Topic: Keep you money in you pocket
acbjr22's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:24 AM

the devel is in the percent the rich save and invest a larger percent to make themselves richer this is not taxable under your system. and if i spend 30 k on a car as an average person its usaulay 25% of income over swveral year but if a guy who make 3mil a year spends 300k on a car its a drop in the bucket. and so the tax AFFECTS him less all you realy need to see to prove ma point is the fact that its part of a major republican agenda to know its not gona be good for the lower half.

Its better then the system that we have where the more they spend the dont pay any taxes due to write offs thats why the are so rich now. Mrs. Clition has millions and she hides it by opening a non profit and then gives 5 million to it and the she dont have to pay taxes and she still has the money in her non profit. smart but now wait i see her not paying taxes and me and you paying taxes is ok now but her and the rich paying taxes right beside us is not ok sorry I was so laugh wrong!!!laugh laugh

oldsage's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:24 AM
Misswirght, that would be unfair to the rich.
Common sense says "PEOPLE with mors MONEY; SPEND MORE."
THe big spenders will just pay more.

redman1313's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:27 AM
lol old sage that is so the problem buisness write off need to start beeing eliminated as a whole and irs need to cramp down major on the buisnesses.

oldsage's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:31 AM
RED, I will BET every politician has 1 or more BUSINESSES.
Think they will do something that takes MONEY out of their pocket.
I Bet BUSINESS is the LARGEST campagin contributors.
Try Again.

redman1313's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:33 AM
personaly i think the goverment needs to start taxing buy gross worth of a person therbuy makeing those that have large amounts pay large amounts and those that dont can stop paying altogether but paying taxes on purchaces isnt gona be a solution the rich will simply buy from china or w/e hide there purchaces threw companies and still nevr pay a pennie and the gov't will raise the tax rate witch will hit the middle class untill they get what they need regardless

oldsage's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:38 AM
If they buy out of country,they pay tax on the purchase when they bring it in.
Companies would pay tax on every purchase.
I can make it look like I am broke or make it seem I am rich.
Both way are totally legal under the present tax system.
Suggest you do some research on how the tax system really works.

redman1313's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:39 AM
yep oldsage i know there is no way to get around the fact that buisness owne the gov't no matter who u vote for so my question how do the real ppl ever get a real say when the only voteing choices is 2 people offered to us buy major compeating buisness faction. hopefully a whole gov't revolution will come soo with the whole inet contributer thing going on and one day someone is isnt on a corporate bank roll might actualy get a chance at running things. but wait even if that someone did get elected buy 80% to rule the country we still have to fill the HOUSE and senate with ppl who suport him. can we say not a chance :)

oldsage's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:43 AM
Change govt?
My opinion
2 term limits, break the pork barrel exchange system.
Make it easier for people to get elected, that CARE about the country.

geektothetenth's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:59 AM
I'm not opposed to the fair tax system, I like the idea but the notion that rich people don't pay taxes in this country isn't quite right. The top 1% pay about 35% and the top 50% pay about 97% of the tax burden. OF course the wealthy can play the system a more than someone without that wealth by investing, but then again investing in the business of America is a good thing and if they get a tax break from it, they'll spend money to do that. If there was no tax break from it, it would make investing riskier, less investments means less economic growth. I do like the fair tax idea though.

I don't see how the fair tax would get rid of lead based paint and bring US back into the manufacturing world...that boat I believe has sailed. One of the issues with rampant capitalism is that everyone tries to get goods made for the least amount of money and when chinese workers are willing to work for a fraction of what an american worker is willing to well the result is massive outsourcing. But blame the consumer as well, if people would be willing to spend a little more to buy US goods, the manufacterers wouldn't jump to foreign countries, of course that might mean someone might have to sacrifice a little of their convience and the US majority has decided that a little discomfort is impossible to stomach.

I like fairtax, I like a lot of pipe dreams legalization of MJ, drug addicts getting treatment instead of prison time, harsher jail sentences for violent offenders, no mandatory minimum sentencing, healthcare for everyone, penalties for frivolous litigations, our troops back home.

oldsage's photo
Sun 12/02/07 08:31 AM
This COUNTRY started as a dream.
Dreams can be made to happen, just need to get enough people

acbjr22's photo
Sun 12/02/07 01:36 PM
oldsage Thanks for picking up on my topic I wanted to help as many people as i could to understand the fairtax system. I hope and pray that americas wake up and see where we are heading. We need a change now or people will start loseing their jobs and growth will slow like it is starting to now. Stop the Gov. spending like crazy and get out of our debt and keep this country #1 !!!!!!!

geektothetenth's photo
Sun 12/02/07 01:44 PM
But I don't see how a fairtax system is going to create manufacturing jobs. We've moved from that to a service based industry and we're even outsourcing all of that. Why? Bottom line it saves the company money and increases profits.

If people would just decide to buy american made products even if they were more expensive, or shop at the mom and pop store instead of walmart even if it's a little more expensive those places would thrive. But nobody want's to make the sacrifices cause it'd be inconvienient.

acbjr22's photo
Sun 12/02/07 02:09 PM

Read the fair tax page and you will understand more about it. The bussiness in the US have so many taxes on them and the labor is more. But companys that were in the US dont always want to be out of it they just need the tax breaks other countrys give US bussiness so many tax breaks sometimes they pay none just as long as they bring jobs and money to the country. Look at the BIG BAD OIL COMPANYS of the US they make it out that the make all this money off the gas the gas company only makes about 7 cents a gallon after expences but the Fed. Gov. makes about 54 cents per gallon tell me whos the winner there

seahawks's photo
Sun 12/02/07 02:11 PM
i find evading taxes works best.!! oops ive said to much already.!!! lol

yokoke's photo
Sun 12/02/07 02:21 PM

i find evading taxes works best.!! oops ive said to much already.!!! lol

LOLlaugh laugh

no photo
Sun 12/02/07 02:36 PM
Doubt there's anything such as a "fair tax". Weren't taxes suppose to taken back, years ago, anyway? I'd be suspicious of anything at this point.

andreajayne's photo
Sun 12/02/07 02:48 PM
no politian in their right mind would support such a change. people dont like change no matter if its for the good or bad! just the way people are!

acbjr22's photo
Sun 12/02/07 03:18 PM
The back up system in place if everything went down and the Gov. had to still had to collect taxes is a form of the fairtax it is there and been there its just the best of the two ways and yes there is alot of people and politians supporting it because some are still for the idea the people should have the power and not the Gov. look all you have to do is check out the site and read it over and if you like it write your Rep. and tell them to support the fairtax!!! If not the please voice your opinion and write them and say no. I just want people to stop saying ""oh it just wont or can happen"" make it happen stand up and say it dont just sit there!!!!!!!!!!

acbjr22's photo
Tue 12/04/07 03:53 AM

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 12/04/07 04:10 AM

I dont like that the Illegals pay nothing and our Gov. hands them anything they want. under the fair tax they will pay too.

The government doesn't give illegals anything, no social security, no medicaid, nothing, that's a vicious rumor and holds no truth (applicants for the above by law must provide proof of citisenship or immigration status, an illegal would immediatly be reported).

Cutting the income tax? Sounds like dissaster to me, in a time of great economic debt we need these taxes. We need well kept roads, we need hospitals, we need police, etc etc etc, and sales tax alone will never cover everything;^]