Topic: RIP Fats...
Stu's photo
Wed 10/25/17 09:07 AM
Fats Domino passed away today at the age of 89... RIP🕇

Stu's photo
Wed 10/25/17 09:22 AM

no photo
Wed 10/25/17 09:28 AM
Heard this on the wireless this afternoon, great influence on the rise of popular music.

Stu's photo
Wed 10/25/17 09:29 AM
God is building one bad arse band....

no photo
Thu 10/26/17 02:20 PM

God is building one bad arse band....

That’s for sure! Lots of good ones who are no longer with us...may they ROCK in peace! :guitar:🥁:microphone::musical_keyboard::notes::notes::musical_note::musical_note: