue 02/04/20 03:44 AM
Stephanie Abrams, you’re my girl crush.

sarah's photo
Tue 02/04/20 07:19 AM
I always enjoy your wit

no photo
Tue 02/04/20 07:22 AM
I always enjoy your wit

same here

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/04/20 09:41 AM
There better be an easier way to chat!!!

no photo
Sun 02/16/20 04:15 AM
Thank you for our conversation yesterday

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Sun 02/16/20 04:35 AM
You don't deserve it but Allaika

Slim gym 's photo
Sun 02/16/20 05:22 AM
Life is to short.... where are you now ....??

notbeold's photo
Sun 02/16/20 05:47 AM
Be careful on the roads.

Slim gym 's photo
Sun 02/16/20 02:27 PM
Life is to short but all depends on the gene pool, I am guessing..

no photo
Sun 02/16/20 02:56 PM
I miss you, Argo.

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/18/20 03:06 PM
I like the colour pink on a woman!!!

no photo
Wed 03/04/20 09:07 AM
Let's throw caution to the wind. smooched

Larsi666 😽's photo
Wed 03/04/20 09:12 AM
Feck the laundry. Have a proper rest, please

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 03/04/20 02:23 PM
I would love to have you on my break!!!

no photo
Wed 03/04/20 06:46 PM
Would you prefer I whisper sweet nothings in German or Arabic love love bigsmile

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Thu 03/05/20 04:02 AM

Would you prefer I whisper sweet nothings in German or Arabic love love bigsmile

In Kiwi please love

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