Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 3 | |
Snuggling could definitely interfere with falling asleep.
asleep at the wheel is an out country band
Band of snow is passing through.
through the window sunlight is streaming
Streaming Netflix sounds good for tonight.
tonight karate kid 3 and 4
Four more minutes left of my lunch break.
break is too short
Short breaks are no fun, they should be an hour.
Hour is what we call 60 minutes and there are 24 hours in a day.
Day seems really long when work isn't busy.
Busy is not something I worry about being anymore.
Anymore room for the zoo trip, I'd like to go.
Go and have a wonderful time at the zoo.
Zoo in Denver is said to be a really nice one.
One whole cheesecake is good enough for me.
me will NOT fight you for it
It would be enough for me as well.
It is the most logical thing to do.
well you 2 fight over it then