Topic: Why are humans dominant? | |
Humans weren’t the first to dominate the earth. Dinosaurs were.
The Dinosaurs dominated the earth for something like 300 million years. Mankind has only been on the earth for something like 100 thousand years, and has only been 'dominating' the earth in the last couple millennia of that. In fact, it's really only true to say that mankind as genuinely been dominant over the earth in the last few centuries. This is the tiniest blink of an eye compared with the 300 million years that dinosaurs dominated the earth. Rather than asking how we got to be at the top of the food chain this time around, it’s probably better to ask how long will we maintain this position? We could lose our dominion over the earth at any moment, and if that were to happen even within the next thousand millennium (a mere one million years) we would still be but a blink of an eye compared to the reign of the dinosaurs. So I think it’s a little early to ask how we came to hold a position that we haven’t even shown that we can maintain with any integrity. If we were to fall as a species within the next couple of millennium and become extinct. Then some other creatures went on to evolved to our level of consciousness in say another 300 million years. When they look back at the fossil records, the existence of humans would appear as a mere ‘blip’ on the geological record. There might not even be enough remains of our civilization after 300 million years to put together a coherent picture of what we were. In geological timescales we’ve only just been born and for all intents and purposes we’re still attached to mother earth by an umbilical cord. Asking how we have come to have dominion over the earth at this point in the game is a bit premature. ![]() |
But Abra anyway you reason this dominance a creator is at the heart of it. The bible tells us
Job 4:17-18 Can a mortal be more righteous than Elohim? Can a man be more pure than his Maker? 18 If He puts no trust in His servants, If He charges His angels with error, NKJV Now the bible tells us that satan was hear when man was made. Actually satans rebellion and his angels is why man was created. So the bible does not say anything about the earth being around only a few thousand years. Yet in all those million of years all of a sudden man shows up. Writing and reading and being dominant over the earth spicies. When logical speaking a naked man and woman (which we had to figure out some how, how to cloth ourselves) would have a very hard time surving just the elements. Yet we learned all these things in a short time. Science even agrees with that, Right? So what is your opinion how we came on the land scape so quick to dominate without being taught?.. Blessings..Miles |
But Abra anyway you reason this dominance a creator is at the heart of it. The bible tells us
As you well know, to me the Bible is nothing but mythology. You may as well be quoting passages from Greek Mythology as far as I’m concerned. When logical speaking a naked man and woman (which we had to figure out some how, how to cloth ourselves) would have a very hard time surving just the elements.
First off, humans were in our modern form when we first began. If we took a modern day man and woman and tossed them back in time a mere 100,000 years ago they most likely wouldn’t survive very long at all, especially if they were spoiled Americans. ![]() Mankind survived in the same way that monkeys and apes survive. No biggie there. Clothes most likely came to be out of necessity when man explored harsh environments from which he had to protect himself. Even today there are primitive cultures that wear very little or no clothing in climates that permit this kind of lifestyle. Yet we learned all these things in a short time. Science even agrees with that, Right?
Once the mind become self-aware the ability to think abstractly would naturally evolve exponentially. The ability to communicate in more depth and work as a team automatically has the potential to accelerate learning. So what is your opinion how we came on the land scape so quick to dominate without being taught?..
My of my knowledge is self-taught, so I have no problem with that concept at all. Even when I studied things books I always anticipate the next move. I vividly remember this happening constantly when studying electronics. I learned about electronic flow and how it creates a magnetic field. Once I realized that I realized the potential of using magnetic fields to do things with, which was of course, where the chapter was headed. When I learned how coil acted in circuits I immediately realized that they could be used to make an oscillator which would clearly be very useful. Sure enough, that’s where the book was headed. In other words, once a thinking mind gets a seed it can grow new thoughts on it’s own quite rapidly. So I see no reason why anyone would need to ‘teach’ humans anything. Although, I must confess too, that having been a teacher I have met a lot of humans who can’t seem to think clearly even when they are being taught! ![]() So perhaps all humans are not the same. But it only takes a handful of brilliant humans to lift the rest of the tribe to new heights. Just look at computer technology! How many people fully understand how a computer works in every detail? How many people are actually using computers everyday? Clearly, a few brainy people can life up millions! In fact, we see this all throughout history. Of the masses of people, very few have made serious contributions to the advancement of man’s understanding of the world and technology. Yet all the rest of the masses follow along like “monkey see – monkey do”. It only took one wise human to realize that a seed could be planted in the ground in a controlled area to give birth to agriculture. Everyone around that sage would see what he or she was doing and want to become part of that. The next thing you know you have a civilization of farmers. Only one wise person and a bunch of ‘monkey see – monkey do’ I have no problem at all imaging how humans could get to our current level of understanding and technological control. On the contrary, I’m amazed at how many humans fight this progress and would prefer to remain in the dark ages. Even today people are fighting against our understanding of evolution in favor of preserving an idea of creationism based on unsubstantiated mythologies that clearly came from an area where mythology was the norm! When will they wake up? Human kind may have dominion over the earth, but this isn’t due to the masses. This is more due to the few individuals who weren’t afraid to THINK! Most people are DEPENDENTS. They depend on their governments and on commercial enterprises to provide them with food, shelter, utilities, waste remove, medical services, etc, etc, etc. I’m sure this was true throughout all of human history. It was the masses following the lead of a few brainy people that got us where we are today. There’s no need to bring divine intervention into it. Not to imply that there is no creator, but as you probably know from reading my posts, that creator could very easily have just toss the universe out like the roll of dice and we are just one of the numbers that sprang up. To believe that this number was predetermined, or baby-sat by an intervening God is just not required. All the universe was created by God. Humans hold no special place. The Bible was written by humans. Naturally they are going to focus on themselves as being the most important creatures in God’s creation. What else would you expect them to do? I don’t denounce the existence of a ‘god’, but I do denounce the Bible as being the word of God. To me it’s just manmade mythology and nothing more. Human’s were not the specific goal of this universe. Everything in the universe is its goal. Humans are just overly arrogant is all. ![]() |
ok just some simple ones for you, try to keep in mind that evolution takes lots of time. It is small little adoptions over a long, long time. That way they add up to major change. You can only travel a hike of 1000 miles 1 step at a time. 1-naked people - they probably evolved in a warm climate. Maybe like Africa. 2 Weak But Strong- Walking upright allowed us to start using our hands. This allowed us to use tools. Many animals use tools so not that amazing. |
When does science say humans as we know them with dominion and a reasoning thinking brain to evolve in understanding happen Abra? Thanks...Miles
ok thats fine. Gen 1:24-28 24 Then Elohim said, "Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind"; and it was so. 25 And Elohim made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And Elohim saw that it was good. Whoever wrote the 1st pages of the bible had to be pretty smart and logical.. He made sure as soon as he made Huamns that he made them dominant and why.. 26 Then Elohim said,"Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." 27 So Elohim created man in His own image; in the image of Elohim He created him; male and female He created them. 28 Then Elohim blessed them, and Elohim said to them,"Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth." NKJV Subdue it. and In our image. I wonder why the 1st human who learned how to write and read would decide he needed to write "lets make man in OUR image" I wonder why he said that at all. Why start it out like that at all? Why not man killed the sheep and all the animals and they were good to eat? Why did he need to make up a creator?..Blessings...Miles Well first off, it wasn't the first human that learned to write. These were stories told at the camp fires by the nomatic tribes. When man finally created a way to record this, this was one of many tales that were recorded. |
Well how did human learn to write and understand such a complex task amoung primitve mammals? Has an ape ever made up a written language? They have been around a long time....Miles
If your going to point to this ridicules piece of fiction for proof then I will do the same. On Planet Of The Apes They had a written language and all kind of advancements. So yes using your reasoning an ape has created an alphabet |
Edited by
Sun 12/02/07 07:42 PM
We are dominate on earth because we are the ONLY creature on earth (in the physical realm) that can connect with God. No other creature on earth has the ability to connect with God. IMO
When does science say humans as we know them with dominion and a reasoning thinking brain to evolve in understanding happen Abra? Thanks...Miles
I think you simply misunderstand how evolution works. Monkeys and apes, and potentially other species as well, may very well have the capability of waking up to a level of fully self-aware sentience at any moment. Were that to happen, they could gain a high level of consciousness over a very short period of time. It might be best to think of evolution analogous to that of a sunflower. It takes about one week for a sunflower seed to germinate, then it take about 2 months for the plant to grow before it goes into bloom. The actual bloom appears to occur in a day. This is the way it is with human self-awareness. It took millions of years to produce a humanoid-like animal. But once that was accomplished the animal blossomed to it’s full potential rather quickly. It wouldn’t be realistic to think in terms of human evolution starting with what we consider to be our direct ancestors. This is because those ancestors had already evolved from previous hominid-like animals. Each species is not a ‘completely evolution’ unto itself. All species owe their existence to a long line of lesser creatures that came before them. So when you talk about human intellect and self-awareness, you are actually just talking about the blossoming of a species in a long evolutionary chain, not the entire ‘evolution’ of that species. Arguments that revolve around the idea that man evolved “too quickly” have no merit because those kinds of arguments aren’t genuinely addressing the true nature of evolution. They are misguided notions. Physically our brains aren’t all that much different from those of a chimpanzee. In fact, some humans exhibit behavior that suggests that their brains that haven’t quite evolved to the level of a chimpanzee. Anyway, I have no problem with the blossoming of mankind over the time periods given. In fact, in some ways I feel like we could have blossomed much faster. I blame our insistence on believing in ancient mythologies as a big part of what holds us back from achieving real greatness. We continue to do this to this very day. People would rather just believe in a supreme being who has everything all figured out and planned rather than taking control of their own future. Mankind as a whole doesn’t seem to have a goal other than to play Monopoly and worship mammon. So when you suggest that mankind is so highly evolved intellectually, I just shrug my shoulders and ask where your evidence is. I just don’t see mankind as being all that highly evolved, especially with respect to the masses in general. I’ve seen wild animals exhibit more sensible behavior than some humans do. ![]() |
man is only dominant in his own mind. the reality is that man is no match against several species of animal from giant herbavores to microscopic parasites.
sure humanity as a whole has acomplished much, but that doesn't make us dominat. a better question in my mind would be: what sets man apart from other animals? |
And the answer is...............opposible thumbs.
man is only dominant in his own mind. the reality is that man is no match against several species of animal from giant herbavores to microscopic parasites. sure humanity as a whole has acomplished much, but that doesn't make us dominat. a better question in my mind would be: what sets man apart from other animals? i agree with him |
Dinosaurs were not the first species to dominate the earth. There were giant lizards before that and coral reefs & sponges before life left the oceans. Differant species have dominated the planet at differant times. That being said, without question we DO dominate the planet right now, yes there are species which we don't stand a chance against one on one but the fact that we remain on top over those species is testament of what I said earlier in the thread. Take a grizzly bear, you would think would dominate us, but because of our mental capacity still remains below us on the food chain. We have invented tranqualiser guns, net traps, bear traps, electric fences, etc etc etc. Our mental capacity is huge, combine the things we can do & imagine the small percentage of our brains that we actualy use, and the scientific reason for our dominance of the earth becomes very clear;^]
humans are not dominant. ebola virus and flesh eating bacteria are. and prions.
we're NOT dominant. we may THINK we are terribly clever, but we're really not. after we've destroyed our environment and made ourselves extinct, the earth will go on just fine without us. and the "inferior" creatures we've lorded over for centuries with our ability to "think" will go just as they did before we appeared. if there's any left after we f*uck everything up.......
I suppose in the end it comes down to how you define "dominance", in the classic sense of who has the biggest advantage and who is the most advanced, then yes we are clearly dominant. If by numbers alone than microbes, virus', bacteria, etc. have always been dominant. But in the same since that the dinosaurs dominated the jurrasic even though being outnumbered by mammals, we dominate the same today. Eh, to each their own opnion I guess;^]