Topic: A better new year ahead🙏
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Thu 12/28/17 07:26 PM
I would like to wish everyone here in the forums a blessed and prosperous new year ahead. May 2018 give us the hope and motivation we all need to make our lives if not the best, better than everdrinker cheers to enduring love and healthy lives!!!!

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Thu 12/28/17 07:28 PM
Cheers to the scammers too... may they change their lives or choose another dating site drinkssmile2:angel:

Stu's photo
Thu 12/28/17 08:15 PM
Happy New Year SS.. flowers

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Thu 12/28/17 08:34 PM
Hope you have a prosperous and loved filled new year too sis flowers

drinker :heart: :angel:

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Thu 12/28/17 10:38 PM
Happy new year Stu and Sis wavingwavingflowersflowers

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Thu 12/28/17 11:10 PM
Happy New Year Scepticalsoulmate, no so Sceptical.

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Fri 12/29/17 02:35 AM
All the best SSM

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Fri 12/29/17 03:30 AM
Happy new year cheeriosoo and joe waving all the best to you guys :angel: